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The Bills freeagents, cap casualties, etc.. Who do we bring


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Not sure where you're getting the cap info, but you're way off. Everything I've seen about cap space has been in the $150M-$153M range. Example:



The Bills currently have $5.3M in cap space for this year that they can carry over.


They sit at $154M in cap expenditure for next season. The figures assume Harvin is gone but they'll add the carryover and another $7.5M in space from the inevitable Clay roster bonus restructure. 50 players will be under contract. They'll need to make moves to free up some space though.


The projected Cap space next year will be $154-158 million. The Bills sit around $149 million last checked. I think they have around $10-15 mil of unused space they can carry over. Most of the raises next year eat that space up with existing players on roster.


Big losses in Gilmore, Glenn and Bradham are potentially going to take place. All of them would come at around $10-12mil/yr to franchise tag. The only one really worth keeping for that money is Glenn, we have no replacement and are thin at tackle. We could survive without Gilmore and Bradham. I would like Gilmore resigned if slightly cap friendly next 1-2 years meaning allot of guaranteed upfront money.


There are a few players that could create cap space; Mario Williams 11.5 salary and 4-5mil/yr in cash incentives are on the table. We would eat some prorated guaranteed money over next two years if released in June. They should try a trade but release if necessary. If we truly are a 3-4 offense then I would also part ways with Kyle Williams because you save 3-4 mil in cap space next and 6-7 the following year of a redone contract.


McKelvin had signed a 4 mil/yr contract that has 2 yrs left, just can't see the Bills keeping this. Bills get back 6 mil used for Harvin. Also have to look at saving by releasing Aaron Williams, not his fault but there is a danger keeping him on the team safely wise, neck injuries the worse.


All that said, this should allow Bills to have 20-25 mil to sign their own freeagents and some mid level guys. Signing our own is easier because they would help most likely with salary restraints next two years paying Darieus, Clay and McCoy's front loaded contracts.


We need Glenn, 5-6 yrs at 75 mil with $50mil guaranteed should allow low cap money this year in range of 5-7mil. Need legitimate RT and Incognito signed 2-4yrs with guaranteed money should get this done . That will cost around another 6-7 mil in cap money next year. The only way to sign Gilmore is if his market went down being hurt or he gives the Bills a break. We have to draft smart and sign all restricted freeagents on this team.


I for one would see if there is a market to trade Clay, we paid 16mil for him this year so his future money could be a bargain for some team desperate for a TE. I think we fared well with our TE's and O'Leary looks like the real thing.


Only other huge need is backup QB but there are some options that should be cheap, I am sure Cassell will be available and I expect at least 3-4 other decent choices also. Definitely would draft one 3-4th round.


Edited by BarleyNY
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Alston Jeffrey would be a HUGE acquisition



If he were actually available Alshon Jeffery would be my #1 target.........even over any of our own players.


But he will almost certainly be franchised if not signed before FA.


The Bears were looking to tear it down in early October and Jeffery was rumored to be available in trade.............but then they started to play better.


And their first round pick......Kevin White........had a completely lost season so they would really be hanging themselves out in the wind being stuck with Cutler and nobody for him to throw to.


Josh Gordon is the guy I am intrigued by. He's an all or nothing type......a mirror of Watkins explosiveness, if not better........but a guy on a short leash with a lot of baggage.


I think Cleveland would be nuts to trade his rights after waiting out his suspension, but I think it's actually more likely he is available than Alshon.


And stranger things have happened.......like the Bills enduring thru Marshawn Lynch's many issues for a couple seasons....... and then drafting a RB at the top of round 1 and trading him away for nothing.

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I for one would see if there is a market to trade Clay, we paid 16mil for him this year so his future money could be a bargain for some team desperate for a TE. I think we fared well with our TE's and O'Leary looks like the real thing.



This would be the most stupid decision. Clay was a big part of this offense before he got injured and Roman forgot that he was on the team. Clay is a good player and we saw a big decline in production from that position once Clay was gone. Leary has played one game. Let us not coronate him yet.

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Cordy Glenn shouldn't get a $ over 5yrs-40mil total. He's a middle of the pact Tackle an doesn't deserve elite LT money.

No way u give him 75mil with 50 guarantee like one of the posters said. That's crazy money


You are not getting him at $8million a year. No way. His market value is higher than that. The Bills might end up being grateful for his down year in 2014 and for the news of his kidney removal leaking out - presume the Bills leaked it - because that will hold his value down under the $12m that top third of the league left tackles are now looking for. I still think somewhere between $10-11m a year is where Glenn ends up. If he ends up cheaper than that the Bills have done a nice job.

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Mario dead cap space if cut $7M, Percy $2M hit if cut, still will be very tight for 2016




Yep 2016 is tight. There is enough, however, to re-sign Richie and Glenn so long as they can restructure Clay and extend Gilmore thereby reducing his cap hit for 2016 (which is currently $11m).

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Gilmore is under contract for the 2016 season.....so he won't be a loss. I think they re-sign Glenn...not sure about Bradham but he was very good last year


We picked up Gillmore and Glenn in the same draft so they will both be up. As mentioned by someone earlier, and what Whaley eluded to in his interview, they are not going to make a big splash in free agency, but rather will resign all of the top talented players we have coming up. Glenn, Gilmore, Incognito, and Bradham will probably be a casualty as he was avg at best this year.

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We picked up Gillmore and Glenn in the same draft so they will both be up. As mentioned by someone earlier, and what Whaley eluded to in his interview, they are not going to make a big splash in free agency, but rather will resign all of the top talented players we have coming up. Glenn, Gilmore, Incognito, and Bradham will probably be a casualty as he was avg at best this year.


You get an additional year team option with first round picks. The Bills have taken their option on Gilmore so he is under contract - though at a significant price ($11m) for 2016. It is in our interests to renegotiate to reduce that cap hit next year.

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We picked up Gillmore and Glenn in the same draft so they will both be up. As mentioned by someone earlier, and what Whaley eluded to in his interview, they are not going to make a big splash in free agency, but rather will resign all of the top talented players we have coming up. Glenn, Gilmore, Incognito, and Bradham will probably be a casualty as he was avg at best this year.

Gilmore is signed for 2016.....



Edited by nucci
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We will see a much different team in 2016 & here of a lot of renegotiations head lining the Bills offseason news .


I think Kyle Williams contract will be redone because of age & injuries, Arron Williams i think could be all but done in football period, Leodis will also have to rework his deal, Mario is a given to be used as trade bait with what he has been saying about Rex defensive scheme .


EJ will be another casualty due to his play not his contract but seeing as his contract is fully guaranteed (if i remember correctly) no $ savings there I don't think Richie I will be back either, given Clays out put this year he could be asked to give some $ back or should be asked .


M. Goodwin i believe will be gone due to his injury history, he could be a good player to use as trade bait ! Not sure about Bradham his play has dropped off but that could be scheme specific but a real good rookie could easily take his roster spot & don't think Whaley could wheel & deal for a veteran LB to come to the Bills.


But what do i know i'm just a Bills fan !! :blink:

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My uninformed take:


If we're tight on cap it makes no sense to release EJ, he's about as good as any other back up out there, and he's guaranteed I think


Mario I could see being gone, unless he renegotiates. Which probably means we need to draft a stud DE.


I doubt Kyle renegotiates, he's already not being paid that much* for his skill level, even though he's older. (yes I know this is debatable)


Gilmore is signed in 2016, I think.


We need to retain Glenn and Incognito, imo.


Not really sold on Bradham in Rex's system, but if he's cheaper than a potential replacement, we might retain.


McKelvin is good depth, but expensive. I'd attempt to extend/renegotiate at a cheaper price, if not, cut.


Aaron Williams would be a big cap hit if cut, so he sticks around unless he retires.


We'll end up with some money to play with, but we're definitely not going to be big players this year, unless a trade frees up a lot of money. We were 'all in' for this season, and it fell on it's face. It'll be a few more years before we have space to make the moves necessary to be a contender, or until we get new coaches.

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Oh neat, you can play with the roster here:




Doesn't include rollover money, and the cap is likely inaccurate... but still fun :)

Getting rid of Mario, Carp, Leodis, and A.Williams gets us $20m... but also leaves us with some pretty major holes.


And that's without rollover, an incorrect cap, and no renegotiation of Clay's contract (or Kyle's)


If that tool is at all accurate, things are much more optimistic than I originally thought!

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You are not getting him at $8million a year. No way. His market value is higher than that. The Bills might end up being grateful for his down year in 2014 and for the news of his kidney removal leaking out - presume the Bills leaked it - because that will hold his value down under the $12m that top third of the league left tackles are now looking for. I still think somewhere between $10-11m a year is where Glenn ends up. If he ends up cheaper than that the Bills have done a nice job.


No way we pay Cordy that much 11-13 mil per season. He's not top 12 either more like 18-20 range. He's a solid middle of the pack guy. For 12mil I'm letting him walk and I hope the Bills have enough sense to do this. In my opinion I think he should get a Veldeer type deal which is good money 5yrs-40-45 tops 8-9per. If not have a nice day. It's a good yr for tackles in the Draft I rather go that route

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