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Fed Raises Rate


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Well, you changed your answer several times. It public/private--but mostly public.


And yes, its independent for a good reason, some clod watching George Carlin videos might think they understand how the world works and try and change things....somehow


Or... you could listen to the words coming out of the Chairman of the Fed's own mouth when he says THEY ARE INDEPENDENT and ABOVE THE LAW, even from the President of the United States.


But that would require you to be honest and literate. Since you've constantly demonstrated you possess neither of these qualities, you can keep on asshatting your way through life. It's easier to be blind, deaf, and dumb than it is to be awake and aware. I get it. I do.


It's just cowardly.



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Or... you could listen to the words coming out of the Chairman of the Fed's own mouth when he says THEY ARE INDEPENDENT and ABOVE THE LAW, even from the President of the United States.


But that would require you to be honest and literate. Since you've constantly demonstrated you possess neither of these qualities, you can keep on asshatting your way through life. It's easier to be blind, deaf, and dumb than it is to be awake and aware. I get it. I do.


It's just cowardly.



He said they were above the law?

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What?? :huh:

You also said I was wrong in saying its a public/private institution. It is, right?


"There is no agency of government that can overrule the actions we take".


Yeah, he said they're above the law clear as day if you get your head out of your ass and actually LISTEN to what he's saying.

Legally. That hardly means they are above the law. They do have a mandate you idiot

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You also said I was wrong in saying its a public/private institution. It is, right?


I went from saying it was solely a private institution to saying it could be both depending on who you talk to. So changed my position once. So I'd like to know how I changed it several times. Or were you just kidding when you said that?

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I went from saying it was solely a private institution to saying it could be both depending on who you talk to. So changed my position once. So I'd like to know how I changed it several times. Or were you just kidding when you said that?

Oh! Gotcha! So you were wrong the first time. Thanks.


You could just admit I was right though

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Legally. That hardly means they are above the law. They do have a mandate you idiot


That doesn't mean they're a government agency. I'm not allowed to kill random people on the street, ergo I'm not above the law...so that makes me a government agency?


You persist in believing that we're telling you you're wrong. That's not the problem. The problem is that your arguments are dog****. You need to make a coherent argument before you can even manage to be wrong.

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USA.gov has it as a federal agency




Federal reserve calls itself a federal agency




Wiki lists it as one




Princeton calls it a federal agency:




The Council on Foreign Relations calls it a Federal Regulatory agency







No, I do not. Nobody is above the law.

Thank you


Tom and Greggy are partially wrong but you're totally off the !@#$ing ranch loony toons wrong.



Really? How am I wrong?

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