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I yearn to hear, if he would be elected, how he would mandate our every waking moment by fiat.

The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has shown the way.

Mandatory Use of low-fat milk

A ban on egg yolks for human consumption so egg whites only

Mandatory replacement of white flour in all recipes with whole wheat flour

Banning the internal combustion engine

No purchases of soda (pop) in quantities larger than 32 oz.

Gun ownership restricted to those 99 years and older

Regressively taxing suburban homeowners to incentivize them to move into the cities where they can be controlled more efficiently


Oh, he's full of ideas... and ****.


I was just thinking this stupid race could use another billionaire narcissist.












I think he may be overestimating his appeal outside NY.


I was just thinking this stupid race could use another billionaire narcissist.












I think he may be overestimating his appeal outside NY.

I think it's the opposite. Most people in NY wouldn't support Bloomberg for President, like most here are blown away at Trumps popularity. . But outside NY, all people pay attention to is that Bloomberg is a successful businessman and was a three term mayor.


Are you guys seriously saying you wouldn't take Bloomberg in a nanosecond over Hillary/Bernie/Trump? Or are we still that upset about the soda ban?


I think he'd be light years better than anyone else on the radar.


Are you guys seriously saying you wouldn't take Bloomberg in a nanosecond over Hillary/Bernie/Trump? Or are we still that upset about the soda ban?


I think he'd be light years better than anyone else on the radar.

Not just the soda ban. But of course I'd take him over the the three you mentioned.


Are you guys seriously saying you wouldn't take Bloomberg in a nanosecond over Hillary/Bernie/Trump? Or are we still that upset about the soda ban?


I think he'd be light years better than anyone else on the radar.



I respectfully disagree.


He would be an improvement on Hillary/Bernie/Trump.


But any of the others are better than Bloomberg..............Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Carson, or Fiorina.




"It does not matter which way you vote. Either way your planet is doomed. Doomed. DOOMED!" —Kang




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