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Wondering what's going on with him? Yesterday he didn't look good - like he'd been up for days; and today he's speech is altered. Hope it's nothing serious.

I think he had a stroke a while back. When he does prepared stuff off the teleprompter, he always looks better. When he adlibs, it doesn't work as well. I looked all over the internet, but I couldn't find anything conclusive re: an illness.

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Yeh i was thinking he was drunk. Hope he is alright. One thing is for sure, he never liked Ralph. I think he knew that Ralph became a meddling owner who was not capable of making the right decisions for his team a la Al Davis and present day Jerry Jones. I give him kudos for not hiding his feelings in hindsight.


He always acted as though Buffalo wasnt a desirable job for the last 15 years and clearly it wasnt hence jauron, gailey, murlarkey, marrone. And yeh yeh i know he was supposedly tight with donahoe but he spoke the truth regardless.

Edited by Estelle Getty
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It could be a disease called Bells Palsy , I might of spelled it wrong ! My boss had it and half his face was swollen ! You think you're having a stroke but it disappears with meds. !

IIRC John David Crow had that. RB for the Cards and Niners back in the day. Won the Heisman for Bear Bryant at Texas A&M. Johnny foosball is not a pimple on his azz.

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Yeh i was thinking he was drunk. Hope he is alright. One thing is for sure, he never liked Ralph. I think he knew that Ralph became a meddling owner who was not capable of making the right decisions for his team a la Al Davis and present day Jerry Jones. I give him kudos for not hiding his feelings in hindsight.


He always acted as though Buffalo wasnt a desirable job for the last 15 years and clearly it wasnt hence jauron, gailey, murlarkey, marrone. And yeh yeh i know he was supposedly tight with donahoe but he spoke the truth regardless.


I have a not to be named ex-Buffalo Bills player as a client. I asked him what it was like playing in Buffalo. He said it was the worst thing ever. Turned him off the NFL. Said someone should not own an NFL team as a hobby. Loved the city and the fans though. :thumbsup:

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I have a not to be named ex-Buffalo Bills player as a client. I asked him what it was like playing in Buffalo. He said it was the worst thing ever. Turned him off the NFL. Said someone should not own an NFL team as a hobby. Loved the city and the fans though. :thumbsup:


Yeah, well you tell Mike Williams that someone shouldn't play left tackle as a hobby, either.

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You'd think he'd have the journalistic integrity to roll up a dollar bill or do the money sign.


Now I'm off to hell for making fun of a potential stroke victim, thx, see you there. Wear a name tag, we can have a beer.

yep off to hell we go.


look for me.


we can B word about the Bills, infinitum. that's hell isn't it?



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