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I guess I'll do it this week.


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 54m54 minutes ago

Rex Ryan: "I thought we had a great week of practice. ... We did a poor job of executing."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 53m53 minutes ago

Ryan: "As bad as it was -- and it doesn't get much worse than this -- but it's not a lack of effort."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 52m52 minutes ago

Ryan says there "could be drastic changes." Said he told the players, too. ... Shoots down report of discontent between GM/coaches.


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 50m50 minutes ago

Ryan: "Any time you don't reach your expectations, you've got to look deep. ... Everything has to be looked at."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 49m49 minutes ago

Ryan: "There's a good nucleus here. I thought we'd be good enough to make a playoff run. ... I feel personally responsible."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 30m30 minutes ago

A frustrated Mario Williams spoke. On report that some in building didn't believe he was sick, he says he didn't know team had "insurgents."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 29m29 minutes ago

Williams on if he would take pay cut to stay: "If this is the turnout... how does that even sound right?"


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 4m4 minutes ago

Sammy Watkins: "If you're not going to do your job, cut him. It needs to be a business. We need some nasty coaches."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 4m4 minutes ago

More Watkins: "If they're not doing their job, get them out of here. If I'm not doing my job, step to me, get me out of here."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 2m2 minutes ago

Mario on Rex's "changes" comment: "Of course there's going to be changes. That's obvious. You just wait and see if your number's called."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 51s51 seconds ago

Mario: "Are we going to have insurgents around? How old are we around here? I guess there's a bunch of younger people I didn't realize."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 30s31 seconds ago

Mario criticized the #Bills subbing to match personnel: "If you're a bully on the field you don't let anything else dictate what you do."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 19s20 seconds ago

Mario: "We're trying to switch men as they're coming out of the huddle. That's happened a few times in 10 years with me. A few times."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 42s43 seconds ago

So does Mario even want to be in Buffalo next year? "I want to go wherever we can go and win. And I know we can win here. That's 100."


Tyler Dunne @TyDunne 44s44 seconds ago

More Mario on next year: "Now, me personally, if I don't fit in the scheme, if it's just me and it's obvious it's just me, then so be it."

Edited by FireChan
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Thanks Fire! I was looking around to see if anyone did this. Dunne does a good job.


The comments are honestly not surprising. I like that Watkins is speaking up; it is up to the organization to get the "right" players; you would never see players like that in NE (I feel dirty and like I need to take a bath in acid now that I said that).


From Mario sounds like a guy who definitely wants out. He signed on for a ton of $$ but for a defensive system he was comfortable with. People can call him a whiner all they want. It is no different than you working your tail and being successful in your job and your boss is let go. The new guy comes in and wants you to do thing the exact opposite you are comfortable with and possibly less skilled in. It is a little different for players than most people in the workforce (lack of HOF), so they have an added interest in worrying about their stats...


This really shows that the organization is clearly a disconnected mess. Whaley and co. may have been bringing in good players, but not focused on getting the right guys to build the right culture; that's a problem. Rex and coaching, I think we have beaten that horse to death more than 10000x

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Sammy? Calling out the coaches?

no I think he was responding to a question where he was asked about the "big changes" referenced by Rex. He was saying it was ok by him if players who weren't doing their jobs got cut because it's a business and you need those kinds of coaches who will do that.
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Sounds to me that it's just Sammy ranting on a question that the media asked. A general answer, but people will apply it to specific people. Anyways, he is correct.

he applied it to himself as well, basically supporting whatever changes need to be made to get over the hump Edited by YoloinOhio
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