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New Orleans To Remove Excremental Rebel Monuments


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You sound scared.


Of leftist lunacy? Yes I am. Why? Because they're enabled by the likes of that globalist scumbag Soros and the twats in the media. Upheld as heroes on par with American soldiers that stormed the beaches at Normandy.


You would be too, if you weren't a sheep.

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Of leftist lunacy? Yes I am. Why? Because they're enabled by the likes of that globalist scumbag Soros and the twats in the media. Upheld as heroes on par with American soldiers that stormed the beaches at Normandy.


You would be too, if you weren't a sheep.

I not going to call names. I'll leave that to you. I'm comfortable knowing I'm standing up for what is right. You do you. I'll do me.

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Doubt it.


Do you think our history of chattel slavery, genocidal western expansion, and apartheid is a history worth celebrating?


It's ok to be proud to be an American and also admit that our history of oppression and genocide is real.


Nothing wrong with identifying a mistake and working to improve.

Give me your thoughts on the Egyptian Pyramids.

Agreed, But you don't glorify it.


Did I miss the part where they burned all the books about the Civil War while taking down the symbols of oppression?


It's not like the statues are the only way to tell the story.

Let some people glorify it let other look at it as a reminder of what the world (yes slavery was a worldwide practice) was like.

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The National Anthem was written by a slave owner. When are we changing that?

To quote my man George Carlin, we are the only country that mentions rockets and bombs right there in our national propaganda song!

Give me your thoughts on the Egyptian Pyramids.

Were the pyramids built to honor traitors and seditionists?

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Doubt it.


Do you think our history of chattel slavery, genocidal western expansion, and apartheid is a history worth celebrating?


It's ok to be proud to be an American and also admit that our history of oppression and genocide is real.


Nothing wrong with identifying a mistake and working to improve.

I think those things are the reality of the history of humanity.


Humans, as we know them, have been on Earth for some 200,000 years (6 million years if you want to include our ancestors). We've been civilized for maybe 6000 of those.


In all of human history, the concept of freedom as we understand it is only about 300 some odd years old, and has only been being practiced for less than 250.


In this timeline, black Americans achieved their freedom roughly 100 years later than white Americans.


In a historical timeline spanning 200,000 years that isn't a very large disparity, but more importantly slavery, in one form or another, is far more normal and common in human history than freedom is.


Slavery was part of our evolution. Just about every race and ethnicity has been enslaved at some point or another, all across the world.


Our history of slavery is not "evil", it simply is. Which isn't to say, of course, that slavery today wouldn't be evil. It would, but only because of our moral evolution from the Enlightenment forward, and the near universal adaptation, though gradual, of it's concepts of freedom.


The same thing applies western expansion and colonialism. Only very recently has the globe adopted a more stable and peaceful tact in regards to conquest. It was the way the entire world functioned until very recently.


You cannot judge the history of the world through the lens of 2017 social mores and retain any understanding of the history of the world, and anyone finding offense in our history isn't qualified to have an opinion on it.

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I think in time, any statue of a white person is going to be considered offensive/racist.


I imagine at some point in time Ralph Wilson's statue will be protested against and torn down because he was an evil racist.

first to have a black qb
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The push to remove Confederate monuments around the country is well under way, but that initiative is reportedly being extended even to things that are perceived to resembleConfederate symbols:





Confederate flag 'looking' tiles to be removed from subway http://dlvr.it/PfxT2y



Just wow:

In a statement to Fox 5 News the MTA says: “These are not confederate flags, it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the “Crossroads of the World” and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear.”

I'm sure that there are no other things that need money spent on in the NY Subway

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The push to remove Confederate monuments around the country is well under way, but that initiative is reportedly being extended even to things that are perceived to resembleConfederate symbols:





Confederate flag 'looking' tiles to be removed from subway http://dlvr.it/PfxT2y



Just wow:


In a statement to Fox 5 News the MTA says: “These are not confederate flags, it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the “Crossroads of the World” and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear.”


I'm sure that there are no other things that need money spent on in the NY Subway


We're going to end up going to war with England over the Royal Navy Ensign.

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