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I didn't know about this. And, man - was he right. I did not blame Andre for slamming his helmet...........The refs took our passing game away from us.



Nobody seems to remember that. And, I don't think it was mentioned at all in the 30 for 30.



dude I hope you are not being serious with that question.... :wallbash:


Hey, I don't know music good enough to know who the L and the P are in ELO



Playing on a broken leg in the Super Bowl. Now that's a tough guy!

He had also said something about, "The bone wasn't sticking out, why shouldn't I play?"


He talks about it here...


Enduring the playoffs on a broken leg made you a near mythical figure. Was the injury really that painful, or even worse than reported?


"Over the course of years, many have misconstrued it as a slightly cracked bone or a hairline fracture. That was a totally fractured fibula — about four inches above my left ankle —- snapped like a pencil. I knew it wasn't going to heal, so my only issue was, 'Could I play with the pain?' The doctors said I was crazy, but in the Dallas game, I said, 'Let's go see if I can deal with it,' and helped get us to Tampa."


What did you do for the pain?


"Not much. I couldn't take downers because that would've affected the way I'd play. I took two Darvocet and my normal two pots of coffee and some Gatorade. And about three to four miles of tape, with a plastic patch over the break, just in case I got kicked there. I wrapped that bad boy up and went from there. Look, we had the [super Bowl] door slammed in our face four times before the Tampa game. I wanted that win. My concern was not to be a detriment to the team. I would've pulled myself out if I wasn't at 75-80%."


I had to work a Pro Football HOF Event for work a couple years ago. It was in partnership with the United Way and, as such, the heads of the NFL United Way Committee--at the time--were all Bills Brass.


Present at the event were (among many others):




Mary Owen

Jack Youngblood

Warren Moon

Anthony Munoz


Youngblood was talking **** with me. We went back and forth a couple times. I thought it was in good fun. He didn't appreciate my last comment insinuating that he looked like teammate Deacon Jones.


Later that night Deacon Jones died.


Good times?


For motivation when the time is running out and the score is against you, I go with Belushi:

"What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"



Hey, I don't know music good enough to know who the L and the P are in ELO


first, it's ELP, not ELO

second, you digressed from ELP to some arcane reference to Emerson Boozer


the original context of the quote was as follows: ""what you do should speak so loudly that no one can hear what you say." marv levy who was indirectly quoting Emerson."


By "Emerson", Marv was referring to Ralph Waldo Emerson, a classic American poet & essayist. It looks like you missed that one, BBB


The story goes that during a Tonight Show appearance, Arnold Palmer was asked by Johnny Carson if he had any good-luck rituals. The golfer replied, "Yes, my wife kisses my balls." To which Carson supposedly quipped, "I'll bet that flutters your putter."


"God Almighty! Why do we do that??"

Lou Saban


(and has been uttered by me at least twice a season ever since)


"Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train": Charles Barkley

Chuck is not the first or the 10,000th to say that although it's a great quote, usually said as "an oncoming train."


Chuck is, of course, a funny quote machine, although he did say he was misquoted in his autobiography.



first, it's ELP, not ELO

second, you digressed from ELP to some arcane reference to Emerson Boozer


the original context of the quote was as follows: ""what you do should speak so loudly that no one can hear what you say." marv levy who was indirectly quoting Emerson."


By "Emerson", Marv was referring to Ralph Waldo Emerson, a classic American poet & essayist. It looks like you missed that one, BBB


It was 4mer that mentioned Emerson Boozer. I think he meant Matt Snell, though.



It was 4mer that mentioned Emerson Boozer. I think he meant Matt Snell, though.


sorry, I got you and 4mer mixed up


sorry, I got you and 4mer mixed up


in any event, Marv was referring to a quote by a poet, not a player

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