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So yeah, he has stage 4 throat cancer.





However, if you Google Chris Mortenson slurred speech and/or stroke, it goes back years. I found stories in 2010 and 2012.


It's supposition, but you have a possible alcoholic who after years of drinking, got cancer in his throat. That's my takeaway. It's like how Oxycontin can cause loss of hearing, oh and look, Rush Limbaugh needed a cochlear implant.

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So yeah, he has stage 4 throat cancer.





However, if you Google Chris Mortenson slurred speech and/or stroke, it goes back years. I found stories in 2010 and 2012.


It's supposition, but you have a possible alcoholic who after years of drinking, got cancer in his throat. That's my takeaway. It's like how Oxycontin can cause loss of hearing, oh and look, Rush Limbaugh needed a cochlear implant.

Dude. They guy is in a fight for his life and you're on here speculating that he's an alcoholic and that's what caused it? C'MON MAN. That just sucks.

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Dude. They guy is in a fight for his life and you're on here speculating that he's an alcoholic and that's what caused it? C'MON MAN. That just sucks.


Decency and the Internet do not always seem to align.


Whether Mort is or isn't an alcoholic, is not relevant at this time. All of us here have been touched by cancer I'm sure. One way or another.


If you don't have anything nice to say...

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So yeah, he has stage 4 throat cancer.





However, if you Google Chris Mortenson slurred speech and/or stroke, it goes back years. I found stories in 2010 and 2012.


It's supposition, but you have a possible alcoholic who after years of drinking, got cancer in his throat. That's my takeaway. It's like how Oxycontin can cause loss of hearing, oh and look, Rush Limbaugh needed a cochlear implant.

The Rush Limbaugh thing was interesting...I used to listen to him on the way home from work. Before all the news broke, you could actually hear his voice changing rapidly as his hearing degenerated. Once the news broke, it became apparent what the cause was.


As for Mort, I hope that there isn't a private addiction angle to go along with the public reports of cancer. It is bad enough that he's dealing with a potentially fatal cancer.

There's reports that scientists are seeing a lot of progress in the fight for a cure. I sure hope so - it's alarming how many people are getting cancer and younger.

I think part of the reason for both the increase in reported incidences and the increased hope for a cure are linked to diagnostic frequency and symptom education. Testing is more precise and people are more likely to talk to their doctor about potential problems. I don't mean to say the problem is not worse. Cancer is always bad. But, I think we may be getting better at getting after it sooner than later.

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Dude. They guy is in a fight for his life and you're on here speculating that he's an alcoholic and that's what caused it? C'MON MAN. That just sucks.

It's stage 4. He's been battling this for some time. Each stage generally is followed by a remission, then onset again in a more advanced stage.

We're doing great things in actually curing some cancers these days. The new immunotherapies work on a lock and key kind of mechanism. If it works for you it's a godsend. If not, the future is pretty bleak.

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There's reports that scientists are seeing a lot of progress in the fight for a cure. I sure hope so - it's alarming how many people are getting cancer and younger.

Laughable. Cures don't make money. Treatment for life does. Is it not strange that these so called "treatments" almost always result in the cancer returning at some point, typically worse than before?


The "cure" starts with what you put in your body everyday and what you do with your body everyday(diet and exercise). There is no way to eliminate cancer, all people have cancerous cells in their body, but they are typically handled by the immune system. All you can do is minimize your risk, which is part genetic but also highly influenced by other things---far more than most people realize. But it's always easier to blame "genetics" than take a good hard look in the mirror.


If you have a 30% base chance genetically to get cancer you can either increase your chance via diet and exercise to say 50% or you can decrease it to maybe 10%. You can't eliminate it, but there are a lot of people who get cancer that didn't need to get it if they simply took care of themselves better for the decades prior. Most cases later in life don't simply appear one day, they've been decades in the making.

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It's stage 4. He's been battling this for some time. Each stage generally is followed by a remission, then onset again in a more advanced stage.

We're doing great things in actually curing some cancers these days. The new immunotherapies work on a lock and key kind of mechanism. If it works for you it's a godsend. If not, the future is pretty bleak.


With regard to stage, not necessarily. Staging in general depends on size of the tumor, lymph node involvement, and local, regional, or distant spread. It can be stage IV at diagnosis.

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To the person who accused Mort of an alcohol problem, that is a real leap. How would you like it if your dad had cancer and the medication he was taking was causing an impediment in his speech? My uncle hS and is commonly thought to be a drunk when strangers meet him, as well as stroke patients, etc.


You can't make those assumptions. Can excessive alcohol lead to some cancers, yes, and not just in the liver. Honestly, i Radio months ago and thought he was impaired. Now we know why.


Please don't just assume a person has an alcohol problem. That is not fair to him or his family. I'm so sorry for him as stage 4 cancer is so serious, and no one deserves that death.


My Prayers Mort!

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To the person who accused Mort of an alcohol problem, that is a real leap. How would you like it if your dad had cancer and the medication he was taking was causing an impediment in his speech? My uncle hS and is commonly thought to be a drunk when strangers meet him, as well as stroke patients, etc.


You can't make those assumptions. Can excessive alcohol lead to some cancers, yes, and not just in the liver. Honestly, i Radio months ago and thought he was impaired. Now we know why.


Please don't just assume a person has an alcohol problem. That is not fair to him or his family. I'm so sorry for him as stage 4 cancer is so serious, and no one deserves that death.


My Prayers Mort!

Good post.

Please do not make assumptions in negative aspect when a person is suffering.

Stage 4 is so serious. There is no reason nor need to define where or why. Just find some compassion for the Man and his Family

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To the person who accused Mort of an alcohol problem, that is a real leap. How would you like it if your dad had cancer and the medication he was taking was causing an impediment in his speech? My uncle hS and is commonly thought to be a drunk when strangers meet him, as well as stroke patients, etc.


You can't make those assumptions. Can excessive alcohol lead to some cancers, yes, and not just in the liver. Honestly, i Radio months ago and thought he was impaired. Now we know why.


Please don't just assume a person has an alcohol problem. That is not fair to him or his family. I'm so sorry for him as stage 4 cancer is so serious, and no one deserves that death.


My Prayers Mort!


I'd like to point out - uncritically - that you're conditioned by your experience with your uncle to a bias towards medication side effects.


For all we know, the poster accusing Mort of having an alcohol problem is conditioned by experience to think of that first.


In other words...no one knows. Speculating on it is a waste. Just let it go.

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