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Marvin Lewis


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That pacman call was crap. Should have been a sideline penalty on Joey Porter.

You could argue that all you want. The matter of fact is that the players need to know the situation, keep their cool and NOT bite at anything the steelers are doing. Of course they're egging them on, and they fell for it. Marvin Lewis should have taken charge and called him men over to the sideline for the injury timeout

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I think he may be safe just because of the lack of candidates. Only way I see it happening is if they promote Jackson.

this has actually been brought up a few times over the past couple years but not in relation to Lewis getting fired... Apparently Lewis would move into a FO position with Cincy as his next role. I think it's a goal of his. Edited by YoloinOhio
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1:36 left- pitt has all timeouts and cinci up by one. Cinci has ball on the 20ish area of pitt. I would of downed it 3 times, burned clock to 50 seconds , kicked field goal, kicked off and make pitt score a td with 45 seconds left or so. Instead they fumble on a run up the gut. That started the downward spiral. Just plain dumb football.

Yes, this is the fact that I think says the coach has to go....this is exactly what he should have done. In stead, they run the ball....and the rest is history...fumble, and a couple of real bad penalities from Cinci's poster boys for bad attitude....and Cinci is done for the year. they had the game in hand.....and couldn't think to take a knee........game management skill missing.......

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With a lack of discipline being sort of a thing in Cinci and after this embarrassing lack of composure to close out a crucial game; I wonder how hot his seat just got?


There aren't many possible replacements out there, but if he doesn't deliver big next year than he will shirely be ousted...right? No way he's canned this weekend?


edited title for clarity.

Are you out of your mind? Of course he's on the hot seat.


There aren't many possible replacements out there? There are only 32 teams, I'm certain that there are at least 33 people qualified to coach an NFL team.


Put down the moonshine.

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I expect him to be fired today, and with just cause. Burfict should also be released. Imagine the dismay of the fans having no playoff wins in 25 years, lots of recent chances (all losses) and then they get the come from behind lead with a rally by their young backup QB. The fumble sucked, and as some already mentioned should not have happened as coach should have just been burning time to set up the FG. Then, the ultimate in horror shows - the animal on the team that had been left uncontrolled the whole game, causes the penalties to set up the chip shot FG that broke the fans hearts (again). Even my wife said early in the third that number 55 should be benched or he was going to cost them the game due to doing something stupid in the final minutes. You didn't have to be clairvoyant to see it coming.


Lewis lost control of his players, even after being warned in advance not to let it happen. The owner has no choice but to can him.

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I expect him to be fired today, and with just cause. Burfict should also be released. Imagine the dismay of the fans having no playoff wins in 25 years, lots of recent chances (all losses) and then they get the come from behind lead with a rally by their young backup QB. The fumble sucked, and as some already mentioned should not have happened as coach should have just been burning time to set up the FG. Then, the ultimate in horror shows - the animal on the team that had been left uncontrolled the whole game, causes the penalties to set up the chip shot FG that broke the fans hearts (again). Even my wife said early in the third that number 55 should be benched or he was going to cost them the game due to doing something stupid in the final minutes. You didn't have to be clairvoyant to see it coming.


Lewis lost control of his players, even after being warned in advance not to let it happen. The owner has no choice but to can him.

Woe is them :lol: Edited by joesixpack
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...if he is fired, Marrone ... discipline?


Marrone + Hue Jackson + Pettine or Guenther?

unreal? he has wasted and squandered so much talent on that team its amazing! the freaking bengals have shot themselves in the foot so many times with poor play it's not even funny.


it's just too odd that individual performances and choking happens so regularly. dalton had a choke job, burfict, all of them over the years cost their team. at some point you have to question the coach.

What the Patriots are to the Bills, is the Steelers to the Bengals. Steelers and Patriots have franchise QBs and they toy with both these teams season in, season out. That is the 3rd time the Steelers have kicked the Bengals ass in the playoffs recently, starting with the Carson Palmer game.

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I don't get it. I was at a bar with friends during the last two minutes of that game, so I couldn't hear the play by play, but it looked to me like the refs gave Pittsburgh a bogus 15 yard penalty and then followed it with another 15 yard penalty because they weren't happy about having a playoff game stolen. Did I miss something?

The first 15 yard penalty was legit. Burfect leveled Antonio Brown. Burfect should have been ejected along with the flag and will get a significant fine. The next time Cincy plays in Pittsburgh, they might want to assign an extra body guard or two to accompany him around town


The second 15 yarder came during the injury time out. There was lots of talk and tension that could have drawn a flag and offsetting penalties. But the flag was thrown when Pac Man Jones bumped a ref.

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1:36 left- pitt has all timeouts and cinci up by one. Cinci has ball on the 20ish area of pitt. I would of downed it 3 times, burned clock to 50 seconds , kicked field goal, kicked off and make pitt score a td with 45 seconds left or so. Instead they fumble on a run up the gut. That started the downward spiral. Just plain dumb football.


As someone else pointed out---this is why Lewis will never win in the post season. ANd this is why you fire a guy who will never win in the post season.


The first 15 yard penalty was legit. Burfect leveled Antonio Brown. Burfect should have been ejected along with the flag and will get a significant fine. The next time Cincy plays in Pittsburgh, they might want to assign an extra body guard or two to accompany him around town


The second 15 yarder came during the injury time out. There was lots of talk and tension that could have drawn a flag and offsetting penalties. But the flag was thrown when Pac Man Jones bumped a ref.


Before that rock head Pacman bumped/pushed Porter, another Bengal came up behind Porter and shoved him with his chest. Lewis should have had his players off the field immediately. He's just not bright enough himself to see what was coming. He's another blank stare HC.

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Lewis was likely given a muligan because Dalton was out had his team not imploded with idiocy to lose the game. After that performace I dont see how he keeps his job.


McCarron wasn't the problem so whether Dalton missed the game shouldn't have mattered. They had the game won. McCarron threw the go ahead potential game winning touchdown. Then that 2 point conversion? WTF kinda playcall was that?


Lewis has had many opportunities with this team and he's failed miserably.

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He is already on the hot seat in Cincy, has been for a couple years


Amazing he hasn't been fired considering the talent on that roster and they can't win a single playoff game. It's gotten to the point where it has to be mostly mental with that team and coaches. For that reason alone, there should be a change.

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what are you hearing there about the area?


twitter leaks about anything yet? i'm betting he's canned.

the local media - Joe Goodberry is one - thinks they won't make the same mistake with Hue Jackson that they made with Mike Zimmer, letting him go. That they will make Hue the HC and move Lewis into some other role with the organization as he has expressed an interest in doing that at some point. They think Zimmer should be coaching the bengals right now and the only reason Lewis is still there is because Mike Brown is scared of change. Edited by YoloinOhio
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