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You can't make this stuff up volume 399399393


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Palpatine? They have a character named Palpatine?? Sounds like some gay ass chilled duck roulade dish the French made in the 19th century. You know....like Picard. :P

You know when it won't sound so gay?












When your mouth is fused shut after your fillings melted because Palpatine shot you with 1.21 gigawatts of Force Lightning

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I have a better "progressives are crazy" link here:




Not that we're competing. Lots to go around.


What in the actual !@#$...


this woman is assaulted by black people and she feels guilty about her "white privilege?"


Jesus H Christ.

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What in the actual !@#$...


this woman is assaulted by black people and she feels guilty about her "white privilege?"


Jesus H Christ.


But all the guilty feeling in the world didn't stop her from using her white privilege to manipulate her assailants in a master-slave context, as she readily and openly admits.


(And keep in mind - it's a South African article. "White Privilege" was a very recent and real legal principle.)

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But all the guilty feeling in the world didn't stop her from using her white privilege to manipulate her assailants in a master-slave context, as she readily and openly admits.


(And keep in mind - it's a South African article. "White Privilege" was a very recent and real legal principle.)


I can't decide who's the bigger idiot, the white woman or the black intruders.

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Not really sure where to post this so I might as well post it here:






CLEVELAND—During an unexpected moment of clarity Tuesday, open-minded man Blake Richman was suddenly struck by the grim realization that he's squandered a significant portion of his life listening to everyone's bull ****, the 38-year-old told reporters.


A visibly stunned and solemn Richman, who until this point regarded his willingness to hear out the opinions of others as a worthwhile quality, estimated that he's wasted nearly three and a half years of his existence being open to people's half-formed thoughts, asinine suggestions, and pointless, dumb!@#$ stories.

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You can't make this stuff up volume 399399393 4,


WHAT YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IF YOU’RE A RICH SAUDI IN BRITAIN: Millionaire Cleared of Rape Charge After Claiming He Tripped and His Penis Fell Into Teen.



Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London this week after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.

Hm: That’s not how gravity or bodies work at all.




Nope. But it’s how influence works.



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You can't make this stuff up volume 399399393 4,


WHAT YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IF YOU’RE A RICH SAUDI IN BRITAIN: Millionaire Cleared of Rape Charge After Claiming He Tripped and His Penis Fell Into Teen.



Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London this week after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.

Hm: That’s not how gravity or bodies work at all.




Nope. But it’s how influence works.





Holy ****, there'd be riots here if that happened.

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