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Posted (edited)

First, your required reading material: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/george-soros-hillary-clinton-emails-barack-obama-217272


Now, think a bit. Now, let's follow the chain of facts:


1. Soros supports Obama over Clinton

2. Obama flushes Soros most of the time

3. Obama is about to leave office/any fool can see he's irrelevant, even Soros

4. Soros tells a person he knows has Clinton's ear his story, and points out how enamored he is with his unfettered access, how good he is about admitting mistakes, then gets all nostalgic and says that things have always been this way with HIllary.

5. CFAP person sends email to Hillary

6. Authors of article uses 2012 New Yorker article to back up email's story as plausible

7. Soros is now an important donor...and all because of...what exactly?


My answer to the thread's question is: you are the biggest idiot, if you don't see what is going on here.


If you do, then obviously there are many candidates for biggest idiot, and no, I'm not an idiot for posting this(beat you to it). I see this clear as day. This is a hilariously bad attempt by Clinton surrogates to stick the phrase "he's been impressed that he can always call/meet with you on an issue of policy...since forever" into your head. Otherwise known as "Hillary is a dilligent public servant, who will always work with anyone, even those who made big mistakes by not supporting her". :lol:


Pause: some might say "But, this lady wrote this email to Clinton because she was trying to curry favor, and kiss ass". I will say "So what? If that's all this is, then why is it newsworthy? You're making my point for me." Don't waste our time: Unpause.


The desired conclusion is: Hillary gets rewarded with big $ and support of "honest broker, mistake admitting(yeah, right)" :lol: Soros...because of the bolded above.


So, who is the biggest idiot here?

1. Soros, for the obvious ploy(or not.He knew what he said to this CFAP lady would get back to Clinton, and pandering or not, Clinton's ego can't help itself, which Soros is counting on.) This guy isn't as smart as he thinks he is, or he is, but couldn't reasonably forsee this email being made public. That's the thing about Bond villians like Soros though, they all have intelligent plans, but, something unforeseen/some detail is missed and the whole thing always crashes. This is what makes a Bond villian a Bond villian. The only thing bigger than their intellect is their ego.

2. Obama for snubbing Soros?(tough sell here. I'd snub Soros too, after I had his $ of course, because he's a F'ing Bond villian.)

3. CFAP lady, for being used so easily by Soros?

4. Hillary, for hiring campaign staff that push idiocy like this to Politico, both of whom expect us to lap it up?

5. Authors of article, who might actually think they are being clever with this story?

6. Or, authors of article, for not seeing that they are being used so easily?

7. gatorman, because no matter how many times we explain it, he still won't get it?


It's up to you, but, please, recognize this...and all the non-Hillary-sense to come...for what it is.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

The biggest idiots are a combination of #5 and #7 - The authors of the article, and Gatorman because he considers them to be 'newsmakers'.


Your 7th grade English teacher?

bzzzt. I never had a 7th grade English teacher.


I tested out of 7th grade English and took 8th grade instead.


And of course, I'm so sure I'm a narcissist for once again telling the truth, that you don't like.

Posted (edited)

bzzzt. I never had a 7th grade English teacher.


I tested out of 7th grade English and took 8th grade instead.


And of course, I'm so sure I'm a narcissist for once again telling the truth, that you don't like.


I have no like or dislike for whether you took 7th grade English or not. I was just pointing out that your OP did not apply the concepts of 7th grade English.....and now you state you never even took it....so I can se why the concepts remained unapplied. I'm glad that is cleared up.



Edited by 4merper4mer
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