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Trump Alone at the Top

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You made an argument that Halloween costume protests are the measure of social decay. You're shilling a line fed to you by your masters and known to always get attention, be it in the form you're puking up or the better headline of looming apocalypse. Spooky indeed.


Some things are good. Some things are bad.


So it goes.


Or if you're you and many others, focus on the bad and commence histrionics. Do you have your basment of Dinty Moore ready for Hillary's ascension? Are you watching a big board of doomsday predictions?

No I didn't. Read again what I stated. I was referring to people in authority telling people what they could wear. The rest of your post is just plain horseshit. Phuck off, you little bitchmudgeon.

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No I didn't. Read again what I stated. I was referring to people in authority telling people what they could wear.


End of times stuff Chicken Little.


I don't think that was one of Dwight Drane's signs.


I have the big board saved but he admitted defeat and renewed his faith in humanity so we can let it go.

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Really? When did that happen?


Still one of the all-time great posts. :lol:


Definitely a top 5 all time here on PPP.


Can you help with my homework?


Average roll of a die is 3.5


End of times/antichrist prediction Big Board of Doom


As an epic work, the "Matt Silver doesn't know what he's doing" posts of 2012

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Be nice if you comment on what I said.


To answer your question I would say this is my observation:


Things are a compromise - right - finding a balance. Supply side in my mind refers to the approach our government has taken since Reagan - Which is what is good for the money markets, good for big business, and good for the wealthy is good for the nation and this tide will raise all boats. Tax policy is just one component of this. We have loosened credit markets, loosened regulation on Wall Street, created Nafta and China trade agreements to help our big corporations compete.


The "supply side" has done tremendously well for the last 40 years. The wealthy have gotten super wealthy, big corporations have done well, and the money industry has also done exceedingly well. This also has the collateral effect of improving much of the population of the US. I am probably one of those - life has been good to me catching the wave of the supply side.



Except that over the last 8 years, taxes have increased by a highest rate in a generation, regulation has increased and few trade deals have expanded. Yet, wealth inequality has risen much more than in previous administrations. So maybe you can find other demons to slay

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The historical and empirical results are in - we live in a supply side low federal tax economy - have for 40 years - do you like the results?


Like the balanced budget?

Like the wealth divide?


AFA the Estate Tax - I am guessing that most people on this board would not be affected by a change in the estate tax - other than if T's proposal went through - you guys would be required to pay more taxes and would be willing to cede more power and control to those more wealthy than you....

Supply side is a loosely defined term. We have to have an environment that is favorable for businesses otherwise where will most people work?


Our unbalanced budget and debt are due to poor discipline and putting politics before country by those in Washington. No I don't like our level of debt. Both parties own the problem.

Wealth divide a non-issue for me. We are set up as a higher risk higher reward economy. The top 1% have mostly earned it, good for them. Most at the bottom of the economy deserve to be there based on their own life decisions. However, I am very concerned with the lack of growth in our economy as that means fewer opportunities for all and we need pro business growth policies enacted. Also concerned about the money that influences Washington. That needs to be addressed. We also need a flatter and simpler federal income tax code and a policy that requires all tax brackets to rise and fall at the same rate if rates change.


Estate tax? Hillary's proposal of 65% for the uber rich is simply government confiscation. To me similar rules should be applied to estate "income" as ordinary income with some level of exemption. Gains due to inheriting a business or other taxed asset should be treated as ordinary income and only taxable at the time the gain is realized.

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I Wake You Up for the Presidential Debate

by Scott Adams


Here’s a little thought experiment for you:


If a friend said he could see a pink elephant in the room, standing right in front of you, but you don’t see it, which one of you is hallucinating?


Answer: The one who sees the pink elephant is hallucinating.

Let’s try another one.


If a friend tells you that you were both abducted by aliens last night but for some reason only he remembers it, which one of you hallucinated?


Answer: The one who saw the aliens is hallucinating.

Now let’s add some participants and try another one.


If a crowd of people are pointing to a stain on the wall, and telling you it is talking to them, with a message from God, and you don’t see anything but a stain, who is hallucinating? Is it the majority who see the stain talking or the one person who does not?

Answer: The people who see the stain talking are experiencing a group hallucination, which is more common than you think.


In nearly every scenario you can imagine, the person experiencing an unlikely addition to their reality is the one hallucinating. If all observers see the same addition to their reality, it might be real. But if even one participant can’t see the phenomenon – no matter how many can – it is almost certainly not real.




Trump represents what is likely to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring real change to a government that is bloated and self-serving. Reasonable people can disagree on policies and priorities. But Trump is the bigger agent for change, if that’s what you think the country needs. I want voters to see that choice for what it is.


And it isn’t a pink elephant.


If you are wondering why a socially liberal and well-educated cartoonist such as myself is not afraid of Trump, it’s because I don’t see the pink elephant. To me, all anti-Trumpers are experiencing a shared illusion.


Before you scoff at mass, shared illusions as being unlikely, keep in mind that everyone with a different religion than yours is experiencing exactly that. Mass shared illusions are our most common experience.


Back to my point. As a trained persuader, I can see the “Trump is Hitler” illusion for what it is. Where you might see a mountain of credible evidence to support your illusion, I see nothing but confirmation bias on your part. I have detailed that confirmation bias in other posts.



If you are a Clinton supporter, you might think Trump supporters see the same pink elephant that you do, and you rationalize that by saying Trump supporters prefer the pink elephant because they want it to stomp all over minorities.


Some Trump supporters are racists. That’s a fact. Racists are in every group. Perhaps they see the pink elephant too. If so, they probably do want that elephant to stomp all over minorities. But in this case, the racists are sharing the same illusion as Clinton supporters, seeing the same pink elephant. The majority of Trump supporters – as far as I can tell – simply don’t see any pink elephant at all. They just want change.


In my elephant-free view of the world, Trump is a guy who uses provocative language (as New Yorkers do) while succeeding across several different fields. And he knows risk-management. You can see that in everything he does.


If you are an anti-Trumper, you might reject my point of view as manipulative or naive. I can’t change your mind with a blog post. But you can change your own mind. Just ask others if they see the addition to reality that you see. If others don’t see the pink elephant in the room, and you do, the elephant isn’t there.


Look for that pattern. Once you see it, you’re awake.


Then vote for whoever has the policies you like.



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Embarrassingly so. I don't even bother going there in the morning because I know what/who their lead story is about.


They've become the Breitbart of the left, and they don't even try to hide it any more.

I've gone back to what I used to call them in the 90s, the Clinton News Network.

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Estate tax? Hillary's proposal of 65% for the uber rich is simply government confiscation. To me similar rules should be applied to estate "income" as ordinary income with some level of exemption. Gains due to inheriting a business or other taxed asset should be treated as ordinary income and only taxable at the time the gain is realized.


Why treated as income? Aren't we all for simplifying the tax code. A gain is a gain and therefore should be taxes as such regardless as to how the asset was received. And as I mentioned before I agree it should be taxed only when the gain is realized. Once again like any other capital gain. And if the asset is sold as a loss it can be written off. However the loss needs to be reasonable and should be open to audit.


EDIT: The only issue I have with taxing it as a cap gain is the current LT gain tax on the lowest tax brackets is zero. So someone could wait until they have very low income in a given year (or "sandbag" their income for that year) and then sell the asset and pay no gains. Damn our tax laws are so convoluted.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Most voters aren't buying the story that the Russians are trying to manipulate the election for Donald Trump but think the U.S. media is trying to swing things for Hillary Clinton.


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 56% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it’s more likely that many in the media are working to get Clinton elected president.


Just 26% disagree and say it's more likely that the Russian government is working to get Trump elected.


Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure.


(Excerpt) Read more at rasmussenreports.com ...

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I've always liked Amanpour, ever since Gulf War 1 Act 1.

wasn't she OK the CNET TV show way back? I think its where she broke her teeth. CNET had a TV show and I can't remember which journalist started there that is now yuge
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