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ANGELO CODEVILLA: Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama.


“Obama has been our first emperor. A Donald Trump presidency, far from reversing the ruling class’s unaccountable hold over American life, would seal it. Because Trump would act as our second emperor, he would render well-nigh impossible our return to republicanism.”







Trump and the Obama Model
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ANGELO CODEVILLA: Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama.


“Obama has been our first emperor. A Donald Trump presidency, far from reversing the ruling class’s unaccountable hold over American life, would seal it. Because Trump would act as our second emperor, he would render well-nigh impossible our return to republicanism.”







Trump and the Obama Model


Ridiculous. Based on what? The completely unhinged lunacy is laughable now.

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Ridiculous. Based on what? The completely unhinged lunacy is laughable now.


Based on the empty platform that he's put forward. If you believe even in the half the things he says he will do, it will require doubling down on Obama's trampling of the separation of powers.

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The issue here is not how extreme his position is or is not. The issue is that the NYT, and all the other media outlets giving him unlimited free press, will hold back anything that may damage him until he is up against Hillary, at which point ALL of it will be released...and Hillary cruises.


Nothing sticks to him. Do you remember everything that's happened and the media would say in unison "Well, it's definitely over for him NOW!"


However, when Trump brands someone it usually sticks and it started with jeb is a low energy guy and now it's little marco.


I couldn't imagine that they'd have anything big enough to bring him down at this point. All this KKK scandal stuff shows they got nothin' and are grasping at straws.

Edited by 1billsfan
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Trump is the result of the GOP esbalishment supporting people that are too much like Bush



1.) That he will work with Democrats and the GOP leadership in Congress to pass something that looks like the Gang of Eight amnesty bill.

2.) That he will urge Congress to pass any trade agreements that Obama has signed.

3.) That he will send significant numbers of U.S. troops to the Middle East.

4.) That his foreign policy will be developed by many of the same people who advised George W. Bush.

5.) That his economic policy will reflect the views of those who were in power when the United States was hit by the economic crisis of 2008.


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Based on the empty platform that he's put forward. If you believe even in the half the things he says he will do, it will require doubling down on Obama's trampling of the separation of powers.


I simply don't understand how normally rational right-leaning people who pay attention to politics -- especially people who have been rightly criticizing Obama for living off platitudes, calling his opposition names, and essentially having no plan for any leadership -- can look at Trump and somehow think that he's going to be a great president.


Mind boggling.

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I simply don't understand how normally rational right-leaning people who pay attention to politics -- especially people who have been rightly criticizing Obama for living off platitudes, calling his opposition names, and essentially having no plan for any leadership -- can look at Trump and somehow think that he's going to be a great president.


Mind boggling.

Totally agree with this. If they think Obama is bad abusing powers and go around congress, just wait until they elect a guy who calls them all idiots

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Another "Trump is Just Obama All Over Again" article here.


Like Obama before him, Trump promises his followers that they can have their cake and eat it, too, so long as they invest him with power. For Obama, the promise was that we could enact universal health-insurance coverage and end up spending less money on health care, because he was so goddamned smart. For Trump’s whey-faced horde, the promise is that they can have more welfare benefits, lower taxes, and less debt, all at the same time, because Trump, who doesn’t know how a bill becomes a law, is so goddamned smart.


“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” was last season’s “I’ll build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it.” This season’s version will work out the same same, if American voters are in fact childish and unpatriotic enough to invest Trump with the power of the presidency in a fit of pique.


I hope they don’t. But I don’t put it past them, either. They’ve done it before. Immediately before, in fact. Yes, Trump is a con artist. No, he isn’t the first. The last one didn’t work out too well.


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I simply don't understand how normally rational right-leaning people who pay attention to politics -- especially people who have been rightly criticizing Obama for living off platitudes, calling his opposition names, and essentially having no plan for any leadership -- can look at Trump and somehow think that he's going to be a great president.


Mind boggling.


Great president? No. Better than HIlly? Yes. We're not exactly dealing with a lot of options here, much less good ones.

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