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Sal Maiorana thinks some fans are insane


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I suppose some are for they buy the Rochester D&C with recycled stories with made up "sources" whose "inside information" agrees with writer's opinion but that is not what he means.

Seriously unbalanced, I'd agree - I have had to put some posters on ignore because they did not like me pointing out facts (not opinions) were wrong.

Seriously unhealthy when they post on social media which is why I avoid twitter, instagram, etc. yes.

But insanity is a medical condition when not faked to get out of punishment of crimes and Sal is not a doctor and did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. Like social media he is big on exaggeration.




If the Bills lose to J.J. Watt, DeAndre Hopkins, and the resurgent Texans, western New York social media will explode, callers will scream on the talk shows, and I can guarantee you that the prevailing theme fanning the flames of anger and disgust will be that Rex Ryan should be fired as head coach, catapulted out of Buffalo on the same gust of bluster that blew him into town back in January.

To that train of thought, my response is this: Are you people insane? And it is here where I will invoke a Rodgersesque R-E-L-A-X.

Social media is overwhelmed with craziness nearly every second of every day, and if you follow my Twitter feed, you know I know of what I speak. And to be a sports talk show host in these times when the Bills make us madder than Stephen A. Smith if someone ever put duct tape over his voluminous mouth has to be akin to listening to a non-stop loop of the Chipmunks Christmas album.

Bills fans, and perhaps even some non-Bills fans who just don't like Ryan, provided a perfect example of this over the past week, when the calling for Ryan's head commenced in the wake of the loss to the Chiefs when Ryan's defense had another bad day, and his management of replay challenges was historically inept.





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The fact is, Rex Ryan took a defense that was near the top of the league the past two years, returning most of its players and adding a rookie CB who exceeded all expectations. And he ruined it. It's a below-average group that can't stop anyone now. The players can't use their abilities and they're asked to do things they're not good at. And it's December and they still don't say they understand what they're supposed to do.


The offense is much better but than under Hackett, thanks to Roman and not Ryan. So if the only thing saving Ryan's job is fear of starting over, that's not much to go on. Better to pitch Ryan than to pitch all the talent and money invested in the defense, before he gets to work during the offseason getting rid of players like Mario Williams who don't fit his way of doing things. It takes a lot longer to assemble a powerful defense like Pettine and Schwartz used so well, than to bring in a coach who isn't too arrogant and stupid to take advantage of the players he had available.

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Casual fans, it's just not a Buffalo sports thing.

I disagree completely. I would categorize anyone who comes to a fan message board at all a serious fan. Consistently--most likely a diehard. And there are many posters here who spew the insanity Sal is speaking of. So I don't think it's limited to casual fans in the least.

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What do you think will happen to a Buffalo Bills fan base that is so beaten down by bad teams over the last 15 years, and without even a hint of playoffs in all that time. Of course they will go ballistic because they expected greatness on defense. That was a big reason why this team set a record for season seat sales this year.


Bills fans are so desperate for a winner they bought into a 4-12 head coaching hire. This fan base bought into Rex Ryan, and all his big talk and bluster just like all the Jets fans did. There is no question the man is so very likable with his down to earth persona in having beers with fans at the local watering hole. Getting his truck painted in the Bills color scheme. Then they also bought into the 6 mill dollar RB acquisition in Shady McCoy, and they bought into big money for TE Charles Clay.


But what matters most is what happens on the field, and with just like the Jets fans he is letting Bills fans down. Its his defense that is letting the team down this year no question, and its not because the excuses he used with a tear in his eye when he was fired from the Jets " the GM was out to get me fired, and didn't get me the players i needed". Its not because the QB is so bad he throws interceptions every game, and is ruining the year for us all. (Geno Smith)



Bills fans have earned the right to be unhappy with another loser of a choice at head coach, and now we fans have to wonder... do we need to wait three more years before these new owners realize they made a mistake?


Just like the team did with Greg Williams 3 years wasted- Mike Mularkey 2 years wasted - Dick Jauron 3 1/2 years wasted- Chan Gailey 3 years wasted-Doug Marrone 2 years wasted-Rex Ryan one year, and I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of losers to already know that next year the team will be spinning its wheels again in trying to obtain the players "needed" to fit Rex Ryan's defensive scheme.


I guess the four pro bowl defensive linemen already on the team weren't good enough for Rex Ryan...

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What do you think will happen to a Buffalo Bills fan base that is so beaten down by bad teams over the last 15 years, and without even a hint of playoffs in all that time. Of course they will go ballistic because they expected greatness on defense. That was a big reason why this team set a record for season seat sales this year.


Bills fans are so desperate for a winner they bought into a 4-12 head coaching hire. This fan base bought into Rex Ryan, and all his big talk and bluster just like all the Jets fans did. There is no question the man is so very likable with his down to earth persona in having beers with fans at the local watering hole. Getting his truck painted in the Bills color scheme. Then they also bought into the 6 mill dollar RB acquisition in Shady McCoy, and they bought into big money for TE Charles Clay.


But what matters most is what happens on the field, and with just like the Jets fans he is letting Bills fans down. Its his defense that is letting the team down this year no question, and its not because the excuses he used with a tear in his eye when he was fired from the Jets " the GM was out to get me fired, and didn't get me the players i needed". Its not because the QB is so bad he throws interceptions every game, and is ruining the year for us all. (Geno Smith)



Bills fans have earned the right to be unhappy with another loser of a choice at head coach, and now we fans have to wonder... do we need to wait three more years before these new owners realize they made a mistake?


Just like the team did with Greg Williams 3 years wasted- Mike Mularkey 2 years wasted - Dick Jauron 3 1/2 years wasted- Chan Gailey 3 years wasted-Doug Marrone 2 years wasted-Rex Ryan one year, and I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of losers to already know that next year the team will be spinning its wheels again in trying to obtain the players "needed" to fit Rex Ryan's defensive scheme.


I guess the four pro bowl defensive linemen already on the team weren't good enough for Rex Ryan...



This is so right on the money. Anyone believe Rex will suddenly elevate his coaching IQ in the off season? I don't. If he hasn't got it by now I hate to tell you but it's never going to happen. As bad as his flame out was with the Jets, this is waaay worse. To not have this D with its talent dominating is inexcusable.


Is it so bad to admit that Rex will never lead this team to a title and want change. Or would you rather sit through two more years of this? As Dylan says :"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"


Edited by gomper
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This is so right on the money. Anyone believe Rex will suddenly elevate his coaching IQ in the off season? I don't. If he hasn't got it by now I hate to tell you but it's never going to happen. As bad as his flame out was with the Jets, this is waaay worse. To not have this D with its talent dominating is inexcusable.

Is it so bad to admit that Rex will never lead this team to a title and want change. Or would you rather sit through two more years of this? As Dylan says :"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"

The Bills still have a shot at the playoffs this year if Ryan will change up his defense to just rush the passer like he used to do. Its a long shot, but still a shot. Currently 10th seed.
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I'd like to know what percentage of fans he's talking about because just like that moron Paul Hamilton, it sounds like he's painting all fans with the same brush(that douche Hamilton actually said Bills fans think Jeff Tuel is a future HOF). Many in the media just love to paint us as brainless morons. Didn't like the Rex hire. First year has been below average with respect to coaching. But the Bills aren't eating the last 4 years of a 27.5 million dollar deal. So take your own advice Sal Moronrana and RELAX.

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This is the most dissappointing season I have ever experienced. Expectations were high as a result of a great defence last year and the Shady trade to help the offense.

This poor showing is 100% on Ryan's shoulders. Remember his promise to be a bully defence. Remember his promise to use tight ends to ground and pound. remember the need to have an elite fullback for the run game.

Do we have injuries.....yes and that is often cause by being run over as we retreat on defence. People get hurt more often getting hit than doing the hitting.

This team is not getting better in week 13 of this NFL season, it is slipping away. Our own home record tells all of us that.

Ryan's talk is cheap. Maybe Jests fans were right,

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I suppose some are for they buy the Rochester D&C with recycled stories with made up "sources" whose "inside information" agrees with writer's opinion but that is not what he means.

Seriously unbalanced, I'd agree - I have had to put some posters on ignore because they did not like me pointing out facts (not opinions) were wrong.

Seriously unhealthy when they post on social media which is why I avoid twitter, instagram, etc. yes.

But insanity is a medical condition when not faked to get out of punishment of crimes and Sal is not a doctor and did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. Like social media he is big on exaggeration.






Speaking of pointing out when facts are wrong, insanity is a legal construct, not a medical condition.

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My favorite paragraph from the story:


"There is no way that firing Ryan and his staff — which I and most NFL observers agree is a pretty solid compilation of coaches — helps the Bills in any way. In fact, if Terry and Kim Pegula were to lose their minds and listen to the lunatic fringe, they would set the franchise back another year or two or three and we all know, this is a franchise that already has its back against the proverbial wall of NFL irrelevancy."


I am a card-carrying member of the Tom Cochrane Red Rider Lunatic Fringe. When you clearly hire the wrong coach, that mistake needs to be corrected. Like Greggo, Rex has nearly destroyed a top NFL defense, and his gameday coaching is actually worse than the five losers who preceded him. Maybe Ryan can turn this thing around next year, but I doubt it. Never too early to 7 start scouting the 2017 draft.....

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I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of losers to already know that next year the team will be spinning its wheels again in trying to obtain the players "needed" to fit Rex Ryan's defensive scheme.


I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of losers to already know that next year the team will be spinning its wheels again in trying to obtain the players "needed" to fit Rex Ryan's defensive scheme.


I guess the four pro bowl defensive linemen already on the team weren't good enough for Rex Ryan...


Well if you seen enough good time to jump off Bills bus, just watch your head on landing not that you are using it much,


Fact: There are NOT pro bowl defensive linemen - How many pro bowls has Jerry been to already again? it does not matter how much fans say "he deserved to be there" - he never has been there.


Fact: Good coaches have had bad seasons even NFL Hall of Fame coaches.


It appears that Sal was using you as an inside source on insanity. Maybe this time he has a source not just made up.


Speaking of pointing out when facts are wrong, insanity is a legal construct, not a medical condition.

Worked in Medical Library, insanity is often used as legal construct but there is a medical definition although the term insanity is a simplification of a group of conditions.

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I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of losers to already know that next year the team will be spinning its wheels again in trying to obtain the players "needed" to fit Rex Ryan's defensive scheme.



Well if you seen enough good time to jump off Bills bus, just watch your head on landing not that you are using it much,


Fact: There are NOT pro bowl defensive linemen - How many pro bowls has Jerry been to already again? it does not matter how much fans say "he deserved to be there" - he never has been there.


Fact: Good coaches have had bad seasons even NFL Hall of Fame coaches.


It appears that Sal was using you as an inside source on insanity. Maybe this time he has a source not just made up.


Worked in Medical Library, insanity is often used as legal construct but there is a medical definition although the term insanity is a simplification of a group of conditions.


The problem with Rex as a coach is not that he is having a bad year but he is continuing his history of being a mediocre coach. He was fired from an organization in which he left in shambles. Was it totally his fault? Of course not. No HC can be totally at fault for a team's failure. But without a doubt he certainly was a primary contributor for the downward spiral in NY. Don't let anyone tell you that he didn't have a say on draft picks and free agent signings. He was collaborating with the GM all the way through his tenure. The end product was a disaster.


You are right that many people are exaggerating the talent level of some of the players on defense. But that isn't the issue. It was a tremendous unit last year under Schwartz and it has become a disjointed and ineffective unit under him.


Will the Pegulas pull the plug on their brash HC whose mouth doesn't match his performances on the sidelines? Most people recognize that it is unlikely. The reality is that the longer he coached the Jets the worse it got and the more chaotic it got for the circus he presided over. That is the fear.


The mounting frustration is not simply about this wasted season but it has to do with the fact that this boisterous fool has a lucrative five year contract and that he will be back next year. The longer an incompetent boss remains on the job the longer time the incompetent has to wreak havoc on the company. Facing that extended reality is the source of the mounting frustration. A bad hire is a bad hire.Giving more time is not a solution---it becomes a compounding problem.

Edited by JohnC
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Injuries, 1st year starter at QB, League parity and yes, another full scale coaching change/schemes have derailed a promising season yet again. The aggregate frustration has to focus blame on something or someone and HC is the time-tested target. Add in his dynamic personality and the social media responses will come with the territory.


I'm pizzed too, but only air my annual broken heart here, with this community. This, IMO, is the right place for Bills fans to commiserate after crushing defeats -as long as decorum prevails. When you post on social media, your real name appears (mostly) and you can't successfully walk back your raging, off-color rants. I have more empathy for 'celebrities' than ever because of the moronic deluge from a temporary pizzed off backlash.


As for our Bills, a large part of me believes the season is lost and a loss today -while I'll be miserable- will allow me to get on with my life and holiday prep with family -w/o rueing a stupid comment I made on Twitter et al.

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