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Trump and Obama are nothing alike.


Other than the fact that one of them actually ran a business, they are identical in tone and rhetoric. Childish. Condescending. Egocentric. And exclusively concerned more about themselves than they will EVER be concerned about anyone else.


A year into the Trump presidency you'll be asking "Is America great again yet?" just like the country kept asking "How's that hopey changey thing working out?"


But then, we don't expect you to see this when you are unable to simply complete an original thought on your own.


So would you agree that Obama is also a egomaniac and narcissist?

I think we all are to a point, but like Trump? No


I've never seen anyone like Trump before


Other than the fact that one of them actually ran a business, they are identical in tone and rhetoric. Childish. Condescending. Egocentric. And exclusively concerned more about themselves than they will EVER be concerned about anyone else.


A year into the Trump presidency you'll be asking "Is America great again yet?" just like the country kept asking "How's that hopey changey thing working out?"


But then, we don't expect you to see this when you are unable to simply complete an original thought on your own.

You have no grasp at all of reality


Trump at least professes a love for the country and knows that it can make life better for the world.


Obama seems to truly dislike America.


Thank you, POTUS. Your ineptitude, arrogance and narcissism directly ignited the rise of Donald Trump.

I blame the media.


For almost a decade, the Media (both sides) have screaming debate matches that ultimately the person with the loudest voice wins. America has been led to believe that is what politics is all about and it sells. Trump is simply capitalizing on that.


I blame the media.


For almost a decade, the Media (both sides) have screaming debate matches that ultimately the person with the loudest voice wins. America has been led to believe that is what politics is all about and it sells. Trump is simply capitalizing on that.

There is some truth in that and with a poorly informed electorate, emotional soundbite politics often wins.


There is some truth in that and with a poorly informed electorate, emotional soundbite politics often wins.

Exactly. We live in a world of 6 second videos and commentary by someone with an agenda (liberal or conservative)


Trump has simply figured out how to make that work for him. He also capitalizes on peoples anger which IMO has been a product of how the media functions in this country and what both sides have sold


Thank you, POTUS. Your ineptitude, arrogance and narcissism directly ignited the rise of Donald Trump.


This has nothing to do with Barry. Right-leaning Americans handed the GOP majorities for the house and Senate, and an unprecedented number of state bodies and gubernatorial seats.


In response, the GOP has done nothing but continue togive Barry pretty much whatever he wants in terms of spending, ignoring his executive orders, and essentially just playing dead.


The media has contributed greatly, in large part because it refused to honestly report on Barry's errors in order to protect their own interests.


The right is pissed, Trump fuels that anger, and anyone with even a slight bit of sense can see we're about to elect another thin-skinned protagonist who we can only hope will be even a little less embarrassing than Barry.

Posted (edited)

The idea that Trump will get heavy Hispanic and female support in the general election is a joke


Yes, because women are clamoring to vote for a woman who embraced her husband's sexual assault on innocent staffers while spreading rumors to destroy the young females' lives.

Edited by LABillzFan

Trump at least professes a love for the country and knows that it can make life better for the world.


Obama seems to truly dislike America.

There are some things I don't like about Trump. Like his stance on federal land for example, but your point alone makes him infinitely better than Barry.


How fitting. A fraud.


A civil trial in the fraud case against his now-defunct Trump University could come sometime after May 6 — the scheduled date of the last pre-trial conference in a case filed by former students.


Trump University was not a degree-granting school and did not have a campus, but it ran real estate seminars that critics have called a useless and expensive fraud, with some students paying thousands of dollars in hopes of getting rich. Trump attorneys have said there's no merit to the accusations.


Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/donald-trump-university-fraud-case-witness-219695#ixzz416RQcVuq


Yes, because women are clamoring to vote for a woman who embraced her husband's sexual assault on innocent staffers while spreading rumors to destroy the young females' lives.

Ya ya, sure :thumbsup:

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