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My 10 cents on whatever the hell that was....


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This one was too painful to watch all the way through :bag:


1) This spot is reserved for ....... Penalties penalties and WTF is up with the pre snap and encroachment penalties?

2) This was without a doubt THE most pathetic defensive performance we've seen in years against a team they were suppsed to beat. Couldn't stop a kid on a tricycle with no tires!

3) What we have here is a combination of a very good defense that is not suited for Rex's system, and a coach who is incapable of adapting his system to the get the most out of the personnel he has.

4) Welcome back Karlos. Needed you in there on the last drive of the first half.

5) I like Mike Gillislee. The #3 back position should be his next season.

6) Some of those gadget plays would work with better execution

7) EJ at QB + TT at WR = running play every time. They're not about to let him throw.

8) We'll have to decide on taking an o-lineman or linebacker with our first pick in the draft. We have to upgrade both positions

9) 1st and goal from the 5 just before the half, 4 shots, 0 points with the talent we have. UNACCEPTABLE!!

10) Ummmmm DW, nevermind Roman right now, Rex (no dicipline) and Dennis (no defense) are the bigger problem. Address that FIRST!! This was a championship caliber defense dismantled from within right before our eyes. The offense has improved to the point where 11-5 was realistic if the coaches weren't so hell bent on fixing what wasn't broke. I'm not a big supporter of one and done for a new coaching staff, but in this case, the game has caught up to Rex and is passing him by. He's not the right coach for what we have right now. Who would you like to see coaching next year?


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This one was too painful to watch all the way through :bag:



3) What we have here is a combination of a very good defense that is not suited for Rex's system, and a coach who is incapable of adapting his system to the get the most out of the personnel he has.


9) 1st and goal from the 5 just before the half, 4 shots, 0 points with the talent we have. UNACCEPTABLE!!




There is no good defense here...Average players....Four to Five starters in Darby, Dareus, Hughes, Williams. Our LBs are the worst in the league. I cringe every time our DBs make a tackle on a running play.


That was the most unimaginative play calling at the less-than-one-yard line. Not even a naked boot leg!!!! Or where was Karlos...

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Rex is an incompetent, ignorant, and self centered human being. His ego has ruined this defense. Has not adapted once all year. He literally just had to walk into OBD on day one, sit with the defense, and say "Let me see your playbook. This is what we're doing." and we likely would be in the playoffs, no question. He tried to implement his dumbass scheme and his cutesy little plays like dropping Mario into coverage while blitzing Robey and has essentially created the league's worst defense. Our pass rush was one of the best last year, our LB's weren't half bad, and our DB's were pretty good. Now this year, we had the same D line, the same LB's and better DB's with the addition of Darby. This SHOULD mean a better defense. But no, Rex implements a scheme that makes no sense and misuses our players. Recipe for failure.

my thoughts exactly. I really, really, really hated the Rex hiring and hate it even more now. I called for his head in the pre-season and was told to relax, he'd get it together. ... Yeah, right. Rex and Thurman ruined this team... It is inexcusable.

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my thoughts exactly. I really, really, really hated the Rex hiring and hate it even more now. I called for his head in the pre-season and was told to relax, he'd get it together. ... Yeah, right. Rex and Thurman ruined this team... It is inexcusable.

And don't forget retaining Crossman as the ST coach. This guy sucked in Detroit....They could have easily found a better ST Coach. The worst was that yesterday, the Kick off was not even reaching the end zone...I thought that is why they had a specialist kicker.

Edited by ganesh
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