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Walk like a Putin

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"Does sound travel faster than light in space?" In a vacuum, where sound can't even travel at all, never mind "faster than light."


The guy who can't calculate his annual salary was simply wrong (and gloriously, after he compounded the error by insisting that everyone else was wrong and he was right.) You were so wrong you weren't even incorrect.


Your only defense - and it is a considerable defense - is that 1) after I called you an idiot, you didn't take the sadly common "double dumbass on you!" route, but instead reflected on my observation and introspectively asked yourself "Hey...maybe DC Tom's got a point, and should stop being an idiot..." and 2) took my criticism and your introspection to heart and mended your errant ways, thus limited yourself to only one spectacular error and didn't make an entire !@#$ing career out of it like some we know.

Meazza, this is Tom saying "you've come a long way, Pilgrim".

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Meazza, this is Tom saying "you've come a long way, Pilgrim".


Yes...but doing it in that inimitable way of making a true compliment sound like a pompous, long-winded insult that only I can manage.


I have a talent. I wish I had a useful talent...but I have this talent, and I'm going to use it, because it's mine, dammit.

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It means you made one of the single dumbest posts to ever be made on the internet, and whenever you decide to give me any **** I can hold it over you.

I wish we had a TSW archive. We gave him so much sh*t over that, but he was a trooper


Good times :)

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Obama phones Putin but doesn’t bring up jets buzzing US ship.








Entirely unrelated: President Obama Summits With Hip-Hop Stars.


“It is, reportedly, Obama’s ‘transitional project’ bridging the gap between his time in the Oval Office and his future in the real world; Obama wants to use the celebrity relationships he’s formed in his years as President to keep himself relevant in the near future.”




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Saudi Arabia snubs President Obama at the airport


CNN is reporting that Saudi Arabia appears to have snubbed President Obama when he arrived in Riyadh for his farewell tour. It is customary for a U.S. president to be greeted by a high-ranking government official. In Saudi Arabia that would be a high-ranking member of the royal family, perhaps the king himself or the crown prince. Today, Obama was greeted by the governor of Riyadh. CNN reports:

When Obama touched down in Riyadh shortly after 1 p.m. local time, there were no kisses with the kingdom’s ruler as President George W. Bush once exchanged. The Saudi government dispatched the governor of Riyadh rather than a senior-level royal to shake Obama’s hand,
a departure from the scene at the airport earlier in the day when King Salman was shown on state television greeting the leaders of other Gulf nations on the tarmac.

Social media users quickly termed the reception, which was not carried live on state TV, a snub and a sign that a relationship long lubricated by barrels of oil is now facing deep questions on both sides.

Reporter Nic Robertson says the greeting was very different from the one President George W. Bush received when he made a similar farewell tour at the end of his presidency:


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Saudi Arabia snubs President Obama at the airport


CNN is reporting that Saudi Arabia appears to have snubbed President Obama when he arrived in Riyadh for his farewell tour. It is customary for a U.S. president to be greeted by a high-ranking government official. In Saudi Arabia that would be a high-ranking member of the royal family, perhaps the king himself or the crown prince. Today, Obama was greeted by the governor of Riyadh. CNN reports:

When Obama touched down in Riyadh shortly after 1 p.m. local time, there were no kisses with the kingdom’s ruler as President George W. Bush once exchanged. The Saudi government dispatched the governor of Riyadh rather than a senior-level royal to shake Obama’s hand,
a departure from the scene at the airport earlier in the day when King Salman was shown on state television greeting the leaders of other Gulf nations on the tarmac.

Social media users quickly termed the reception, which was not carried live on state TV, a snub and a sign that a relationship long lubricated by barrels of oil is now facing deep questions on both sides.

Reporter Nic Robertson says the greeting was very different from the one President George W. Bush received when he made a similar farewell tour at the end of his presidency:




Probably has a lot to do with this:



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  • 2 weeks later...

If true, what a way to check out:


Russian Special Forces Officer Killed near Palmyra


""The officer was carrying out a combat task in area for a week, identifying crucial IS targets and passing exact coordinates for strikes with Russian planes," he said.


"The officer died as a hero, he drew fire onto himself after being located and surrounded by terrorists,"

Calling in an airstrike on yourself to kill as many of the !@#$kers hunting you as possible... :beer: RIP Mr. Bad ass Spetsnaz.




Badass Spetsnaz's body flown home:



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NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: Iraq Parliament Collapses, Lawmakers Flee Baghdad.

“Baghdad teetered on the edge of political chaos Sunday. The city is in a state of emergency, protesters have occupied parts of the once-secure International Zone (IZ), lawmakers have run away and the military is on high alert.”

The White House, as usual, was caught by surprise. And Joe Biden displayed his usual golden touch:

Biden’s meetings Thursday with Abadi and other senior Iraqi officials focused primarily on making sure that the political strife in Baghdad was not interfering with military preparations to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, from the Islamic State.


“We talked about the plans that are in store for Mosul and the coordination that’s going on with all of our friends here,” Biden told reporters after his meeting with the Iraqi prime minister. “And so, I’m very optimistic.”


As he spoke, the vice president was standing next to Salim al-Jubouri, the Iraqi parliament speaker. He pointed to Jubouri and noted that they last talked in Biden’s office in Washington. “This is an old friend,” Biden said.


Less than 36 hours later, the protesters were dancing and stomping on Jubouri’s desk in front of the parliament chamber. Jubouri had fled the building.






Every Iraqi knows Biden for one thing: Endorsing the division of Iraq into three ethnic and sectarian cantons.

Simply put, Biden is toxic in Iraq. The White House may not want to believe that, but the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad must realize it. If the Obama administration wanted to signal support for Abadi, literally any other official would have done the trick: Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, CIA direct John Brennan, any former Secretary of State or, better yet, all of them from across both parties to show true U.S. commitment.

How sad it is that in the eighth year of Obama’s presidency, he and his top aides remain so tone deaf to the reality of Iraq and Iraqi politics. It is quite possible that rather than strengthen Abadi against the backdrop of a political crisis, the White House just pulled the carpet out from underneath him.

Edited by B-Man
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NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: Iraq Parliament Collapses, Lawmakers Flee Baghdad.

“Baghdad teetered on the edge of political chaos Sunday. The city is in a state of emergency, protesters have occupied parts of the once-secure International Zone (IZ), lawmakers have run away and the military is on high alert.”

The White House, as usual, was caught by surprise. And Joe Biden displayed his usual golden touch:


Biden’s meetings Thursday with Abadi and other senior Iraqi officials focused primarily on making sure that the political strife in Baghdad was not interfering with military preparations to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, from the Islamic State.


“We talked about the plans that are in store for Mosul and the coordination that’s going on with all of our friends here,” Biden told reporters after his meeting with the Iraqi prime minister. “And so, I’m very optimistic.”


As he spoke, the vice president was standing next to Salim al-Jubouri, the Iraqi parliament speaker. He pointed to Jubouri and noted that they last talked in Biden’s office in Washington. “This is an old friend,” Biden said.


Less than 36 hours later, the protesters were dancing and stomping on Jubouri’s desk in front of the parliament chamber. Jubouri had fled the building.





Every Iraqi knows Biden for one thing: Endorsing the division of Iraq into three ethnic and sectarian cantons.

Simply put, Biden is toxic in Iraq. The White House may not want to believe that, but the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad must realize it. If the Obama administration wanted to signal support for Abadi, literally any other official would have done the trick: Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, CIA direct John Brennan, any former Secretary of State or, better yet, all of them from across both parties to show true U.S. commitment.

How sad it is that in the eighth year of Obama’s presidency, he and his top aides remain so tone deaf to the reality of Iraq and Iraqi politics. It is quite possible that rather than strengthen Abadi against the backdrop of a political crisis, the White House just pulled the carpet out from underneath him.



Well yeah but did you see Obama's performance at the Correspondents dinner? No way Putin could ever pull that off

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NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: Iraq Parliament Collapses, Lawmakers Flee Baghdad.

“Baghdad teetered on the edge of political chaos Sunday. The city is in a state of emergency, protesters have occupied parts of the once-secure International Zone (IZ), lawmakers have run away and the military is on high alert.”

The White House, as usual, was caught by surprise. And Joe Biden displayed his usual golden touch:


Biden’s meetings Thursday with Abadi and other senior Iraqi officials focused primarily on making sure that the political strife in Baghdad was not interfering with military preparations to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, from the Islamic State.


“We talked about the plans that are in store for Mosul and the coordination that’s going on with all of our friends here,” Biden told reporters after his meeting with the Iraqi prime minister. “And so, I’m very optimistic.”


As he spoke, the vice president was standing next to Salim al-Jubouri, the Iraqi parliament speaker. He pointed to Jubouri and noted that they last talked in Biden’s office in Washington. “This is an old friend,” Biden said.


Less than 36 hours later, the protesters were dancing and stomping on Jubouri’s desk in front of the parliament chamber. Jubouri had fled the building.





Every Iraqi knows Biden for one thing: Endorsing the division of Iraq into three ethnic and sectarian cantons.

Simply put, Biden is toxic in Iraq. The White House may not want to believe that, but the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad must realize it. If the Obama administration wanted to signal support for Abadi, literally any other official would have done the trick: Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, CIA direct John Brennan, any former Secretary of State or, better yet, all of them from across both parties to show true U.S. commitment.

How sad it is that in the eighth year of Obama’s presidency, he and his top aides remain so tone deaf to the reality of Iraq and Iraqi politics. It is quite possible that rather than strengthen Abadi against the backdrop of a political crisis, the White House just pulled the carpet out from underneath him.


Have you ever though that destabilized divided regimes in the Middle East may be a US strategic goal?

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  • 2 weeks later...



U.S. establishes Libyan outposts with eye toward offensive against Islamic State.


Remember, ISIS is in Libya because of Obama’s Iraq withdrawal, followed by his Syrian failure, and his unapproved war-of-choice in removing Khaddafy in Libya.



It’s a chain of blunders that have cost billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives while destabilizing Europe and the entire Middle East/North Africa region, but the American press seems surprisingly uninterested in talking about that.



And by “surprisingly,” I mean “predictably.”




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  • 3 weeks later...

Russia Triples its Airstrikes in Syria.


“The escalation marks a dangerous shift in the Russian airstrike pattern to levels only seen prior to the brokering of the cessation of hostilities agreement in late February,” said Genevieve Casagrande, an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War.

The expansion, she notes, coincides with a further breakdown of the internationally-brokered Geneva peace negotiations, which opposition politicians dismiss as a “waste of breath” because of the continued airstrikes on opposition-held territory both by Russian warplanes and the air force of President Bashar al-Assad.





Russia’s air campaign to aid Assad does seem to be yielding better results than the US effort to assist Baghdad

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