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Before the season, EJ had only started 14 games, but it was OK to write him off. Rex has been here for 14 games, but we have to keep him. Rex has looked worse as a head coach than EJ did as a starting QB, so what's the difference? Why do we have to keep Rex, but EJ gets thrown on the scrap heap?

Because that's the same thing? Seriously, THAT is your argument?

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There is no point of keeping Rex if you say "keep your hands off the defense"... that is all he knows.


He doesn't do anything better than other coaches so there really is no point in keeping him. I'd rather bring in a coach who hires a defensive and offensive coordinator to run each side of the ball while my coach just coaches the team and focuses on details and adjustments.

Best post so far.


Rex made a conscious decision to put himself and his scheme above what he knew his players did well last year, and that arrogance cost us one full football season. Why give him more rope?


I like the idea of Pegula hiring a czar, then let the czar decide on his next coach. If possible, I hope we keep Whaley to run the scouting and pro personnel operations, but not allow him to be final decision maker over personnel or the draft.

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The knee jerk reactions was buying into Rex's BS in the first place. Bad call by Pegulaville. The sooner corrected the better.

From what I read, Pegula gave Ryan a 5 year 27.5 million dollar contract, all of the money guaranteed. Is Terry Pegula willing to piss away all that money and fire a coach after one season? And who would the Bills (hopefully Pegula will wise up and not !@#$ it up by doing the hiring himself next time) hire to replace him?


Me thinks we will be seeing Rex on the Bills sideline for a few more seasons, for better or for worse. But at least they will be in Buffalo.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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From what I read, Pegula gave Ryan a 5 year 27.5 million dollar contract, all of the money guaranteed. Is Terry Pegula willing to piss away all that money and fire a coach after one season? And who would the Bills (hopefully Pegula will wise up and not !@#$ it up by doing the hiring himself next time) hire to replace him?


Me thinks we will be seeing Rex on the Bills sideline for a few more seasons, for better or for worse. But at least they will be in Buffalo.


Sad but probably true. I hate the thought of the 2016 Bills with Rex at the helm. I see suffering through a 5-11 year, getting the 5-6th pick and not getting a qb or game changer.

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So in this magical world where the fans get to TAKE CONTROL AND FIRE REX, what happens next year under another brand new coach and system and we finish around 7-9 and out of the playoffs again? Will the CAPS LOCK CREW be preaching patience? Or will it be a BRAND NEW COACH EVERY YEAR UNTIL WE WIN THE SUPERBOWL DAGNABBIT?

It does not have to be one or the other. That is lawyer stuff that doesn't equate to grey areas. Life is in the grey area.

Completely disagree. Yes stability is something to be desired, but I at least want to see something out of Rex Ryan that indicates that he is capable of preparing a football team to win an NFL game. So far, I have seen absolutely nothing.

Agreed. He is not capable of being an NFL coach 16 times a year. Maybe 4....he blows!!
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Fans need to separate their emotions from it a little bit. No team is going to be successful changing coaches every few years. Like it or not, the best option is to stay the course with Rex.


On the one hand, the Coaching Carousel does create an atmosphere of Dysfunction Junction.


On the other hand, there's this:



Actually, a stadium full of these signs and fans chanting it would be pretty cool.

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Rex needs to be hands off with this defense..as a HC he needs to spend his time managing the entire team and not just implimenting his defensive plan


Get a DC who can handle doing the job by himself



Agreed! That is about the only thing Marrone got right! The HC needs to run the whole ship and manage his coaches. Time management on a daily basis with the entire coaching staff and team is imperative 365 days a year. Rex isn't close at all.

The knee jerk reactions was buying into Rex's BS in the first place. Bad call by Pegulaville. The sooner corrected the better.


There is no point of keeping Rex if you say "keep your hands off the defense"... that is all he knows.


He doesn't do anything better than other coaches so there really is no point in keeping him. I'd rather bring in a coach who hires a defensive and offensive coordinator to run each side of the ball while my coach just coaches the team and focuses on details and adjustments.

Yep and yep !! Agree!!
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Marrone left on his own. Rex was the best coach available. Rex isn't getting it done.


Give Wade one more shot as head coach and bring Schwartz back as DC. Mario likes both of them and that might be enough to sway him to stay.


Mario doesn't need to be "swayed to stay". He is under contract. It's up to the Bills to decide if he's worth it or not.


I don't agree that Rex was the "best coach available". In fact, the record of several other teams who hired HCs last year would suggest that he was not.

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Awww...that's cute. You think we have a say. You're special, go have a cookie.


It's like 84-85 never even existed.

are you being optimistic in saying this?


seriously, what the hell... i expect better than this from you.

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BillsRdue. Hey idiot tell me which season tickets you have so I can buy them. We need to start keeping you idiots at home and away from the games so us real fans can enjoy the games. Please sell today, sell,sell,sell.


Enjoy the losses wankwad. I enjoy the games because I enjoy the company I am with, not the product on the field. I don't like losing, I don't tolerate consistent losing in my life. The only losing I put up with is the Bills, because I had the fortunate circumstance to be born a Buffalonian so it runs in the blood.


Over forty years of heartfelt and wallet felt enthusiasm are starting to wane. This team was finally headed in the right direction and Rex reversed the ship. He had the talent on both sides of the ball and his coaching cost us 3-4 games.


This was an 9-5 team that got lost because of Rex. Tell me we are not better than the Jets. We smacked them down and should have had the consistency to become a playoff team. Rex is the head coach, which means he is the leader on which the axe or crown fall.


A 6-8 team wears no crown but loser. Maybe you have one you got a burger king with that whopper that clogged your poop shoot. Now you're so knee deep in Buffalo chips that you can't cash in at Niagara Casino.

Edited by BillsRdue
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Enjoy the losses wankwad. I enjoy the games because I enjoy the company I am with, not the product on the field. I don't like losing, I don't tolerate consistent losing in my life. The only losing I put up with is the Bills, because I had the fortunate circumstance to be born a Buffalonian so it runs in the blood.


Over forty years of heartfelt and wallet felt enthusiasm are starting to wane. This team was finally headed in the right direction and Rex reversed the ship. He had the talent on both sides of the ball and his coaching cost us 3-4 games.


This was an 9-5 team that got lost because of Rex. Tell me we are not better than the Jets. We smacked them down and should have had the consistency to become a playoff team. Rex is the head coach, which means he is the leader on which the axe or crown fall.


A 6-8 team wears no crown but loser. Maybe you have one you got a burger king with that whopper that clogged your poop shoot. Now you're so knee deep in Buffalo chips that you can't cash in at Niagara Casino.

Classic stuff right there!

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Hiring isn't a science, it's an art. Therefore, hiring the wrong person isn't a mistake; but it quickly becomes a mistake if the boss does nothing after realizing the wrong person was hired. Rex has to go now before he becomes even more of a mistake and an embarrassment.

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ordinarily, i'd agree.. but Rex took something that was working good Great.. and made it worse Horrible, not better. so, i don't think it's unfair to question whether it will get even worse... or whether it's worth the wait for Rex to get us back to 'good'..


maybe if Rex explained what he was trying to accomplish, and where things broke down, we'd be able to regain our confidence in him. but we won't hear that. i don't even know if Pegula will hear that.. or if he wants to know.


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Awww...that's cute. You think we have a say. You're special, go have a cookie.


It's like 84-85 never even existed.

LOL now that was funny!!!

are you being optimistic in saying this?


seriously, what the hell... i expect better than this from you.

I think hes saying people havent felt the real pain until you endured bullough and stevenson- am I right? Cuz I went through that fiascal- lean times!

Because that's the same thing? Seriously, THAT is your argument?

Moneys the difference

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A 6-8 team wears no crown but loser. Maybe you have one you got a burger king with that whopper that clogged your poop shoot. Now you're so knee deep in Buffalo chips that you can't cash in at Niagara Casino.

This says it all, gang.... Edited by Captain_Quint
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