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HoF Voting: Who gets in


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  • Brett Favre- lock
  • Orlando Pace- lock
  • Marvin Harrison- stats-yes off-field no
  • Roger Craig- underrated - deserves it
  • Terrell Davis - short career though dominant
  • Kurt Warner- QB's always are selected


  • Deserves a look- Joe Jacoby- the guy dominated for a long time
  • Might get in after waiting a while- Kevin Greene
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Favre and T.O. are my locks, then Pace, Warner, Ty Law. I don't know about everyone else, very good but not great to me other than T. Davis, who always suffers from length of career.

TO wasn't media friendly so they probably not give him first ballot.

Edited by The Jokeman
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I'm conflicted on T. Davis. He had four good years. That's it.


And those were the years when anyone Denver put in the backfield was going to get 1,000+ yards.


Olandis Gary did it the year after Davis' 2000 yard season. The next season it was Mike Anderson. And then it was Clinton Portis.

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I'm conflicted on T. Davis. He had four good years. That's it.


And those were the years when anyone Denver put in the backfield was going to get 1,000+ yards.


Olandis Gary did it the year after Davis' 2000 yard season. The next season it was Mike Anderson. And then it was Clinton Portis.

Good arguments for keeping him out. Dude was a monster though those 2 SB years.

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I think Pace gets in too.


This is the year of Favre so they voters may take the opportunity to slide in Harrison while nobody is paying attention

And I got a funny feeling Pig Face Satan gets in


Warner, I suspect the voters will hold back for to headline a year when there are no clear cut enshrinees

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I hear ya, but you can't write the history of the game without him. I think/hope he doesn't have to wait.

I agree with you, but it would actually shock me if he didn't have to wait. The sports media hold grudges. Fringe guys are often either in or out based on the likability factor. Owens isn't a fringe guy. He's a sure Hall of Famer that can't be left out. That being said, I can picture the voters making him wait longer than he should. This would their form of retribution for TO being TO. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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The fan HoF voting is up at NFL.com




Yeah, I'm sure the Intarweb vote totals will really be paid attention :rolleyes:




Favre is a given. But who else gets in 2016? Who are the snubs?

The on line voting is a crock. You select 15 out of 21? Only 6 who don't get votes? Pretty low standard.


Anyway, every year I give love to Don Coryell. I think that he was an innovator and way ahead of his time in terms of offense and the passing game. Very worthy, IMO.

Edited by vincec
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The on line voting is a crock. You select 15 out of 21? Only 6 who don't get votes? Pretty low standard.


Anyway, every year I give love to Don Coryell. I think that he was an innovator and way ahead of his time in terms of offense and the passing game. Very worthy, IMO.

It's very hard for coaches to get in that didn't win a championship or have their teams in position to win championships. He never made the big dance, let alone had a chance to win it. He was innovative, I have to agree with that. And Fouts, Joiner, and Winslow probably wouldn't be in the HOF without that innovation, either.



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Favre yes, a guy like Roger Craig should be in there 4 time pro bowl selection, 1980 all decade team. Also played full back, had to share carries when he first arrived his numbers might not look the greatest but just the term football player this guy should be in. His pass catching was a good as anyone, Warner no but he will get in I think a lot of these guys do TV just to help them get in. Marvin Harrison yes


Jimmy Johnson is a close call this was back in the no salary cap go out and buy the best players and Dallas did. The 9-7 8-8 seasons in Miami took a little of the shine off. Great college coach, good pro coach but super bowls will put him in 5 years in dallas 3 winning seasons again with the most expensive team

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Favre is a lock and I think Marvin Harrison will get in this year. I think T.O. waits another year.... my belief is that the voters are determined to clear the WR logjam and have had a plan and are sticking to it..... Carter, Reed, Brown in the last 3 years and I think Harrison will make it this year with T.O. next year.


Orlando Pace and Kurt Warner would both have been in last year for me. Hard to write the history of the 00s without the rags to riches story of the guy who went from bagging groceries to winning the Superbowl and the aerial bombardment of the greatest show on turf at the start of a decade where the pass would become more and more dominant. I suspect Pace makes it this year and Kurt waits one more year.

Edited by GunnerBill
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