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Tyrod vs Brady


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Because 2016 is now Tyrod's walk away year. 2017 is voided because he became the starter.


Remember how we all wanted Dareus signed before this season started? Same idea.



2017 is already voided because of his play time this year FWIW. And an extension wouldn't necessarily change his 2016 cap number.


Yep, had already edited before you guys posted. But still, don't we remember what we did with Fitzy not too long ago?


If he wants like $5 or $6M per, sure, why. But if I were him, I'd be looking for $10-$15 with how he's looked this year and for me, it's way too early to make such a commitment on him.

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Fatal flaw with your analysis...


Brady has so many more pass attempts for a reason... it's because he extends drives and keeps their offense on the field more.


Throw up 3 and outs, or average plays per drive in your assessment and you'll see...


Sure we run the ball more than the Pats, but drawing a comparison that they're equivalent based on these stats? You're nuts to think they're anywhere close to being equal talents.

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Brady Completion % last 3 games


51.3% comp against the Bills W by 7pts 35 QBR

54.8% comp against the Broncos Loss 62.3 QBR

51.8% comp against the Eagles Loss 36.2 QBR


All under 7 yards per completion when hes averaging nearly 8 YPC


Not anywhere near his season average of 64.5 QBR


Brady is struggling right now

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Its all about fit.. Tyrod fits this team. Brian Hoyer fits the Texans, he didn't fit the Browns. Fitz fits the Jets.. he didn't fit the Bills.


You want me to blow you away with stats and embarrass you?


Same offensive coordinator as Gailey was basically just the offensive coordinator here. Same QB; have you not seen him do the exact same things he was doing as the Bills QB? Get down, comeback, pump everyone up, throw pick on final drive where he could have won game rinse and repeat. Only difference is now he has Brandon Marshall to throw to, here he had Stevie...big difference. The Jets will not make the playoffs, mark it down.

Edited by Mark80
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Show me where I said "better than Brady" . im just saying if you smooth their stats out to the same attempts, he is right at that level. And Brady isn't as great as you all think he is right now btw. He's struggling without his main targets

Basing an entire opinion on stats is also foolish


Troy Aikman never really put up huge numbers bc of how good Dallas was at running the ball, does that make him any less of a QB?


On the other hand guys like Scott Mitchell and Vinny Testeverde had some big years, does that mean they were on Brady's level too?


Why would you want to let TT go into his final year (2016) unsigned?

He hasn't even played an entire season for the Bills yet and is under contract at an extremely reasonable number next season, no reason to extend him yet.

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Yep, had already edited before you guys posted. But still, don't we remember what we did with Fitzy not too long ago?


If he wants like $5 or $6M per, sure, why. But if I were him, I'd be looking for $10-$15 with how he's looked this year and for me, it's way too early to make such a commitment on him.

Well I guess this is a lot like Let's Make A Deal. You have a pretty good QB now. Do you trade him for what's behind door #3? Could be a franchise QB but more likely it's a donkey.

He hasn't even played an entire season for the Bills yet and is under contract at an extremely reasonable number next season, no reason to extend him yet.

Again...2017 was voided because he's the Bills starter. 2016 is now his contract year. Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Lets say Tyrod is on fire and is having a great season.. then we are sitting at week 10 next year and he will be commanding top QB dollar.. It would be in the Bills best interest to get a deal done before next season.. It may be risky , yes. but you could lose out on a competent starter and those are hard to come by in the NFL

Edited by Mr. Negative
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Lets say Tyrod is on fire and is having a great season.. then we are sitting at week 10 next year and he will be commanding top QB dollar.. It would be in the Bills best interest to get a deal done before next season.. It may be risky , yes. but you could lose out on a competent starter and those are hard to come by in the NFL


Two words: FRANCHISE TAG. I wanna see more before a big contract.

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Can we please stop. Tyrod played very good yesterday, no one is denying that.


The Bills have a slim chance at the WC.


How many games has Tom won?

How many games has Tyrod won?


When was the last time the Bills had a 3 game win streak?

How many times has Tom had a 6 game win streak?

When was the last time Tom Brady had a 3 game losing streak?

Edited by NOVABillsFan
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For those who hate Tyrod:



TT - 176 for 271 passing 65% 2171 yards 8.01 YPA 17 TD 4 INT 104.3 QBR

318 yards rushing 3 TDs


Brady - 323 for 507 passing 63.7% 3912 yards 7.72 YPA 31 TD 6 INT 102.8 QBR

28 yards rushing 3 TDs


If Tyrod threw 507 times. His yardage and TDs would be right up there with Brady. He is equivalent in every other category. The only reason the Bills are 6-6 is because Rex Ryan is a terrible coach.


Extend him now. Because I guarantee you, there are other teams chomping at the bit to get him.

Hes playing better QB than any of the bums they've had since Kelly, however such an extrapolation doesn't match reality. If you look at his splits his passer rating drops to 90 on attempts 31-40 per game... As it does many players, even tommy... Point is as completions increase passer rating usually takes a hit.


Fortunately he hasn't had to often, where Brady averages 42 attempts per game t-rod is averaging 27...


One of the thing that make Brady a HOF er is he can be that good even with 50 passes per game.

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Hes playing better QB than any of the bums they've had since Kelly, however such an extrapolation doesn't match reality. If you look at his splits his passer rating drops to 90 on attempts 31-40 per game... As it does many players, even tommy... Point is as completions increase passer rating usually takes a hit.


Fortunately he hasn't had to often, where Brady averages 42 attempts per game t-rod is averaging 27...


One of the thing that make Brady a HOF er is he can be that good even with 50 passes per game.

When was the last QB that the Bills had, have you have said . "His QB rating would drop to 90" ?

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Two words: FRANCHISE TAG. I wanna see more before a big contract.


You'll see the remainder of this season and probably half of next season. JMO.


And any contract we offer him will be the "new QB" contracts that sound all fancy but protect the team in case the player pulls a Kaep.

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