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My 10 cents on the game.


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B O R I N G, but a win is a win......


1) For about 3/4 of the game, it looked like a preseason matchup neither team deserved to win.

2) Well, at least the defense didn't make Kellen Moore look like Tom Brady.

3) Where the hell did Mike Gillislee come from? I like this guy. He should have a roster spot here next season.

4) Clock management before halftime was as bad as the play selection on a 3rd and 1 at the 4.

5) TT is our best option at QB for the forseeable future. We can win with him. If he can take that next step in 2016 and stay healthy in the process, he'll be a pro bowl starter (remember I said that!). He's efficient, can make plays with his feet, and with the exception of the 2 picks in 2 weeks, he does protect the football.

6) McKelvin had a pretty good game today. Manny Lawson was fairly solid today as well.

7) Hogan had a bad drop, carp had another missed XP. Both will face heavy competition to remain on the the roster next year. Mario was fairly invisible again. A decision has to be made on what to do with him for next season.

8) I really want to give the defense credit, but were they really that good today, or does the Cowboys offense suck just that bad?

9) The winning formula with this offense is the running game being strong enough to keep TT's passing attempts under 30 per game but don't be shy about taking deep shots to Sammy.

10) Well, next week is the last one. A win will give us a 4-2 record in the division for all it's worth. A sack of Fitz will at least get us an extra Big Mac on Monday while we lament yet again on what could have been. I'm staying loyal though .... GO BILLS!!

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I'm the only one saying it (that I've seen) and I'll get roasted, but I think the pick was more on Hogan. He needed to stop his route which he didn't do and he let the defender get through him for the ball.

Got roasted in the chat today for saying this.....I really thought that Hogan needed to fight for that ball


That said....we are we even using that WR on a fade.....we need a basketball WR in the worst kind of way

Someone has to explain why clock management was bad at the end of the half? They had plenty of time to execute 4 downs without leaving any time for Dallas. I think the idea was not to leave any time for the Cowboys. Am I missing something?

Ill jump in here...I would have liked to see them get 2 shots at the end zone instead of one

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I was watching via CBSSPORTS and reading the tweets from media. One guy wrote:


"Bills are using a College style offensive system"


Pretty embarrassing if you ask me.

Not one effin Sack on this guy called Moore


Maybe next year he'll open things up more.

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Got roasted in the chat today for saying this.....I really thought that Hogan needed to fight for that ball


That said....we are we even using that WR on a fade.....we need a basketball WR in the worst kind of way


Ill jump in here...I would have liked to see them get 2 shots at the end zone instead of one

So they would have had to get a first down to do that, right? I mean that could have happened but people are acting like it was a Kirk Cousins kneel down or Patriots OT coin flip.
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I will probably never understand why an offense in the red zone is huddling with 40 seconds left in the half. The clock management was embarrassing. Roman also infuriates me with some of his play calling. Unfortunately I expect Rex and Roman back next year and not much will change.

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-- No sacks today but the Cowboys do have an excellent offensive line.

-- It's hard to evaluate some of the performances. We were without our two starting CBs and struggled to stop some deep-bench WRs. Against Romo and Dez these guys would have been helpless.

-- The Cowboys have a very good team but screwed up by not keeping a capable backup QB. The collapse this year due almost all to Romo's absences makes it clear how important a good QB is. The Bills haven't had a really good QB since Bledsoe's first year. And they still come close every year. That's a tribute to the team. They've had QB play most years from guys at the level of the Dallas QB today, and usually do a lot better than 4-11. If Taylor can develop a mid-depth passing game, and the Bills defense can figure out what Ryan is talking about (or even better, what Ryan's replacement is saying), there's a bright future if they can get those things done before Shady gets old.

-- I am fine with Taylor attempting a limited number of passes. He hasn't had his primary targets in place most of the year -- Harvin disappeared, then Clay and Woods, and Hogan is turning out to not be a keeper. Too bad, I thought he might turn out like Edelman. Good job by Watkins getting open with no other real threats for receivers.

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I'm the only one saying it (that I've seen) and I'll get roasted, but I think the pick was more on Hogan. He needed to stop his route which he didn't do and he let the defender get through him for the ball.

It's a fade route. Hogan ran it, Tyrod threw it late (which he has a habit of doing). It was a poor pass.
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I'm the only one saying it (that I've seen) and I'll get roasted, but I think the pick was more on Hogan. He needed to stop his route which he didn't do and he let the defender get through him for the ball.

I dont see you getting roasted. I do know i was like this is going to Watkins. And when he snapped it and looked right at Hogan, iwas like ok he is looking pff the defense. When he threw it, i almost lost my kool-aid. Could hogan have broken the play up? Yes. But that was a pass that never should have been thrown

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I will probably never understand why an offense in the red zone is huddling with 40 seconds left in the half. The clock management was embarrassing. Roman also infuriates me with some of his play calling. Unfortunately I expect Rex and Roman back next year and not much will change.

Again, explain why this was a problem. It was 3rd down when the INT was thrown. If it was inc, there was time for a FG. Edited by PromoTheRobot
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