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LAMP and PSA - RIP to a great Bills fan and person


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Over two years ago my cousin was hit by a car while riding his bike. The driver was texting while driving.


He suffered traumatic brain injuries, which left him unable to communicate, respond, or control his body for the last two plus years.


What made his situation all the more heartbreaking was that he was a world class athlete and an even better person.


He died this week due to complications from his injuries, and was laid to rest yesterday. Please take a moment to read this article on him in the Buffalo News




This bio is a partial list of some of his accomplishments (only goes to 2008) which will give you a sense of some of what he achieved (while working as an engineer for the Navy BTW).




Scott was a legend in the adventure sport community - and great Buffalo sports fan. He was known to wear his Bills headband during many international events.



PLEASE do not text and drive - and please preach to loved ones not to do so. All it takes is a second to destroy a life. I can guarantee that if you knew Scott before he was mowed down, then saw the physical tragedy that followed, the thought of texting while driving would not even enter your consciousness.


RIP Scotty P

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Sorry to hear.Quite a fellow by the the account of the article. I am sure he will be missed by all of his friends and family.


I used to text and drive quite a bit...till my kid got close to driving age and i realized they were going to copy me. Been about a year now.

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I am sorry, but how does this lady only get a $250 fine for something like that?


My condolences; very tragic.

You can't imagine the depths of how messed up this whole ordeal was



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Any inclination to sue this lady? Your cousin's estate could sue for wrongful death/negligence.

It's a long story. She had no money (and I believe no insurance), and the emotional and financial distress my aunt and uncle were dealing with wasn't exactly conducive to hiring lawyers and trying to squeeze water out of a stone. Ultimately I think they were more focused on just trying to be there for the care of their son (esp after the medical bills burned through every penny my cousin had to his name)

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Horrible. She should at least have her drivers license taken away, or suspended for several years. Or plenty of jail time. Anything else.


Sorry about the tragic outcome.

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