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Talley on team cohesion:

The Big Cat

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Do any QB's who aren't historic inspire defenses? You don't hear too much about guys like Flacco lighting fires under the defense. Brady may do it.


In fact, several years ago, there was much grumbling from the Pittsburgh defense about Big Ben. They hated that he would throw costly picks to put them in a compromised position.

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Fred was the team leader, but Rex wanted his main man Hotrod to be the leader, so Fred had to go is the way I see it.

I hope that's not the case. The only way you become a leader is by performing and inspiring. It would've happened organically and TT would take the reins from Fred so to speak if it was meant to be.

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I know this is a somewhat odd take but I continue to think that Mario Williams is part of the issue. He has a huge contract and is known for doing his own thing - playing his own music in his locker, etc. This team needs more Talleys and fewer Marios.

Mario is a wide 9 defensive end. Not a WILL... The leadership that he needs to demonstrate is telling them to pound sand when they ask him to play zone coverage.

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Says there's no unity.


But suggests it's up to the players to buy-in:




This is a nice little piggy back to yesterday's coach vs. players crap storm.


And of course I think we all agree that the coach sets a tone.


But it seems that Talley is indicating that all the tone setting in the world doesn't matter diddly if players don't buy-in.


Yesterday we asked "who is the leader of this team in the locker room?" I had the same conversation with some off-board buddies and one of them specifically mentioned Talley saying the leader doesn't have to be the best player. Talley wasn't. But he was the undisputed leader of that defense.


From what I can tell, and from Talley verifies in the article, there is no unifying player in our locker room.


And that's a major problem, folks.


This past game against the Eagles verifies just that. Shady tried to get his team to rally around him/his "cause" and they let him down. Yes, Shady's "cause" was a me thing but it was important to him and he couldn't get the troops to support him. It's sad. Kyle Williams was one of those "leader" types in the locker room, but he's not there. FredEx was another. Should/can Tyrod become that "leader"?

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All the comments above are right....the team chemistry isn't correct, that is for sure. I think Kyle Williams absence is a problem, but so is AWilliams being gone....


But, there is another problem that Talley pointed out, and we have some of it on the Bills for sure. The idea that each player is his own CEO and is in this for himself. Yes, these players are here about the Money folks. EJ Manuel formed a corporation and sold shares in his future income stream to generate up front money. Sammy's dismay at not being targeted more was tinged with his desire to score the next big contract...read the words. and, going to the Redskins, RG3 has what EJ did only 10fold bigger....he is a business first, a football player by the way. He doesn't put in the time to succeed at QB, but he is all over his commercial opportunities. (Subway anyone?) Thats why I am against even a hint of the Bills going after RG3, even at a deep discount from a tade point of view. So, the MONEY is ruining some of the players.....they are fixated on it.....and, they should be to a reasonable extent...they are professionals, after all. Its just that many of them can't handle it. They sign with the agent that makes the biggest promises, not one that might provide realistic sound advice.


I think the mantra of the Levy years was good, he liked smart players and character players, as they could form team allegiances despite the money aspects of their careers. The Bills and much of the NFL have little of that kind of loyality. I have to say, and I don't like it, but I think Bellicheat does a good job of putting that kind of team together, and he has Brady to do some of the team building...in addition to playing QB at the all pro level.

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If looking at the D was spikes a bigger loss than acknowledged?

No. Because he played 30% of snaps and is a run defender. And our run defense has been solid this year, for the most part. Kiko was the real loss. I'd take him over both Bradham and Brown right now.

Edited by FireChan
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No. Because he played 30% of snaps and is a run defender. And our run defense has been solid this year, for the most part. Kiko was the real loss. I'd take him over both Bradham and Brown right now.


We're not talking about on-field play, we're talking about locker room leadership. And Spikes played a major role in that last year.

All the comments above are right....the team chemistry isn't correct, that is for sure. I think Kyle Williams absence is a problem, but so is AWilliams being gone....


Yep, Aaron being gone definitely reduced the leadership (at least on D) drastically.

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We're not talking about on-field play, we're talking about locker room leadership. And Spikes played a major role in that last year.


Yep, Aaron being gone definitely reduced the leadership (at least on D) drastically.

Whoops, forgot the topic. My bad NoSaint.

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This past game against the Eagles verifies just that. Shady tried to get his team to rally around him/his "cause" and they let him down. Yes, Shady's "cause" was a me thing but it was important to him and he couldn't get the troops to support him. It's sad. Kyle Williams was one of those "leader" types in the locker room, but he's not there. FredEx was another. Should/can Tyrod become that "leader"?


Should he? Yes, especially if he becomes our long term answer. When Fred was cut, that was my first thought "Well, at least this makes room for a QB to step up as the Offensive leader like on most good teams".


The problem now is that he's still trying to get his bearings on the field and in the Offensive system. He doesnt have the confidence or production to assume that leadership role just yet.

Whoops, forgot the topic. My bad NoSaint.


Wait, did this just happen? Is that really FireChan?? :nana::thumbsup::beer:

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Should he? Yes, especially if he becomes our long term answer. When Fred was cut, that was my first thought "Well, at least this makes room for a QB to step up as the Offensive leader like on most good teams".


The problem now is that he's still trying to get his bearings on the field and in the Offensive system. He doesnt have the confidence or production to assume that leadership role just yet.


Wait, did this just happen? Is that really FireChan?? :nana::thumbsup::beer:

You won't see again for a year, so savor it.

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starts when guys publicly cry because they arent getting theirs, I'm disappointed in the lack of leadership or perception because I'm not in the locker room. Our good players are quiet you need someone to be the mouthpiece

Wrecks is as mouthpiece as it gets...

No. Because he played 30% of snaps and is a run defender. And our run defense has been solid this year, for the most part. Kiko was the real loss. I'd take him over both Bradham and Brown right now.

kiko< one year wonder... There is a great write up outta philly on how lousy his play has been. A few years from now once he's completely washed out folks will be astonished they got anything of value for they guy.... A la shep for Hughes...

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My sense is that it's usually one guy, and most of the time it's the QB. I don't look at it as inspiration of the different units, but setting the tone for the team, in practice and game day, etc. Like what Drury brought to the Sabres.


I think that's the one big part that people are missing with Fred's exit. It wasn't his on field contribution, but his presence on the team.

I am only speculating. But, I think Spikes was that player last year.
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How was the leadership on Ryan's past teams?


His policy of not "muzzling" his players is misguided.


How many guys on the roster have been to the Super Bowl (I think Graham is the only starter, and Tyrod, as a backup)?


How about just the playoffs? McCoy and Lawson


Slim pickin's...


I wouldn't mind them adding a veteran or two that has been on a Super Bowl team.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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