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1 hour ago, sherpa said:


There is no elephant in the room.

There is Jefferson DNA in Sally Hemmings descendants.

There is no conclusive evidence that it was his, as there were a couple of Jeffersons around.

Either way, there is absolutely no evidence of anything untoward or non conceptual.

Jefferson's wife died at an early age.

Anybody who suggests anything inappropriate or unwanted needs to be in the early 1800's or shut up.


To suggest that one of the most brilliant men of his time, and a priceless contributor to our's and the world's political philosophy is somehow sullied by suggestions two hundred years later is foolish, but inevitable on this forum.


It always amazes me how people can display their hate.







Oh - I’m not displaying hate… that would be you.  You, like the rest of the cult - hate who you and can’t handle the truth.


We see your type here every day.


You try so hard to hide the truth and we won’t sit idly by playing by YOUR rules.


Can you provide your proof of no conclusive evidence Thomas Jefferson didn’t rape that woman?

After a DNA test in 1998, the nonprofit foundation, which owns Monticello, determined that there was a “high probability” that Jefferson fathered at least one of Hemings’s children, and that he likely fathered them all. The new exhibit asserts Jefferson’s paternity as a fact.















 Why the Right Foresaw the Statues Coming Down.


“When Donald Trump wondered whether it would be ‘George Washington next week’ and ‘Thomas Jefferson the week after,’ he was treated to haughty and dismissive dispatches in the mainstream press explaining why these Founders were more than just their proximity to slavery.


These were valuable missives, but Trump wasn’t the right audience. They should have been directed at the activists who have taken their campus-based maximalism with them into the workforce. 


The failure on the part of polite liberal opinion makers to anticipate this attack on America’s foundations is a failure of imagination and an act of hubris. They assumed they spoke for the mob when it was the mob that spoke for them.”


It’s not surprising that Democrats are toppling statues of Lincoln — but this time, the calls are coming from inside the theater!






10 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

The place was built with slave labor, right? 


People that complain a PLANTATION is showing the history of slavery must be driven by something other than pure historical inquiry. But what could that be? 

10 hours ago, B-Man said:


 Why the Right Foresaw the Statues Coming Down.


“When Donald Trump wondered whether it would be ‘George Washington next week’ and ‘Thomas Jefferson the week after,’ he was treated to haughty and dismissive dispatches in the mainstream press explaining why these Founders were more than just their proximity to slavery.


These were valuable missives, but Trump wasn’t the right audience. They should have been directed at the activists who have taken their campus-based maximalism with them into the workforce. 


The failure on the part of polite liberal opinion makers to anticipate this attack on America’s foundations is a failure of imagination and an act of hubris. They assumed they spoke for the mob when it was the mob that spoke for them.”


It’s not surprising that Democrats are toppling statues of Lincoln — but this time, the calls are coming from inside the theater!






People have been attacking Thomas Jefferson for centuries, 


B-Man, was Jefferson a good Christian? 


Here is an account of Sally Hemings life from Montecello, I guess this is what has the chickens clucking, the telling of her life.Taken to Paris at age 14, returning pregnant at 16 and then having five more children by Jefferson 





Like countless enslaved women, Sally Hemings bore children fathered by her owner. Female slaves had no legal right to refuse unwanted sexual advances. Sally Hemings was the child of an enslaved woman and her owner, as were five of her siblings. At least two of her sisters bore children fathered by white men. Mixed-race children were present at Monticello, in the surrounding county, across Virginia, and throughout the United States. Regardless of their white paternity, children born to enslaved women inherited their mothers’ status as slaves.

Jefferson enslaved his own children 



Flashback: Lincoln’s New Assassins.


Now the mob takes the role of John Wilkes Booth in removing perhaps the greatest of all Lincoln sculptures, the Emancipation Memorial in Lincoln Park, located in northeast Washington, D.C. The preeminent Lincoln scholar of our or any other time, Harry V. Jaffa, said many times that this sculpture, originally referred to as the Freedman’s Memorial, rivaled Daniel French’s Lincoln Memorial creation. The statue was dedicated to honor Lincoln on the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.


Yet the furious mob blindly objects that the statue shows a kneeling slave before a standing Lincoln. The mob is even more blinkered in its art appreciation than it is in its historical understanding, as I will show in close-up views of the muscular freedman—no longer a slave!—and other details.


* * * * * * * *


If we don’t believe our own eyes, we have the testimony of Frederick Douglass, who delivered the dedication address, honoring his friend Abraham Lincoln. The escaped slave Douglass is famous for his criticisms of Lincoln’s policies, including what he then regarded as his slowness to accede to plans for using black soldiers. But he also conceded the correctness of Lincoln’s measured policies. Douglass’s speech is among his best, his most complex, for its unsparing, many-sided views of Lincoln: it smashes all clichés about both men. His audience, we should note, included President Grant.






2 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Flashback: Lincoln’s New Assassins.


Now the mob takes the role of John Wilkes Booth in removing perhaps the greatest of all Lincoln sculptures, the Emancipation Memorial in Lincoln Park, located in northeast Washington, D.C. The preeminent Lincoln scholar of our or any other time, Harry V. Jaffa, said many times that this sculpture, originally referred to as the Freedman’s Memorial, rivaled Daniel French’s Lincoln Memorial creation. The statue was dedicated to honor Lincoln on the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.


Yet the furious mob blindly objects that the statue shows a kneeling slave before a standing Lincoln. The mob is even more blinkered in its art appreciation than it is in its historical understanding, as I will show in close-up views of the muscular freedman—no longer a slave!—and other details.


* * * * * * * *


If we don’t believe our own eyes, we have the testimony of Frederick Douglass, who delivered the dedication address, honoring his friend Abraham Lincoln. The escaped slave Douglass is famous for his criticisms of Lincoln’s policies, including what he then regarded as his slowness to accede to plans for using black soldiers. But he also conceded the correctness of Lincoln’s measured policies. Douglass’s speech is among his best, his most complex, for its unsparing, many-sided views of Lincoln: it smashes all clichés about both men. His audience, we should note, included President Grant.






It's still there. No fence around it or anything. Looks really safe. Not sure what mob you are talking about. 



It's still there 






 San Fran schools used over $500K marked for improvements to fight mural legal battle. 


“District lawyer Danielle Houck claimed the money was spent legitimately as bond funds ‘allow for remediation of health and safety risks’ and the mural ‘is a part of a school building [which] caused psychological harm to students.'”













The globalist billionaire who funded the woke transformation of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello paid for a similar overhaul of James Madison’s house — where the author of the US Constitution has been shoved into a supporting role, while slavery and racism take center stage.


No American flags fly at Montpelier, Madison’s plantation home in rural Virginia, and not a single display focuses on the life and accomplishments of America’s foremost political philosopher, who created our three-branch federal system of government, wrote the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, and served two terms as president.


Instead, blindsided tourists are hammered by high-tech exhibits about Madison’s slaves and current racial conflicts, thanks to a $10 million grant from left-leaning philanthropist David M. Rubenstein.








  • 1 month later...


What's the problem ? Statues that offend anyone have to come down.



Six vandals sledge hammer Gandhi statue in front of Queens temple

New York Daily News, by Ellen Moynihan *


Six men sledge hammered and spray painted a beloved Gandhi statue outside a Hindu temple in Queens—the second attack in less than two weeks, police and temple officials said Thursday. The latest vandalization—the first was early Aug. 3—occurred Tuesday around 1:30 p.m., when six miscreants went after the statue in front of Tulsi Mandir on 111th St. near 103rd Ave. in Richmond Hill, police said. The incident is being investigated as a possible hate crime, police said Thursday.(




Surveillance footage obtained by the Daily News shows the vandals taking turns whacking the upright statue with a sledgehammer until it crashes face-first onto the pavement.





On 8/19/2022 at 4:49 PM, B-Man said:


What's the problem ? Statues that offend anyone have to come down.



Six vandals sledge hammer Gandhi statue in front of Queens temple

New York Daily News, by Ellen Moynihan *


Six men sledge hammered and spray painted a beloved Gandhi statue outside a Hindu temple in Queens—the second attack in less than two weeks, police and temple officials said Thursday. The latest vandalization—the first was early Aug. 3—occurred Tuesday around 1:30 p.m., when six miscreants went after the statue in front of Tulsi Mandir on 111th St. near 103rd Ave. in Richmond Hill, police said. The incident is being investigated as a possible hate crime, police said Thursday.(




Surveillance footage obtained by the Daily News shows the vandals taking turns whacking the upright statue with a sledgehammer until it crashes face-first onto the pavement.





And history and books that offend you must be forgotten, whitewashed and banned… gtfoh



  • 3 weeks later...


As his time in the Oval Office wound down, President Donald Trump vetoed a defense authorization bill. He did this because it included money to rename military bases named for Confederate officers, people who waged war against the United States of America to maintain slavery.

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For various reasons Trump’s veto was overridden by overwhelming bipartisan majorities. But what’s remarkable is what has happened since: The project to remove Confederate names is proceeding apace, and it’s not remotely controversial anymore. Trump lost this battle decisively — and no one noticed.

This week a commission established by Congress announced the completion of a report showing that removing Confederate names from places of honor in the military will cost $62 million, covering everything from changing signage and stationery to removing monuments.


That commission has recommended nine major Army posts be renamed for women and minorities who are historic figures with great significance to those installations’ local communities. Among these are Black Army officers who broke through military racial barriers.

The project now appears to be moving forward. But, notably, there’s almost no one left to object.

We forget this now, but Trump tried to make this question into a major battle in the culture wars, an existential test of whether the nation would succumb to the dark forces of political correctness.

Yet by doing that, Trump ended up pushing the country to take a firm stand — against his position. As long as almost nobody knew or cared who Braxton Bragg, Henry L. Benning, or John Bell Hood were, their names could be honored on military bases. A few names could be removed here or there without any sense of urgency.


But after Trump forced the issue, it could no longer continue under the radar. And no conservative could offer even a moderately persuasive argument for why U.S. soldiers should train and live at bases named for enemies of the United States who fought in support of one of the worst evils in human history.




Braxton Bragg was just a terrible general, but his friend was Jeffry Davis, so...

8 minutes ago, B-Man said:



I would encourage people to actually read the article and not assume they know the author's point.



A Confederate monument at a National cemetery that honors our fallen soldiers? No thank you! They were traitors and we are going to have the people that killed our soldiers looking down on our fallen soldiers. NO!! And Hell no! 

  • Eyeroll 1
35 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

A Confederate monument at a National cemetery that honors our fallen soldiers? No thank you! They were traitors and we are going to have the people that killed our soldiers looking down on our fallen soldiers. NO!! And Hell no! 



You did not read the whys and wherefores of how and why the memorial came to be.


Your "opinion" is worthless.






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