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For the capologists out there.....


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I understand some of the salary cap implications regarding DB's release. For some reason, $2.2 million isn't that much saved if he was willing to be the backup (as long as he didn't have to take a pay cut).


This may just be speculation because I read in only one online news story that Drew would be willing to stay if he wasn't asking to sacrifice a portion of his salary.


Does this make sense?


Does TD plan to sign a veteran QB willing to be JP's backup who doesn't suck?

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Financially Bledsoe seemed to have two choicesL


1. Get cut and probably get a raise or at least more $.


2. Stay and restructure where he would not have to give back any money (this is not allowed under the CBA) and his cap hit in 2005 would have at least been $2.16 milion (poration of his bonus) + a base salary of the NFL vet minimum (300K plus).


The Bledsoe cut is manna from heaven for those who did not want him to start. However, it would have been far better for the Bills in terms of the cap if he had stayed and restructured to the lowest cap hit he could have.


I certainly agree with those who did not want Bledsoe to be our starter in 2005. However, I disagree with those who wanted to see this happen by cutting Bledsoe since I felt we would be far better off cap wise if he restructured and gave us $2+ additional cap room to spend improving the team.


As it has happened, Bledsoe will have a much bigger negative effect on this team by getting cut. Instead of us saving on the $6.5 million cap hit we would have paid him under the contract we agreed to pay him, instead we only save $2.2 million by cutting him because all the bonus paid to him accelerates into a one time cap hit of $4.3 million.


In addition to this lower savings by cutting instead of restructuring, we now have to pay for the credible back-up for JP we will acquire. Who knows how much that will be but given that it cost cap hits over $4 million to sign players like Garcia and Warner last year, figure that we are going to get no one who has suceeded in the NFL before (SB win for Warner several Pro Bowl berths for Garcia) as our back-up QB. A back-up level QB who failed last year like Feeley had a cap hit of something like $2 million so figure that max we are going to get a Feeley level player in as our back-up.


As far as Bledsoe goes, he gets to pocket an amortized bonus of $4.3 milllion already paid to him by the Bills + some huge amortized amount remaining from NE contract (an amount already paid to him long ago even thought the cap hit was prorated and actually the cap hit was absorbed by NE in 2002 and played a role in them not being able to even make the playoffs that year).


I doubt that the Ciwboys will be able to sign him for the vet minimum but will likely be able to pay him a smaller than normal bonus because the Bills will be subsidizing Bledsoe's new deal.

My guess is that he easily pockets another multi-million dollar check as the Boys or someone else signs him to a contract that will be long enough to protate the signing bonus. Do not be surprised if Bledsoe gets a check for $5 million or more in exchange for the indignity of being cut.


He can easily play for the NFL mimimum and laugh all the way to the bank, but the market will not demand likely demand this of him and things may get pretty rediculous if there is a bidding war for this player who cannot carry a team to the SB (as though anyone ever could).

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