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Thanks Drew!


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I heard Todd Collins was a pretty claasy guy, too.


Time to move on guys.......




No, actually, if you remember, Collins slammed the Bills when he was let go. Said he was lied to, back stabbed, etc etc...


Yeah, I will move on, when something actually happens, when we are adding, instead of subtracting. Thanks for the advice there!

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Great press conference. Again, I'm sad to see him go, he's a good person, and this is a loss, for sure. I don't think he was the right guy for this team, right now, but he was a class act all the way.


Write this one down.

I have a sneaking suspicion he will succeed in a system that suits him this season. By extension, a lot of the idiots around here who can't take the longview will be insufferable for that period of time.

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Great press conference.  Again, I'm sad to see him go, he's a good person, and this is a loss, for sure.  I don't think he was the right guy for this team, right now, but he was a class act all the way.


Write this one down.

I have a sneaking suspicion he will succeed in a system that suits him this season.  By extension, a lot of the idiots around here who can't take the longview will be insufferable for that period of time.


I hope he goes somewhere and plays lights out. But I doubt he will.

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Write this one down.

I have a sneaking suspicion he will succeed in a system that suits him this season. 



Great QB's can succeed even when they aren't in the "perfect" system.


Any mediocre QB will do well if an entire team is built around his weaknesses.

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Write this one down.

I have a sneaking suspicion he will succeed in a system that suits him this season.  By extension, a lot of the idiots around here who can't take the longview will be insufferable for that period of time.



Write this down.

He will be rejuvenated with his new team for about a half-season, while the Sean Salisburys of the world tell the rest of the league what idiots they are for not going after such a great QB. Then he will go back to being Drew and stink for the rest of his career.


If that sounds morbid, then bite me. Guys like Henry Jones who gave their blood & sweat for a winning organization for a longer period of time were treated much worse, and got less 'thanks' from the fans & management.

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Write this down:


No matter what happens, there will be incessant whining, complaining, excuse-making, bitching, name-calling, bragging, and taunting on message boards in Buffalo and wherever Drew ends up playing next.



wouldn't have it any other way.

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Write this down.

He will be rejuvenated with his new team for about a half-season, while the Sean Salisburys of the world tell the rest of the league what idiots they are for not going after such a great QB.  Then he will go back to being Drew and stink for the rest of his career.


If that sounds morbid, then bite me.  Guys like Henry Jones who gave their blood & sweat for a winning organization for a longer period of time were treated much worse, and got less 'thanks' from the fans & management.


Someone didn't get his medicine this morning. Cranky, cranky.


And my whole point was, I think that pursuing the Losman direction is the right move, I just think the minute Drew has any success at his next locale, people will complain. It's the nature of this board.

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I've searched long and hard for this.  And it fell in my lap today.

The single most idiotic statement ever made on a football message board.

Gonna be tough to top this...



Quoting me once wasn't good enough? Good job on being the first to quote one sentence TWICE, you turd.


The point still remains: Everyone says "you need to build the correct system for Bledsoe to succeed". !@#$ that. If you take any mediocre NFL QB and give him EXACTLY what he personally is best with, he will do great.


That's not idiotic, its the truth.


Listen, Drew is gone. It will be OK. He didn't even know you existed. Let it go.

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Someone didn't get his medicine this morning.  Cranky, cranky.


And my whole point was, I think that pursuing the Losman direction is the right move, I just think the minute Drew has any success at his next locale, people will complain.  It's the nature of this board.



Yeh, well, perhaps I shouldn't have quoted you since I didn't mean to say "hey RuntheDamnBall bite me" as much as it was supposed to be a general comment to Drew Nation. Plus, I've always wondered why H. Jones doesn't get more love from Bills fans.


I agree by the way. Even if he wins a 13-10 game against the 49ers and we lose a shootout that same week, this board will be a circus. Heck, the Midget lost about 15 in a row in SD, and his fans still haven't shut up 4 years later.

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Yeh, well, perhaps I shouldn't have quoted you since I didn't mean to say "hey RuntheDamnBall bite me" as much as it was supposed to be a general comment to Drew Nation.  Plus, I've always wondered why H. Jones doesn't get more love from Bills fans. 


I agree by the way.  Even if he wins a 13-10 game against the 49ers and we lose a shootout that same week, this board will be a circus.  Heck, the Midget lost about 15 in a row in SD, and his fans still haven't shut up 4 years later.


Man, I almost get as much joy seeing Flutie get sacked as I did Marino. I almost wish he was starting so it would happen more often. Agreed, Henry Jones deserves much respect.

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