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You think its a media conspiracy?


Why are you running from your racist support of Hillary Clinton? Don't you care to weigh in as to why Trump and his supporters are so clearly racist because David Duke told people to vote for him, yet when Hillary makes a three minute video lauding one of history's biggest racists and calling him her mentor you're silent...


Are you just a hypocrite? Or are you, yourself, a big time racist?


Survey says....



Yeah that's what I think. :rolleyes:


No I think the left is more concerned about race than the right is. If so why?


Because it's like a piece of shiny tinfoil under a car -- certain to attract the attention of the low information voters while blinding them to the true issues at hand.


Keep everyone fighting with everyone else, that way no one can see how much we're getting screwed. That's American democracy in action.



He's just following Obama's lead...


As if it should be a surprise to anybody with half a brain



Because it's like a piece of shiny tinfoil under a car -- certain to attract the attention of the low information voters while blinding them to the true issues at hand.


Keep everyone fighting with everyone else, that way no one can see how much we're getting screwed. That's American democracy in action.

It's a hijacked fed government in action. Nothing wrong with the system just the criminals that have taken it over. We fight among ourselves as jobs are exported to China and Mexico. Open the borders to uneducated Democratic voters. All kind of a massive global wealth redistribution program and we are all paying for it. Watch out for the TPP thats the next screw job.


Oh ya. That why the kkk likes Trump?

Rules you out...


Please get better insults. Please.


I'll even let you use "You're an idiot," if it helps.



Please get better insults. Please.


I'll even let you use "You're an idiot," if it helps.


If he was better at insults, these threads wouldn't be so insufferable.


In other words you have no answer for the point. Which was a good point, btw


KKK supports Trump, is an indictment of Trump. Hillary supports KKK is perfectly acceptable.


You're a whackadoodle.



KKK supports Trump, is an indictment of Trump. Hillary supports KKK is perfectly acceptable.


You're a whackadoodle.

Holy obfuscation Batman!


Why would KKK not support Hillary, Tom?

Just another example of how libs are hypocrites by supporting Hilly.

No, its just part of our plan to get a dictator in office B-)

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