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Trump Alone at the Top

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And we're going to win, it's so amazing how many people are here, look at the lines and the polls! I'm winning in Iowa and I love Iowa, I think I'll buy a farm here and we're going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for it.

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And we're going to win, it's so amazing how many people are here, look at the lines and the polls! I'm winning in Iowa and I love Iowa, I think I'll buy a farm here and we're going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for it.


One of my favorite commentators is Ace of Spades, and his review of the debate (here) is funny as hell, especially this....


His answers to questions about Trump University and the budget were somewhat uncomfortable to watch, in much the same way that it is uncomfortable to watch a bus full of circus clowns crash into a school for blind children and even worse the clowns were doing their "Gasoline Comedy" act that day and now all the blind children are on fire and the clowns are trying to squirt water on them with their stupid lapel-flowers but the flowers are just squirting out more gas and the children are crying tears of fire out of their Unseeing Dead Eyes and holy **** a couple of the clowns look like they have boners and they're chasing around the fiery blind children trying to rub up on them with these bobbling clown-boners with big red bulbs on their tips.
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Trump said he would not run as an independent - if he was treated fairly- I have a feeling that the Donald does not believe he's being treated fairly.



He also stated last night at the debate, that he would support the Republican nominee.


as did Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich.



I meant...........his pretense as a conservative.






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He also stated last night at the debate, that he would support the Republican nominee.


as did Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich.



I meant...........his pretense as a conservative.






If Trump goes to the convention with the most delegates and doesn't come out the nominee, he'll run as an independent .

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If Trump goes to the convention with the most delegates and doesn't come out the nominee, he'll run as an independent .




I can perfectly understand why anyone would think this, with The Donald's huge ego.



But, I think that his ego will NOT allow him to run and be seen as a loser, b


because 3rd party runs, no matter how excited the backers, are never going to win..............my 2 cents

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If Trump goes to the convention with the most delegates and doesn't come out the nominee, he'll run as an independent .


It'd be great if both Hillary and Cruz are given the nominations despite Bernie and Trump having more votes and/or delegates. It'd be the perfect illustration of just how broken the two party system is in this country.


And it'd be hilarious to see the fallout.... though the chances of either happening are slim.

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I can perfectly understand why anyone would think this, with The Donald's huge ego.



But, I think that his ego will NOT allow him to run and be seen as a loser, b


because 3rd party runs, no matter how excited the backers, are never going to win..............my 2 cents

He doesn't have to win, he just has to !@#$ the guys who !@#$ed him.

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IMO, in The Donald's world, revenge is great, but WINNING is more important.



He had the most delegates, that is the win - the running as an independent is the FU to the people who cheated him out of his win.

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He will not run as an independent just to finish third, and he'd have to spend money to do so. Then, there's ballot access issues and sore loser laws. It's an empty threat. Which is why he was forced to sign the pledge in the first place.

If the GOP manages to do the convention steal, he'll just make the rounds on cable news, whining about the steal, making fun of Romney (or Ryan, whoever the nominee is) and Hillary and hawking a book about his campaign. I assume there's some famous author embedded and writing a book.

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If the GOP manages to do the convention steal, he'll just make the rounds on cable news, whining about the steal, making fun of Romney (or Ryan, whoever the nominee is) and Hillary and hawking a book about his campaign. I assume there's some famous author embedded and writing a book.


I hope to god that there's a documentarian on this. A documentary about this debacle from the inside would be fun to watch. The Romney campaign documentary was fun--and that was for Mitt "Mr. Excitement" Romney.

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He will not run as an independent just to finish third, and he'd have to spend money to do so. Then, there's ballot access issues and sore loser laws. It's an empty threat. Which is why he was forced to sign the pledge in the first place.

If the GOP manages to do the convention steal, he'll just make the rounds on cable news, whining about the steal, making fun of Romney (or Ryan, whoever the nominee is) and Hillary and hawking a book about his campaign. I assume there's some famous author embedded and writing a book.

Trump’s going to be the GOP nominee. All this talk of a brokered convention is nothing but a sign of desperation from the elite power brokers who are being run out of town on a rail by the voters who they’ve been ignoring for a long time. The media will try to keep the charade going for the ratings (money), but it’s all but over.


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Trump’s going to be the GOP nominee. All this talk of a brokered convention is nothing but a sign of desperation from the elite power brokers who are being run out of town on a rail by the voters who they’ve been ignoring for a long time. The media will try to keep the charade going for the ratings (money), but it’s all but over.




He's certainly the odds-on favorite but probably no more than a 65-70% chance, according to political betting sites. Which means there's still a 30-35% chance for a convention steal.


He can basically lock it up by sweeping Florida and Ohio on March 15. Let's see what happens. I'm expecting a split.

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Trump’s going to be the GOP nominee. All this talk of a brokered convention is nothing but a sign of desperation from the elite power brokers who are being run out of town on a rail by the voters who they’ve been ignoring for a long time. The media will try to keep the charade going for the ratings (money), but it’s all but over.




The "elite power brokers" play on both sides, and they're not being run out of town by Trump at all. They LOVE Trump because he's not anti-establishment. A Trump ticket assures Hillary will win in November... which is what the "elite power brokers" wanted from the beginning. 4 years of Hillary means more war, more divisiveness, the rich will get richer while the middle class continues to be gutted.


4 years of Trump would do the same -- just with more bloviation thrown in for good measure.

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I heard an interesting theory on how Romnee can keep Trump from winning the nomination. He could get in himself right now. With the Trump backlash and his popularity he could slow win some states with significant delegate counts like CA keeping Trump from getting his magicv number. Then they could have their brokered convention and pick whoever they want. Jeb or whoever.


Sounds like it could work.

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I heard an interesting theory on how Romnee can keep Trump from winning the nomination. He could get in himself right now. With the Trump backlash and his popularity he could slow win some states with significant delegate counts like CA keeping Trump from getting his magicv number. Then they could have their brokered convention and pick whoever they want. Jeb or whoever.


Sounds like it could work.


It's waaaaay too late in my mind for anything like that. The GOP made the mistake of not taking Trump serious enough early on. Too many pointless debates, not enough substance. But really though, the party has dug its own grave over the past 16 years and counting. They've been beholden to the evangelicals for far too long, that retarded their social politics and made it far too easy for the media to paint them as a backward thinking party. Factor in the catastrophic foreign policy of #43 for which we're still suffering the consequences, the economic stagnation since 2007, and the fact that unlimited money into the system has fundamentally changed our country from a democratic republic to an oligarchy cloaked in corporate fascism -- then GOP is simply getting exactly what they deserve.


The problem is the only thing worse than a two party system is a one party system... It's going to be a painful few years ahead I fear.

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