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The average disenfranchised voter sees trump as being genuine and willing to go into DC like a wrecking ball for better or worse to break up the oligarchy political class.



How has a loud mouth worked for the Bills' defense this year?



How has a loud mouth worked for the Bills' defense this year?

Ask Mario Williams of he runs the play He is given, Ask Aaron Williams how his neck is doing, ask Kyle Williams if his PCL is any better. Ask Hughes why he feels the need to get a personal foul every game Etc... Its not that simple


Ask Mario Williams of he runs the play He is given, Ask Aaron Williams how his neck is doing, ask Kyle Williams if his PCL is any better. Ask Hughes why he feels the need to get a personal foul every game Etc... Its not that simple

"It's not that simple" should be a retort for anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.


Being fed up with establishment candidates is one thing. Being taken in by a grandstanding narcissist is another. Talk about low information voter.


Opinion Piece................................sad that I have to post that clarification


The Best And Perhaps Only Reason To Vote For Donald Trump




If there is a glimmer of hope, it may be in electing Donald Trump. Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins.


In the halls of the Pentagon, there is a different plan afoot for the Trump presidency. Here, officers are privately contemplating what they would do should Trump become their commander-in-chief. And more often than not, they proclaim they will leave.

“By 2016 I will have my 20 years in and can get out of here,” one military official said, referring to the amount of time a service member needs to collect retirement pay.

Spend enough time with a service member, and the topic of Trump comes up, always unsolicited. It is far less political than it sounds. Trump’s attack plans for the so-called Islamic State widely known as ISIS—his call to ban Muslims from the United States, his suggestions that cutting off the flow of information through the Internet can protect the homeland—many said, are an affront to the values they vowed to die to defend.

Each one of them took an oath to defend the Constitution, which protects the freedom of speech and gives Congress, not just one person, the power send the nation to war. They also swear to “obey the orders of the president of the United States.”

This correspondent has heard such sentiments from at least a dozen commanders in the past few months. Such conversations can also be heard at common areas—in cafeteria lines and around lunch tables.

And so in the course of conversation, plots of a different kind emerge—contingencies in case Trump really is elected to the White House.

“By 2016 I will have my 20 years in and can get out of here,” one military official said, referring to the amount of time a service member needs to collect retirement pay.

“This is not the country I joined to defend.”

“I am turning in my papers.”




Just to be clear, these are the same people who went along with abandoning what was accomplished in Iraq. These are the same people who went along with abandoning Afghanistan. These are the same people who cooked the books on the rise of ISIS because it ran counter to Obama’s wants. These are the same people who have punished military chaplains for actually preaching the Gospel. These are the same people who stood idly by while professing Christians were forced from the service. These are the people who discharged men who objected to child rape. These are people who willingly served Barack Obama. None of that offended them. But they are so offended by the thought of Donald Trump in the White House that they would resign.


Good riddance.


If I thought for a nanosecond that they had the integrity to actually resign if Trump is elected I would be spending every waking hour campaigning for The Donald. But they won’t. They are time servers who couldn’t pick a real soldier out of a two-man lineup. They have borrowed into and thoroughly corrupted a great institution and there is no way they are going to resign and abandon their life’s work.



I agree. The establishment are basically upper middle and above professionals. I think the Dems are going to be shocked by how many people they previously considered to be enemies will be supporting Hillary.


National Review will end up endorsing Hillary. George Will and Krauthammer will endorse Hillary on air on Fox News.


That's the realignment.

Wall St Journal will endorse Hillary. That obviously will only surprise Democrats. Hillary is as whored out to Wall St as any Republican.

That will never happen.


he'd never say it despite what the extreme right propaganda machine implies. over 7 years and never an utterance remotely related. but trump, well you know…and he's gaining support. we were at a diner this am after church with a republican couple. and they were stunned and saddened by the response of so much of the populace to trump. i guess we spoke too loudly as several tables looked daggers at us. scary times indeed.

You should be scared. If you popped off near me in a restaurant like the deranged demagogue you present here, I'd be tempted to throw more than dagger looks at you. You're a first class !@#$.


Opinion Piece................................sad that I have to post that clarification


The Best And Perhaps Only Reason To Vote For Donald Trump




If there is a glimmer of hope, it may be in electing Donald Trump. Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins.


In the halls of the Pentagon, there is a different plan afoot for the Trump presidency. Here, officers are privately contemplating what they would do should Trump become their commander-in-chief. And more often than not, they proclaim they will leave.

“By 2016 I will have my 20 years in and can get out of here,” one military official said, referring to the amount of time a service member needs to collect retirement pay.

Spend enough time with a service member, and the topic of Trump comes up, always unsolicited. It is far less political than it sounds. Trump’s attack plans for the so-called Islamic State widely known as ISIS—his call to ban Muslims from the United States, his suggestions that cutting off the flow of information through the Internet can protect the homeland—many said, are an affront to the values they vowed to die to defend.

Each one of them took an oath to defend the Constitution, which protects the freedom of speech and gives Congress, not just one person, the power send the nation to war. They also swear to “obey the orders of the president of the United States.”

This correspondent has heard such sentiments from at least a dozen commanders in the past few months. Such conversations can also be heard at common areas—in cafeteria lines and around lunch tables.

And so in the course of conversation, plots of a different kind emerge—contingencies in case Trump really is elected to the White House.

“By 2016 I will have my 20 years in and can get out of here,” one military official said, referring to the amount of time a service member needs to collect retirement pay.

“This is not the country I joined to defend.”

“I am turning in my papers.”




Just to be clear, these are the same people who went along with abandoning what was accomplished in Iraq. These are the same people who went along with abandoning Afghanistan. These are the same people who cooked the books on the rise of ISIS because it ran counter to Obama’s wants. These are the same people who have punished military chaplains for actually preaching the Gospel. These are the same people who stood idly by while professing Christians were forced from the service. These are the people who discharged men who objected to child rape. These are people who willingly served Barack Obama. None of that offended them. But they are so offended by the thought of Donald Trump in the White House that they would resign.


Good riddance.


If I thought for a nanosecond that they had the integrity to actually resign if Trump is elected I would be spending every waking hour campaigning for The Donald. But they won’t. They are time servers who couldn’t pick a real soldier out of a two-man lineup. They have borrowed into and thoroughly corrupted a great institution and there is no way they are going to resign and abandon their life’s work.

Coming around to Trump, huh? LOL




I thought Trump was a Liberal last year? How's he going to fix a broken Republican majority in Congress that can't pee straight?


I thought Trump was a Liberal last year? How's he going to fix a broken Republican majority in Congress that can't pee straight?


Same way Obama does. Ignore them and make up laws as he goes along.


A joke shamelessly stolen from Robert Young on Facebook:


Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are sitting in a bar.


A guy walks in and asks the barman, 'Isn't that Trump and Cruz sitting over there?' The bartender says, 'Yep, that's them.'


So the guy walks over and says, 'Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?'


Cruz says, 'We're planning WW III.' The guy says, 'Really? What's going to happen?'


Trump says, 'Well, we're going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with a big chest.'


The guy exclaimed, 'A blonde with a big chest? Why kill her?'


Trump turns to Cruz and says, 'See, I told you, no one gives a crap about the 140 million Muslims.’









Is it a coincidence that Trump is leading the GOP and John Scott is leading the NHL All-Star ballot?


I think not.


Is it a coincidence that Trump is leading the GOP and John Scott is leading the NHL All-Star ballot?


I think not.

This country did elect obama.....twice. I would say anything is possible with a country full of idiot voters.

Posted (edited)

I think we're at the point this becomes self-reinforcing as people line up on the side who they think will win, to stay on their good side. IMO theres already an element of that in the democratic primary with sanders softball approach (at time coddling) to Hillary....



Donald Trump extended his national lead in the GOP presidential race, a poll revealed Wednesday.


Trump enjoys 39-percent support from national Republicans, according to the survey by CNN and ORC International, which is more than his next three closest rivals combined Sen. Ted Cruz at 18 percent, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson, both at 10 percent.



Edited by JTSP
Posted (edited)
Trump, ‘Even-Steven,’ and Change
Earlier this year, I had an essay called “The Even-Steven Temptation: Adventures in moral equivalence.” The occasion for it, I think, was President Obama’s statement at the National Prayer Breakfast: Because of the Crusades and the Inquisition — plus American slavery and Jim Crow — we were not to “get on our high horse” about the Jihad.
What I call “even-steven” is a principle, or phenomenon, I grew up with: Every criticism of something abroad — a person, an action, or a dictatorship — had to be accompanied by a criticism of something at home. We were not to be too big for our britches. We were not to think of ourselves as anything special. We were not to get on our high horse.
If I spoke of the Gulag, you said, “Oh, yeah? What about Japanese internment?” If I spoke of the CCP’s subjugation of Tibet, you said, “Oh, yeah? What did we do to the Native Americans?” Even-steven, you see?
Andrew Young, who was President Carter’s ambassador to the U.N., provided an excellent example of even-steven in 1978. At the time, Soviet dissidents were undergoing show trials. Young said, “In our prisons, too, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people whom I would describe as political prisoners.”
Donald Trump has now provided an equally stark example. George Will wrote about it in a recent column. Putin praised Trump. Trump praised him back. Asked about the Putin regime’s killing of journalists, Trump answered, “I think our country does plenty of killing also.”
Even-steven, you see? Trump’s response was exactly what I would have heard back in Ann Arbor, my dear old lefty hometown. His words were identical to those that an anthro prof, let’s say, would have uttered.
Would the prof have said, “I’ve always felt fine about Putin”? Probably not. That’s not so much even-steven as approval. Trump said those words. (The anthro prof would have said them about Mao, and possibly about Brezhnev — certainly about Castro.)
I am reminded of how the Left and Right can blend — although it’s pretty much impossible to locate Trump politically. Is he Left or Right or in between?
Edited by B-Man


Is this for real?

Post national political correspondent David Weigel almost nails it when he makes the point that shock jocks paved the way for Donald Trump. I say “almost” because Weigel includes conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh among the shock jocks who were Trump’s forerunner. I don’t put Limbaugh and Howard Stern in the same category. Limbaugh has always been about serious politics, even if his delivery is sometimes coarse or colorful. Limbaugh represents a consistent political philosophy. Stern, on the other hand, was a true shock jock. His show was clearly about entertainment, pop culture and soft-core radio porn.


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