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Utica NY is it a fine place to live?


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Connecticut is just another suburb of NYC.

I'm sensing it's that way. The article NG cited is sad really. They invited a lot of folks into CT and then pulled the rug out from under them (big tax on employers before you have a chance to get your house listed for sale).

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Connecticut is just another suburb of NYC.


Just a small portion of it, but that's the portion our wonderful Gov and his cronies rely on to fund all his government labor unions and other giveaways.


We've talked about leaving when the kids graduate HS but I'm not sure it'll make sense to continue owing a house here that long. Once the hedge funds get tired of this crap and go somewhere else, CT will become Kentucky without the music.

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Just a small portion of it, but that's the portion our wonderful Gov and his cronies rely on to fund all his government labor unions and other giveaways.


We've talked about leaving when the kids graduate HS but I'm not sure it'll make sense to continue owing a house here that long. Once the hedge funds get tired of this crap and go somewhere else, CT will become Kentucky without the music.


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Just a small portion of it, but that's the portion our wonderful Gov and his cronies rely on to fund all his government labor unions and other giveaways.


We've talked about leaving when the kids graduate HS but I'm not sure it'll make sense to continue owing a house here that long. Once the hedge funds get tired of this crap and go somewhere else, CT will become Kentucky without the music.


Kind of the same here regarding tech. I've heard rumblings of another RE bubble in SF. But SF is the poster child for boom and bust. It's had a history of it going all the way back to the gold rush.

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Connecticut is a beautiful state with expansive beaches, hiking trails, state forest, and many beautiful New England towns full of charm. Yeah the governor sucks, but so does yours. It is nicely located too- halfway between NYC and Boston, and you can have world class skiing in 3 hours or go sailing or fishing. Every state has it's plus' and minus'- I will look at CT's positives

and how did a Utica thread turn into a CT bashing thread?

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Connecticut is a beautiful state with expansive beaches, hiking trails, state forest, and many beautiful New England towns full of charm. Yeah the governor sucks, but so does yours. It is nicely located too- halfway between NYC and Boston, and you can have world class skiing in 3 hours or go sailing or fishing. Every state has it's plus' and minus'- I will look at CT's positives

and how did a Utica thread turn into a CT bashing thread?

Too much UC??

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Connecticut is a beautiful state with expansive beaches, hiking trails, state forest, and many beautiful New England towns full of charm. Yeah the governor sucks, but so does yours. It is nicely located too- halfway between NYC and Boston, and you can have world class skiing in 3 hours or go sailing or fishing. Every state has it's plus' and minus'- I will look at CT's positives

and how did a Utica thread turn into a CT bashing thread?


I guess it was me...I can't argue with anything you said, but you would have a slightly different POV if you were in an industry that was directly impacted by our stupid governor. It's happened to me not only once, but twice! I actually love my home and lifestyle, lived here 25 years, would love to retire here, just not sure if it makes economic sense.

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I guess it was me...I can't argue with anything you said, but you would have a slightly different POV if you were in an industry that was directly impacted by our stupid governor. It's happened to me not only once, but twice! I actually love my home and lifestyle, lived here 25 years, would love to retire here, just not sure if it makes economic sense.


Pretty much all of this; GE doesn't impact me directly but at some point when Malloy has driven every good employer out of the state it's gonna be hard to sell my house.


Naturally, we'll hear how it's all the fault of the 'top 1%' while the policies of the crowd who now runs this formerly independent minded state continue to do away with good middle class jobs.

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I worked for three months in Hartford as a development intern with an insurance company about 12 years ago.


Worst experience ever. The cost of living was outrageous. There was this snobbery that radiated from the place that I couldn't quite put my finger on until I left; a hybrid of the worst personality traits from Boston and NYC. I also felt like there was very little to do unless you had money, or wanted to make the trek to NYC or Boston. My assigned mentor wouldn't give me the time of day. The company had just gone through a merger and my first meeting on the first day was about layoffs. Needless to say, I didn't return, and I haven't looked back.


To contrast, I interned in Cleveland the next summer. Not exactly known as a popular place to live. However, there was tons to do (Rock and Roll hall of fame, pro football hall of fame, Indians games, Cedar Point, etc), the people were great, job was fun, and everything was dirt cheap. I loved the experience.

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Ok I will refrain from saying why at the moment but I am seriously wondering if Utica is a good place to live or is it the cesspool some suggest it is through the Internet boards? This is a serious question.



Where? CT? I thought CT was Hollywood east? Ya know...rich, famous, big houses, lots of dough.


exactly :D


Just a small portion of it, but that's the portion our wonderful Gov and his cronies rely on to fund all his government labor unions and other giveaways.


We've talked about leaving when the kids graduate HS but I'm not sure it'll make sense to continue owing a house here that long. Once the hedge funds get tired of this crap and go somewhere else, CT will become Kentucky without the music.


white necks? ;)


Pretty much all of this; GE doesn't impact me directly but at some point when Malloy has driven every good employer out of the state it's gonna be hard to sell my house.


Naturally, we'll hear how it's all the fault of the 'top 1%' while the policies of the crowd who now runs this formerly independent minded state continue to do away with good middle class jobs.


the middle class doesn't fit into the peasant plan of big business/government.

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