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Trump Alone at the Top

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trump was a frequent topic of discussion with my in laws in London over Christmas. there are several quite conservative members of the family by British standards. Yet everyone of them asked me "he can't win can he?" followed by "who is supporting him and why?". they all found his ascendence very disturbing. one of the Scotsman in the group mentioned that Scotland had just refused a trump request for development in Scotland. Said he thought that could be directly attributed to his prez campaign.


so albeit from a small sample, i'd be worried about the trump effect internationally and especially with close allies. of course, many here think we exist in a vacuum and shouldn't care what the rest of the world thinks.. kinda like trump. and absolutely incorrect.

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trump was a frequent topic of discussion with my in laws in London over Christmas. there are several quite conservative members of the family by British standards. Yet everyone of them asked me "he can't win can he?" followed by "who is supporting him and why?". they all found his ascendence very disturbing. one of the Scotsman in the group mentioned that Scotland had just refused a trump request for development in Scotland. Said he thought that could be directly attributed to his prez campaign.


so albeit from a small sample, i'd be worried about the trump effect internationally and especially with close allies. of course, many here think we exist in a vacuum and shouldn't care what the rest of the world thinks.. kinda like trump. and absolutely incorrect.

I'm sold. I'm supporting Hillary or Bernie from this point forward.

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trump was a frequent topic of discussion with my in laws in London over Christmas. there are several quite conservative members of the family by British standards. Yet everyone of them asked me "he can't win can he?" followed by "who is supporting him and why?". they all found his ascendence very disturbing. one of the Scotsman in the group mentioned that Scotland had just refused a trump request for development in Scotland. Said he thought that could be directly attributed to his prez campaign.


so albeit from a small sample, i'd be worried about the trump effect internationally and especially with close allies. of course, many here think we exist in a vacuum and shouldn't care what the rest of the world thinks.. kinda like trump. and absolutely incorrect.


Most of the rest of the world has trouble with the concept of the 'citizen statesman'. It shouldn't surprise anyone that people in the UK have trouble understanding why anyone would support Trump. Hell, a lot of Americans don't understand it either.

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Most of the rest of the world has trouble with the concept of the 'citizen statesman'. It shouldn't surprise anyone that people in the UK have trouble understanding why anyone would support Trump. Hell, a lot of Americans don't understand it either.

That's cool, they can have their entitled career politicians and political class with their watered down socialism. Good for them.


That's their dream, not mine.

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Most of the rest of the world has trouble with the concept of the 'citizen statesman'. It shouldn't surprise anyone that people in the UK have trouble understanding why anyone would support Trump. Hell, a lot of Americans don't understand it either.


Except Trump's not a "citizen statesman." He's just a blowhard.

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trump was a frequent topic of discussion with my in laws in London over Christmas. there are several quite conservative members of the family by British standards. Yet everyone of them asked me "he can't win can he?" followed by "who is supporting him and why?". they all found his ascendence very disturbing. one of the Scotsman in the group mentioned that Scotland had just refused a trump request for development in Scotland. Said he thought that could be directly attributed to his prez campaign.


so albeit from a small sample, i'd be worried about the trump effect internationally and especially with close allies. of course, many here think we exist in a vacuum and shouldn't care what the rest of the world thinks.. kinda like trump. and absolutely incorrect.

Well, I was traveling in Russia earlier this summer and people I talked-to there thought that Hillary was a joke who Putin would have no trouble (to borrow a term) "schlonging." And I can only imagine the Muslim world has zero respect for her as well. So there's that.
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“What stands out to me after reading the whole article, however, is that Trump obviously has a lot of support among a wide range of people, including many that you wouldn’t expect if you’ve been relying on mainstream media for information: women, well-educated people, Hispanics.


There needs to be much more serious analysis of what is going on. American politics is outrunning the pundit class.”


Well, most of it.




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Obama had an opportunity to be a great President given the crap Bush handed him but the numbers aren't there to support anything near good.


= Debt, horrible even with his tax increases.

= Economic recovery, very weak by historical measures and the economy looks to be slowing down again. No pro economic growth policies enacted.

= Obamacare, terrible in terms of what are the cost and the benefits.

= Social security fiscal position, worse. Nothing done.

= Illegal immigration, horrendous and in fact he has promoted more of it.

= National security, Terror threats on the rise.

= Getting us out of needless wars, weak. He has neither gotten us out nor has he stabilized Iraq or Afg.

= Foreign policy, bungled. We are less respected and what little has been done has yielded poor results.


Nothing else that he has done has been significant that I can think of.


He will be leaving a large steaming stinking pile of crap for the next President



That entire list is just garbage

That's a little harsh, but yes, Obama's entire regime has produced little but garbage for many Americans in need.

Edited by Nanker
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“What stands out to me after reading the whole article, however, is that Trump obviously has a lot of support among a wide range of people, including many that you wouldn’t expect if you’ve been relying on mainstream media for information: women, well-educated people, Hispanics.


There needs to be much more serious analysis of what is going on. American politics is outrunning the pundit class.”


Well, most of it.





The problem with Scott Adams' punditry is that outside the cynical comic commentary on corporate bureaucracy, he's pretty much out to lunch. And I say that having read his non-Dilbert books over the years and thinking the guy's a loon.


However, his analysis does benefit from the simple fact that it explains Trump's popularity coherently and consistently. But then, so does the theory that his campaign is a publicity gone terribly out of control that he doesn't know how to stop.

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The problem with Scott Adams' punditry is that outside the cynical comic commentary on corporate bureaucracy, he's pretty much out to lunch. And I say that having read his non-Dilbert books over the years and thinking the guy's a loon.


However, his analysis does benefit from the simple fact that it explains Trump's popularity coherently and consistently. But then, so does the theory that his campaign is a publicity gone terribly out of control that he doesn't know how to stop.

I think he secretly fears that he might become the next POTUS.

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