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Trump Alone at the Top

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Congress has all the power from a domestic policy standpoint anyway. Remember to vote against your incumbents everyone.

They do? Someone should really tell Barry.

Edited by Dante
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Yes, it does. The election system, the two-party system, the campaign finance system, the judiciary, the congress...all of it is broken and beyond repair. Even worse, it's lurching toward authoritarianism.

Yup, heck, we can't even voice our opinions on the interweb anymore :w00t:

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Ha ha, poor Donald already having trouble with Checks and balances




In all fairness, the only opinion you give is the one provided to you by someone else, so I don't really see the difference in your world.

Just because you are way too stupid to form an original thought does not mean I am.

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Ha ha, poor Donald already having trouble with Checks and balances



Just because you are way too stupid to form an original thought does not mean I am.


Ah, yes. The always reliable "I'm rubber, you're glue" argument, which I'm sure will soon be followed by your always-reliable "Sticks and stones" retort.

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