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Obama is a good-for-nothing President.



FLASHBACK: Why George W. Bush Never Left D.C. Until the Day After Christmas.


“[H]ere’s the thing: In December, we never left Washington, D.C., until the day after Christmas. Never. Mr. Bush and his wife, Laura, would always depart the White House a few days before the holiday and hunker down at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland,” Curl wrote in a 2013 column that was republished Thursday.

After a few years, curiosity finally got to the former Washington Times reporter and he asked a low-level administration official why.

“I still remember what she said,” Curl wrote. “’So all of us can be with our families on Christmas.’”

“Who was ‘us’? Hundreds and hundreds of people, that’s who. Sure, the reporters who covered the president, but also dozens and dozens on his staff, 100 Secret Service agents, maybe more, and all of those city cops required whenever the president’s on the move in D.C.,” Curl added in his column.

However, things seemingly changed when Obama took office.

“[T]his president would never delay his trip to his island getaway. He’s off every year well before Christmas. Hundreds and hundreds head off with him, leaving family behind,” Curl wrote.






Class, and the lack thereof.

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FLASHBACK: Why George W. Bush Never Left D.C. Until the Day After Christmas.





Class, and the lack thereof.

Frankly, it likely never occurred to the Narcissist in Chief, and if it did it would probably please him greatly as simply being a sign of his greatness that hundreds would follow Him and forego being with their families at this time of year. He knows how to lead, after all.

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FLASHBACK: Why George W. Bush Never Left D.C. Until the Day After Christmas.





Class, and the lack thereof.


You're talking about a president who literally shut down a couple's wedding just so he could play a round of golf.


Does anyone really think he or his wife could give two schitts about interfering with people's Christmas plans.



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You're talking about a president who literally shut down a couple's wedding just so he could play a round of golf.


Does anyone really think he or his wife could give two schitts about interfering with people's Christmas plans.




Betcha he wouldn't pull that **** for Ramadan. #ChristianPrivilege.

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Obama is a good president. These same idiots putting Trump on top are the people that gave us Bush twice, Bush was a terrible president

Obama had an opportunity to be a great President given the crap Bush handed him but the numbers aren't there to support anything near good.


= Debt, horrible even with his tax increases.

= Economic recovery, very weak by historical measures and the economy looks to be slowing down again. No pro economic growth policies enacted.

= Obamacare, terrible in terms of what are the cost and the benefits.

= Social security fiscal position, worse. Nothing done.

= Illegal immigration, horrendous and in fact he has promoted more of it.

= National security, Terror threats on the rise.

= Getting us out of needless wars, weak. He has neither gotten us out nor has he stabilized Iraq or Afg.

= Foreign policy, bungled. We are less respected and what little has been done has yielded poor results.


Nothing else that he has done has been significant that I can think of.


He will be leaving a large steaming stinking pile of crap for the next President

Edited by keepthefaith
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Obama had an opportunity to be a great President given the crap Bush handed him but the numbers aren't there to support anything near good.


= Debt, horrible even with his tax increases.

= Economic recovery, very weak by historical measures and the economy looks to be slowing down again. No pro economic growth policies enacted.

= Obamacare, terrible in terms of what are the cost and the benefits.

= Social security fiscal position, worse. Nothing done.

= Illegal immigration, horrendous and in fact he has promoted more of it.

= National security, Terror threats on the rise.

= Getting us out of needless wars, weak. He has neither gotten us out nor has he stabilized Iraq or Afg.

= Foreign policy, bungled. We are less respected and what little has been done has yielded poor results.


Nothing else that he has done has been significant that I can think of.


He will be leaving a large steaming stinking pile of crap for the next President

That entire list is just garbage

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You bring up circle jerks and knob gobbling a lot in your posts. Just sayin...

Obama had an opportunity to be a great President given the crap Bush handed him but the numbers aren't there to support anything near good.


= Debt, horrible even with his tax increases. Recessions cause debt. Obama came to office with a recession from previous administration

= Economic recovery, very weak by historical measures and the economy looks to be slowing down again. No pro economic growth policies enacted. Global economy, prez can only do so much, especially with a GOP do nothing Congress

= Obamacare, terrible in terms of what are the cost and the benefits. Millions now have health insurance/care that did not before

= Social security fiscal position, worse. Nothing done. See Congress

= Illegal immigration, horrendous and in fact he has promoted more of it. Same with all other presidents

= National security, Terror threats on the rise. What?? This is just stupid

= Getting us out of needless wars, weak. He has neither gotten us out nor has he stabilized Iraq or Afg.Weak to get us out of needless wars? Ok

= Foreign policy, bungled. We are less respected and what little has been done has yielded poor results. Ambiguous to say the least


Nothing else that he has done has been significant that I can think of.


He will be leaving a large steaming stinking pile of crap for the next President


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