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Slightly unrelated, but this is a decent place for it...


I noticed Rex mentioned twice in his weekly press conference that he felt Incognito was a shoe in for the pro bowl. Did that bug anyone else? Why does even care at all about the pro bowl. Not what I want to hear from our coach the week he was essentially eliminated from the playoffs.


makes a good point on Glenn the guy is solid, week in week out- now hang onto him

he seems to want to be here just based on his Twitter. He's always RTing fans who are telling him to re-sign and is all involved in local charities and tweeting about being excited it finally snowed I realize that means nothing... but it's better than him never saying anything about Buffalo.

darby will get snubbed, should be ROY or DROY or whatever they're doing these days. won't get it, but deserves it.

he deserves pro bowl, for sure


incognito will get snubbed due to politics.


glenn will be snubbed.


dareus and all defensive players will be snubbed, though, gilmore could make it.


with so many qb's playing poorly taylor could make it.

- tom brady, flam flewton, drew brees, russell wilson are shoe inn's

other than them, i'm not sure who else deserves it and with the new voting rules who knows.

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