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Interesting Christmas story


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Tiny little pieces of human dignity like that of these two little children are unnoticed every day. They are lost in the clutter of things much less important. It is a blessing that a flimsy piece of paper for two can last 100 years to remind us. I wonder if this simple dignity is less frequent today than it was then or if it is simply still unnoticed. I pray it is the latter.

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“Dear Santa Claus: I am very glad that you are coming around tonight,” it reads, the paper partially charred. “My little brother would like you to bring him a wagon which I know you cannot afford. I will ask you to bring him whatever you think best. Please bring me something nice what you think best.”

She signed it Mary McGann and added, “P.S. Please do not forget the poor.”

What Christmas is all about. Not the commercialism, run over your fellow man for a toaster, spoiling kids with hundreds of dollars worth of gifts, etc

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