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Trump Alone at the Top

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Hi media. Know who else is in that Al Shabaab recruitment video with Trump?


Hillary Clinton & Black Lives Matter



The Al Shabaab video also features Anwar Al Awaki, an American citizen whom Obama incinerated with a drone strike.



Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton - All people who have appeared in terrorist recruitment videos. And yet...............

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To be fair, Trump has had nothing to do with any sort of American international policy, whereas the Clintons and Obama have... so I say it's pretty impressive that Trump is showing up, means the world is taking him seriously.

Or The Clintons made a call to one of the terrorist donors to their foundation and asked them to get Trump into a video to support Hillary's statement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Reason Palin's son was arrested, that darn Obama again

Sarah wants to be Energy Secretary for Trump

Present Energy Sec Dr Ernest Moniz

As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment. This encompasses advancing the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, maintaining the nuclear deterrent and reducing the nuclear danger, promoting American leadership in science and clean energy technology innovation, cleaning up the legacy of the cold war, and strengthening management and performance.

Moniz is one of the founding members of The Cyprus Institute and has served at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, as the Director of the Energy Initiative, and as the Director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.

Moniz attended Boston College, where he received his Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in physics, and he later received his PhD in theoretical physics from Stanford University in 1972

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Reason Palin's son was arrested, that darn Obama again





Sarah wants to be Energy Secretary for Trump


Present Energy Sec Dr Ernest Moniz


As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obamas goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment. This encompasses advancing the Presidents all-of-the-above energy strategy, maintaining the nuclear deterrent and reducing the nuclear danger, promoting American leadership in science and clean energy technology innovation, cleaning up the legacy of the cold war, and strengthening management and performance.




Moniz is one of the founding members of The Cyprus Institute and has served at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, as the Director of the Energy Initiative, and as the Director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.


Moniz attended Boston College, where he received his Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in physics, and he later received his PhD in theoretical physics from Stanford University in 1972

The only people that care about palin, are paranoid regressives.

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Odd they even have them.




Clinton Library set to release Donald Trump records
Politico, by Josh Gerstein


Original Article



President Bill Clinton´s presidential library is set to make public nearly 500 pages of records pertaining to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to an official notice from the National Archives. The records will detail the Clinton White House´s interactions with Trump and his Trump Organization, as well as how Clinton aides prepared to field questions about Trump´s entry into the 2000 presidential race, where he sought the nomination of the Reform Party for a few months before dropping out. The files could revive questions about the friendly relationship Trump had with President Clinton and Hillary Clinton before Trump launched his campaign

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Odd they even have them.



Clinton Library set to release Donald Trump records

Politico, by Josh Gerstein

Original Article



President Bill Clinton´s presidential library is set to make public nearly 500 pages of records pertaining to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to an official notice from the National Archives. The records will detail the Clinton White House´s interactions with Trump and his Trump Organization, as well as how Clinton aides prepared to field questions about Trump´s entry into the 2000 presidential race, where he sought the nomination of the Reform Party for a few months before dropping out. The files could revive questions about the friendly relationship Trump had with President Clinton and Hillary Clinton before Trump launched his campaign

This should get awesome. No chance trump ignores it without retaliating. This should get interesting.


And why do the Clinton's have trump records?

Should that really be surprising

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This should get awesome. No chance trump ignores it without retaliating. This should get interesting.


And why do the Clinton's have trump records?

Should that really be surprising


Do you people read?

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This should get awesome. No chance trump ignores it without retaliating. This should get interesting.


And why do the Clinton's have trump records?

Should that really be surprising


I'm not sure if this is wise. I Hillary gets the nomination IMO the best chance she has of winning is if Trump get's the GOP nod.

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I'm not sure if this is wise. I Hillary gets the nomination IMO the best chance she has of winning is if Trump get's the GOP nod.

That is a tough one. I think Trump more than any R candidate can take Dem votes from Shillary, but at the same time he loses R and I votes to her. I also think that Cruz, Rubio, Christie and Fiorina will do much better in the debates against her than will Trump, so on that note I agree with you.

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That is a tough one. I think Trump more than any R candidate can take Dem votes from Shillary, but at the same time he loses R and I votes to her. I also think that Cruz, Rubio, Christie and Fiorina will do much better in the debates against her than will Trump, so on that note I agree with you.


In CA my vote doesn't mean squat. However if he is the nomination I cannot and will not vote for him. I would never vote for her either. I'd either go third party as I did in 2008 or just sit one out. I cannot be the only conservative that feels this way (there are many here on this board) so I would imagine a Trump nomination would have many on the right voting elsewhere (third party).

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In CA my vote doesn't mean squat. However if he is the nomination I cannot and will not vote for him. I would never vote for her either. I'd either go third party as I did in 2008 or just sit one out. I cannot be the only conservative that feels this way (there are many here on this board) so I would imagine a Trump nomination would have many on the right voting elsewhere (third party).

I think as a general consensus most would be happy if Hillary and trump wipe each other out.

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Odd they even have them.




Clinton Library set to release Donald Trump records

Politico, by Josh Gerstein


Original Article



President Bill Clinton´s presidential library is set to make public nearly 500 pages of records pertaining to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to an official notice from the National Archives. The records will detail the Clinton White House´s interactions with Trump and his Trump Organization, as well as how Clinton aides prepared to field questions about Trump´s entry into the 2000 presidential race, where he sought the nomination of the Reform Party for a few months before dropping out. The files could revive questions about the friendly relationship Trump had with President Clinton and Hillary Clinton before Trump launched his campaign


They have them because they were PRESIDENTIAL communications between PRESIDENT Clinton and Trump that are currently housed in Clinton's PRESIDENTIAL library. :rolleyes:


I'm surprised releasing them in this context is even legal. Since they are federal records, this could be considered using federal government resources for political campaigning purposes, which would not be legal. Of course, I doubt the Clinton campaign understands that, given their demonstrated history of treating government property as their own personal property (see: email server).

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They have them because they were PRESIDENTIAL communications between PRESIDENT Clinton and Trump that are currently housed in Clinton's PRESIDENTIAL library. :rolleyes:


I'm surprised releasing them in this context is even legal. Since they are federal records, this could be considered using federal government resources for political campaigning purposes, which would not be legal. Of course, I doubt the Clinton campaign understands that, given their demonstrated history of treating government property as their own personal property (see: email server).


Well, yeah that's the obvious response, not why they have the records in the first place.

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