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I'm not paying you to sh-- around all day

KD in CA

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It never ceases to amaze me at how stupid some management decisions are...


That was my first thought too. Seriously, how does that kind of decision get discussed and agreed upon at senior levels of management? Comical.

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Not surprised. At first company I worked at after college the bean counter came up with rule that you could not charge until you got to your desk because some were going to cafeteria and taking breaks before going to work.


Problem is getting to desk required several company required actions like going thru metal detectors and in my case unlocking the cipher lock in my office on third floor. Rules also stated you needed to be "on clock' to deactivate alarms so I'd go to my desk, boot computer, sign in and then go turn off alarm. Every day I'd get call about alarm and I told security by rules I could not deactivate alarms until I was signed in. This continued for a while until employees basically did a lynching of bean counter - they observed him leaving early almost every day but charging full hours in violation of federal contract. The bean counter did not need to deal with the metal detectors, 15 minute walk to office, 10 minute walk from parking lot, etc for he used separate corporate entrance with reserved parking spot next to door. I do not remember if he was fired or transferred but the rule was modified to state time in cafeteria and other non-work areas could not be charged except when they were used for official meetings.

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