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Right Wing Militants Seize Federal Building!

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here's a word for your debate skills: pathetic. when all else fails...

Actually, Tom does a rather good job with debate, regardless of topic or position.


He seeks to establish framework, and works towards agreed terms. He's logically internally consistent. He bases his arguments on consistent, rather than arbitrary, standards. He doesn't make appeals to emotion, popularity, or authority. He doesn't beg the question, make circular arguments, or engage in special pleading.


You, on the other hand, are the opposite. You never agree to work to establish framework or terms. Your arguments are always compartmentalized, and lack any semblance of logical consistency with other arguments you've made, and are rife with conflicting standards. You're always interjecting emotional appeals, popularity appeals, and your most new found vice is you constant appeals to authority.


Your current argument is nothing more than special pleading: that Senator Cruz must be held to a different linguistic standard than everyone else in the world.


You do this because it suits your agenda, rather than suiting intellectually honest discussion. Your mind is so ghettoized by your biases, that it leaves no room for growth.


It must be so sad to have decided so early in life that you're incapable of leaning another thing, and to be so entrenched where you stand that you lack the ability to move forward.

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so speaketh the chorus.which might well include duplicate voices.


Again, not a con. This goes back to what I brought up earlier: You often make the mistake of assuming because you believe something to be true it must therefor be true. I know it's easier for you to think PPP is only populated by conservatives and you're the token liberal fighting the good fight -- but it just ain't true.

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Actually, Tom does a rather good job with debate, regardless of topic or position.


He seeks to establish framework, and works towards agreed terms. He's logically internally consistent. He bases his arguments on consistent, rather than arbitrary, standards. He doesn't make appeals to emotion, popularity, or authority. He doesn't beg the question, make circular arguments, or engage in special pleading.


You, on the other hand, are the opposite. You never agree to work to establish framework or terms. Your arguments are always compartmentalized, and lack any semblance of logical consistency with other arguments you've made, and are rife with conflicting standards. You're always interjecting emotional appeals, popularity appeals, and your most new found vice is you constant appeals to authority.


Your current argument is nothing more than special pleading: that Senator Cruz must be held to a different linguistic standard than everyone else in the world.


You do this because it suits your agenda, rather than suiting intellectually honest discussion. Your mind is so ghettoized by your biases, that it leaves no room for growth.


It must be so sad to have decided so early in life that you're incapable of leaning another thing, and to be so entrenched where you stand that you lack the ability to move forward.


Not really....he actually doesn't say much

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Not really....he actually doesn't say much


People read my posts in one of two ways: 1) they read the content and ignore the insults, or 2) they read the insults and ignore the content.


It's the people in (2), like you, that think I don't say much. And that's one of the reasons I do it. It conveniently filters the congenital morons out from the useful people. This thread is a case in point: birddog ignored all my substantive arguments, and focused on what he thought were ad hominem attacks. He's an idiot.

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We Need a Conservative Alinsky: The developing Oregon mess shows regular Americans have clay feet running a protest.


By Scott McKay

This week has seen a headache-inducing debacle unfurling in the tiny town of Burns, Oregon, in which a few members of the Bundy family have traveled there from their usual haunts in Nevada, accompanied by a few other colorful characters of Western flavor, and have successfully staged the conquest of a deserted headquarters of a federal bird refuge.


The occupiers of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters branched off from a sizable protest of the “re-sentencing” of Dwight and Steven Hammond, a father and son in a ranching family located south of Burns convicted by a federal court under an anti-terrorism statute.


And social media is aflame with bloodthirsty leftists demanding that the Bundys and their cohort be dealt with in a fashion reminiscent of Ruby Ridge and Waco, concocting cute hashtags like #YallQaeda and #VanillaISIS to display their glee that FINALLY, there are white guys who can kinda-sorta credibly be called terrorists to justify the Obama administration’s seven years of false accusations that the real threat to American security comes from the president’s “bitter clinger” political opponents and other intransigent people of pallor.


The budding standoff at the bird preserve is a perfect example of what not to do, but it’s what more and more frequently comes from the people populating the anti-establishment Right. This is something of a logical extension of the Trump movement; so many are so disgusted with the rapid decline of the country culturally, economically, and politically and so frustrated by a lack of effective means to arrest that decline as to embrace The Donald as he substitutes vague sentiments for actionable policy statements, and now the Bundys are building a following as heroes of a well-justified movement opposing the abuses of the federal Bureau of Land Management despite a demonstrable lack of intelligent means being employed to carry on that fight.


This isn’t a criticism of their motivations, by any means. These are legitimate gripes long overdue for redress. The problem is effectiveness — nothing will be fixed without victory, and this is a year in which victory is crucial in a way it hasn’t been since 1980, if not 1864.


Hopefully, the standoff in Oregon will be resolved without violence. The idea there might be the Waco redux leftist imbeciles like Montel Williams are spoiling for in this case isn’t an attractive one. But what we’ve seen so far does little justice to the underlying cause.


That cause, the plight of the Hammonds, is a noble one — and an urgent one. The antics of the Bundys were aimed at publicizing it, though at this point it’s debatable whether they’re now overshadowing the injustice visited upon their fellow citizens.



The Hammonds reported Monday to serve out their newly increased sentences, when they shouldn’t have served a day. Their case should create maximum blowback against the shocking abuse and affront to the senses this tyrannical federal government commits on a constant basis, and the taxpayer-funded troglodytes responsible up and down the chain ought to be named, shamed, and hounded off the public teat.

But what the Bundy brigade is doing isn’t going to work. They’re just provocative enough to fire up the Left and create demands for their blood, but not enough to actually create the credible threat of making it impossible for Obama’s government to govern. As such, what effect they do produce is likely negative consequences to themselves — perhaps dire ones


And martyrs to the cause of limited government are not what that cause needs. What it needs is the ability to, Saul Alinsky-style, make it impossible for the federal government to carry out the abuses it conjures through nonviolent but highly provocative organized action capturing the public’s imagination and properly casting the Federal conjurers as villains.

If that means giving the Bundys, or somebody just as committed but significantly more capable, a copy of Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, great. But it’s far past the time that the cause was served a lot better by its own activists and the limited-government community was organized at least as well as the rabble on the Left has been by Alinsky’s disciples.




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Again, not a con. This goes back to what I brought up earlier: You often make the mistake of assuming because you believe something to be true it must therefor be true. I know it's easier for you to think PPP is only populated by conservatives and you're the token liberal fighting the good fight -- but it just ain't true.


in Birdogs world, there is Us vs Them. And if you are not one of Birdog's Us, then you are one of Them


Leftist diversity

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Actually, Tom does a rather good job with debate, regardless of topic or position.


He seeks to establish framework, and works towards agreed terms. He's logically internally consistent. He bases his arguments on consistent, rather than arbitrary, standards. He doesn't make appeals to emotion, popularity, or authority. He doesn't beg the question, make circular arguments, or engage in special pleading.


This is the biggest bunch of crap I've ever read on here. You are a total suck up

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