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So in this magical world where the fans get to TAKE CONTROL AND FIRE REX, what happens next year under another brand new coach and system and we finish around 7-9 and out of the playoffs again? Will the CAPS LOCK CREW be preaching patience? Or will it be a BRAND NEW COACH EVERY YEAR UNTIL WE WIN THE SUPERBOWL DAGNABBIT?


The problem with posts like this is that you give no specific reasons why Ryan should be retained as a coach. Implying that cutting him loose will lead to more of the same is not a reason to keep a head coach who seems to have undermined a team rather than moved it to its potential.


"The Bills keep changing coaches so let's stick with this one, even though almost all objective evidence indicates he has failed and will continue to do so" does not seem like a logical reason to stay the course.

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To play devils advocate. If Ryan is really as bad as people say, shouldn't we keep him so we can get a shot at a top 5 QB?!

I want to understand this logic. Did you want a top 5 QB in one draft? Considering there is rarely one decent QB in a draft, is this a good thing? And if you meant Top 5 in the league, how do you know one will be there?
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The problem with posts like this is that you give no specific reasons why Ryan should be retained as a coach. Implying that cutting him loose will lead to more of the same is not a reason to keep a head coach who seems to have undermined a team rather than moved it to its potential.


"The Bills keep changing coaches so let's stick with this one, even though almost all objective evidence indicates he has failed and will continue to do so" does not seem like a logical reason to stay the course.

Then after Rex is canned, what coach-in-waiting out there will get us to the promised land? See? My side isn't the only one not offering solutions.


And if the burn-it-all-to-the-ground crowd is so confident, after 11 months, that hiring Rex was a f*ck-up of such monumental proportions with NO way out, what gives you any confidence the same search committee (Pegula, Brandon, et al) will get it right the second time around?


Look, I'm annoyed as hell about this season too. But we've got new owners, a new coaching staff, and a lot of legacy front-office people left over. I don't pretend to know how to fix all this, I'm just willing to give it at least a couple of seasons to play out.


You, me, most people on this board have had to endure 16 years of futility. Terry Pegula hasn't. Doug Whaley hasn't. And Rex Ryan hasn't. Russ Brandon has, I guess, but he was pretty junior 15 years ago. Your patience is at an end, I get it. I'm just willing to give it a little more time.

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I think we're still about $1.4 billion short...


Sad but true... If the Jets kick the hell out of the Bills this week, there is a chance that not many season tickets will be renewed in 2016 perhaps forcing Pegs hand.


If the Bills win and they make a few notable moves then Rex will get his Mulligan and we reluctantly begin to buy in. Season tickets will be slightly down and if there is a repeat of this year, by November December there will be a lot of empty seats which should prompt Rex out the door.

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I think the Pegula's will do just fine in time. Great things are ahead, but it's not going to be super fast or easy. The Rex hiring was questionable, but things will work out. The owners hands will not be forced by fan reaction. I'm trusting that reason and logic will win the day! So..... Super Bowl next year!!!

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Sad but true... If the Jets kick the hell out of the Bills this week, there is a chance that not many season tickets will be renewed in 2016 perhaps forcing Pegs hand.


If the Bills win and they make a few notable moves then Rex will get his Mulligan and we reluctantly begin to buy in. Season tickets will be slightly down and if there is a repeat of this year, by November December there will be a lot of empty seats which should prompt Rex out the door.

Rex already had his Mulligan, and he sucked. That's why he was cut.

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Rex already had his Mulligan, and he sucked. That's why he was cut.


Sucky thing is that Rex did get the Mulligan and so did Whaley. Will Thurman be the sacrificial lamb? Maybe, but my bet is that they are blaming this on the players and we get the roster re-shuffle. My expectations for 2016 hit a record low. Unless Retro-Football comes back, we are the dinosaurs of the AFC and our record will reflect it.

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