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New Years Resolution


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This year my resolution will be- no matter what PR stunt comes out of OBD I will not drink the Kool Aid. I will expect to have a losing season and be pleasantly surprised if we dont and make the post season season. Whats yours?


PS- I hated the Rex hire but still thought we had enough horses to make the playoffs so I indeed drank it this year- AGAIN

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I will continue chugging the kool-aid, cheering my brains out, no matter what! For me, its either that, or quit watching football altogether (like 1995 through 2008) That's the kinda guy I am. All or nothing!!!

Now thats dedication! I applaud you but I just cant go that route. I will just be quiet in the background waiting for the losses to pile up once again.

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I will just be quiet in the background waiting for the losses to pile up once again.

Snarky I know, but can you really "be quiet in the background"? I mean, how many threads are you going to start and post in to say the same thing over and over? We get it already.

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