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Trump Alone at the Top

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I did already. I realize that probably disqualifies everything I say according to most of you. I'm just trying to be a different voice a little bit over here. Don't you guys ever get tired of agreeing with each other all the time?


There have been plenty of opposing voices for the left here: baskin, ..lybob/gatorman, birddog, etc. And if you think we all agree with each other, stick around. There are a handful of Trumpster Divers here as well.


You seem to be under the illusion that because we can't stomach Hillary, we must naturally be Trump supporters, and you would be wrong about that as well.


In fact, one of the most telling parts of this election has been the way the left and the right have responded to their excessively flawed candidates. Many of the right will simply not vote for Trump at any cost. While most everyone on the left will still vote for a person who will be under two FBI investigations on the day she's sworn in.

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I did already. I realize that probably disqualifies everything I say according to most of you. I'm just trying to be a different voice a little bit over here. Don't you guys ever get tired of agreeing with each other all the time?


I'm actually appreciating the discussion with you. It's nice to disagree with someone who's not a thorough pinhead.


It's also surprising how often we disagree around here.



I'm troubled by some of Hillary's baggage. But I think much of it is overblown. I'm not a democrat, but I tend to vote for democrats more often than not.


Interesting...I tend to think it's understated, if anything. The odd thing is that people seem to focus only on her past 4-8 years, which are bad enough...but she's got a consistent track record of bull **** going back decades, much of which contradicts how she's usually portrayed publicly (she's racially inclusive...but she wrote the bill to keep Muslim companies from doing business in the US. She's a foreign policy expert...but her foreign policy has been all over the map and ungrounded in anything other than political opportunism. Etc., etc., etc.) Any individual incident involving her may seem no worse than "shady," but her entire track record, all the way back to Little Rock, is one of conniving and opportunistic self-interest. If she's ever taken an action that benefited others, it was only incidental to how it benefited herself.


Admittedly, she's no different from Trump in that regard (really, the best course of action for the country is, whichever of these morons is elected, to shoot them and promote the VP - and at this point I don't even care if the Secret Service is reading this, which should tell you how utterly loathsome I find both of them). The only real difference is that Hillary fakes enough depth to be a true demagogue, whereas Trump's too shallow to be anything more than a carnival barker.


There have been plenty of opposing voices for the left here: baskin, ..lybob/gatorman, birddog, etc. And if you think we all agree with each other, stick around. There are a handful of Trumpster Divers here as well.


To be fair, those aren't "opposing voices." They're basically trolls.

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I did already. I realize that probably disqualifies everything I say according to most of you. I'm just trying to be a different voice a little bit over here. Don't you guys ever get tired of agreeing with each other all the time?


I'm troubled by some of Hillary's baggage. But I think much of it is overblown. I'm not a democrat, but I tend to vote for democrats more often than not.


It's amazing the degree Dems have gone to make complete hypocrites of themselves when it comes to their support of her. So everything has been "overblown" and it's all just a vast conspiracy against her. :rolleyes:

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By the way, anyone watching game 7 last night see Twitter get a little juice when a a bunch of people were furious that someone was promoting the KKK during the game?


Funniest social justice warrior meltdown I've seen in a long time. Young kid at Mediaite fanned the flames...until normal-thinking folks set him straight.




MLB will be forced to use a new symbol for strikeouts now. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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By the way, anyone watching game 7 last night see Twitter get a little juice when a a bunch of people were furious that someone was promoting the KKK during the game?


Funniest social justice warrior meltdown I've seen in a long time. Young kid at Mediaite fanned the flames...until normal-thinking folks set him straight.




How about a trigger warning before you post something like that next time?

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I think it's a little disingenuous to pretend like there is no meaningful REASON that Duke and others support Trump. I think we all know that they do because they believe it will help their cause. I think we all also know that Trump has played his hand carefully in not alienating these people.


Duke and people like him don't have a cause - they're just frightened, spiteful little people, who are thankfully dying off as our society matures. While I will admit that Trump has said some pretty stupid things, especially regarding illegal immigration, I would point out that to my knowledge, nobody ever accused Trump of racism until he became a republican candidate for president. Curbing illegal immigration is a major issue in this country, and he did himself no favors in laying out his case for building a wall, but I believe too many people are confusing racism with nationalism in their regard for Trump.

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Duke and people like him don't have a cause - they're just frightened, spiteful little people, who are thankfully dying off as our society matures. While I will admit that Trump has said some pretty stupid things, especially regarding illegal immigration, I would point out that to my knowledge, nobody ever accused Trump of racism until he became a republican candidate for president. Curbing illegal immigration is a major issue in this country, and he did himself no favors in laying out his case for building a wall, but I believe too many people are confusing racism with nationalism in their regard for Trump.

Really? You're not familiar with the whole thing about not renting to black people in his buildings in the 70's? He was sued by the Justice Dept. and he settled.

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Really? You're not familiar with the whole thing about not renting to black people in his buildings in the 70's? He was sued by the Justice Dept. and he settled.


Do we get to return to the 70s for Hillary, too? Because believe me, Trump may have kept a black woman from renting an apartment, but the Clintons tend to leave bodies in their wake. Right up to Benghazi.

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Really? You're not familiar with the whole thing about not renting to black people in his buildings in the 70's? He was sued by the Justice Dept. and he settled.


Yeah, I've heard about that, but not until he ran for office. Definitely not a good move, no mater how you try to explain it.

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Oh goodie! The 70's called and want their scandals back.


Jerry Zeifman - a Democrat who served as counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation - said he supervised Hillary Rodham Clinton as she worked on the team that worked on the Watergate impeachment inquiry, and that during the investigation Hillary Clinton had “…engaged in a variety of self-serving, unethical practices in violation of House rules.”


Specifically, Jerry Zeifman said Hillary Rodham Clinton and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office so Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy would have a better chance of being elected president. Zeifman said a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him in August of 1974 to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “…her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.”


Jerry Zeifman also said that Hillary Rodham Clinton regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, which was a violation of House rules. Zeifman said in addition to helping Ted Kennedy win the presidency, Democrats also didn’t want Nixon to face an impeachment trial because they feared he might bring up abuses of office by President John Kennedy as part of his defense.


But while Jerry Zeifman has been consistent in his criticism of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s work on the Watergate investigation, circumstances surrounding her termination are less clear. In a 1999 interview with the Scripps Howard News Service, Zeifman said he didn’t have the power to fire Clinton, or else he would have:


In an interview on the Neal Boortz Show in 2008, Jerry Zeifman altered his claim about Hillary’s termination from the Watergate investigation:

“Zeifman does not have flattering memories of Rodham’s work on the committee. ‘If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her,’ he said. Zeifman said Rodham sparked a bitter battle among Democrats by recommending the Judiciary Committee deny Nixon’s lawyers the right to attend the closed-door meetings. ‘Can you imagine that? This was a committee of lawyers and members of the bar, and she was saying the committee should deny the president representation,’ he said. After a lengthy behind-the-scenes debate, Zeifman said the committee decided Nixon’s lawyers could attend.”


When pressed, Zeifman said he couldn’t recommend Hillary Rodham Clinton for future positions, “Because of her unethical conduct.” Despite that, however, Clinton was terminated because she was “no longer needed” — not because she had lied, according to Zeifman’s own account.


“Well, let me put it this way: I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — were no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not — recommend her for any further positions.” But in a 2008 column Zeifman wrote, “My own reaction was of regret, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations.”

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I did already. I realize that probably disqualifies everything I say according to most of you. I'm just trying to be a different voice a little bit over here. Don't you guys ever get tired of agreeing with each other all the time?


I'm troubled by some of Hillary's baggage. But I think much of it is overblown. I'm not a democrat, but I tend to vote for democrats more often than not.


Oh that's right, many of the white supremacists are following Trump because they DON'T like him. (statistically possible, but doesn't hold water)


Are the preternatural idiots right that Trump is their savior? Probably not. However, Trump has courted them, he values their votes and I think these crazy groups would rally around a Trump victory. If I had these nuts following me around, I'd be worried. I'd do something about it. Trump doesn't seem to mind. Far from it.

Go over to the politics thread on sabrespace.com if you want to buddie up with some hardcore lefties. The occasional righty shows up every now and again. It's kinda like here only the other viewpoint mostly.

Edited by old school
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They're not less or more of a troll than "a third of Trump twitter followers are white supremacists, therefore Trump is a white supremacist."


And by that logic Hillary is a communist? A socialist? A hipster? A stoner? A tranny? Gay? Lesbian? Female who doesn't shave her pits? Hell we could go on and on with both sides.

That is pretty hilarious.


No it's not.

Go over to the politics thread on sabrespace.com if you want to buddie up with some hardcore lefties. The occasional righty shows up every now and again. It's kinda like here only the other viewpoint mostly.


Really?? He guys follow me................

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Really? You're not familiar with the whole thing about not renting to black people in his buildings in the 70's? He was sued by the Justice Dept. and he settled.

But that was when Trump was a Democrat.


And if that's what a Democrat believes and Democrats support Hillary, then Hillary must be the racist candidate.

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