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The Offseason I Want To See


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I've grown to hate seeing the word "restructure". People mostly seem to use it for "This guy makes too much money and I don't know what to do about it, but I kinda want to keep him."

Sign them to a new deal that gives us more available cap room or find a way to move the $ around to do the same. Either way it is because the production is not worth the current investment. Maybe they would choose to stay with the team or maybe they would want a change of venue to see if anyone else would overpay them.

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Mario needs to go. He has a lot left in the tank for a 4-3 team. The same goes for Kyle Williams. They need a true NT to free Dareus up, and another 5- tech lineman some way, some how. The money freed up from just letting Mario go would go a long way to accomplishing this effectively. Another OLBer would also help. This season may have ended up as a s*** sandwich, but there is latitude to get rid of the guys that don't fit the next 2 or 3 year Rex plan and acquire some key players that can make it work. Like it or not, Rex is staying a while, and they might as well fully invest in the 3-4 the whole nine yards. Glenn and Incognito extensions are warranted, and a Percy Harvin replacement is in order. I'll be back next year as always. :beer:

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Looking at some potential 5-tech free agents. I know everyone wants to shoot for the stars with Wilkerson but it might be worth looking at the lower tiers.


Couple of names that intrigue me. Cedric Thornton (Eagles) and Mike DeVito (KC). DeVito played under Rex for a few years, he'll be 32 over the summer but could be a good rotational player. Both were making around $2.3m this year.

Edited by Blokestradamus
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Sign them to a new deal that gives us more available cap room or find a way to move the $ around to do the same. Either way it is because the production is not worth the current investment. Maybe they would choose to stay with the team or maybe they would want a change of venue to see if anyone else would overpay them.


Mario only has two years left on his deal. Pushing cap space from his salary and roster bonus from 2016 into 2017 hardly makes sense as his hit in 2017 would be gigantic. He could be extended so that could be spread out, but creating some substantial space in that way will make it very tough to cut ties anytime soon. That nixes that option. Or he could be asked to take a cut in pay, but I think he'd rather move on than do that. Realistic options are very limited and a restructure isn't one of them. Traded before his roster bonus is due, released by not paying that bonus or kept at his current contract are about all there is to chose from. I see what the trade market bears and go from there (and that assumes that his contract doesn't have a no trade clause).
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You say this yet you want to keep Rex, who is solely responsible for putting the players in this situation? Do you imagine that he is going to change the habits of his whole career and let somebody else design the defense? As long as Rex is here he will be forcing his system. If he stays, there will be a fire sale on all the players who "don't fit." For one example, Dareus, who looked great in Schwartz's system, will look like a stiff. Mario will probably be axed. Bradham will be dumped. etc.


I never said I wanted to keep Rex - I just said (implied) that he won't be fired.


It's also not fair to *any* coach to dump him after one year, unless there's a specific reason that is making the situation between him and the players so bad that it's not worth it to keep him around.

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pettines d was ranked 20th and 28th against the run....ya bring him in here


Nice...its always fascinating around here to see people wish for guys back that never were really that good but somehow because they aren't here anymore people think they were. Like when people wanted Chan back as an OC despite the fact he was a terrible play caller here, would abandon the run when it was working and let Fitz throw us out of games. When Pettine was here, people complained all the time about our run defense. Our stats didn't look too bad in pass defense, but that was because people ran all over us and didn't have to throw that much. Yes, we got sacks and turnovers, but those are only a few plays a game, the rest of the game our D was very much like the D we see this year...let teams drive the field, couldn't get stops when we needed them, etc.


Schwartz was the guy that really helped make a difference on D. It wasnt perfect, but he really helped shore up the swiss cheese run D and we played a much more effective defense. If we are going to target anyone this offseason as a new DC, please look at this guy again. I don't think he would be interested, and honestly I fear that if there is a DC change the Ryan brothers will be teaming up instead and thats who we will get. And while part of me whats to cut Rex's brother a break given the last 2 stops where he was the DC the teams had terrible players on defense. So the question is how much of the problem was Ryan and how much was it the personnel in Dallas and NO?

Edited by Alphadawg7
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What I'd like to see this off season:


1. stop committing penalties.


2.grow this thing in the middle of you're chest called a heart (not all but most)


3. Quit making it about you when there's 52 others and a coaching staff.


Do those 3 things and this team may make the postseason.

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Pettine left Rex and the NYJ staff to come to Buffalo in order to escape the very large shadow of one Rex Ryan. What makes you think he'll be so eager to put himself back in the same position again?

Absolutely correct; Pettine is not coming back with Rex here. Schwartz left because of Rex's huge ego; management needs to bring him back and if Rex balks then let him walk.


This is a failed organization from top to bottom, completely clean house and start over.

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