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Trump Alone at the Top

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Well, that and, according to baskin, "Electing...Palin."


I really wish we never elected her. That was when all the trouble began. Things would be so much better if the GOP just never elected her.

I need to get my post count up to 33k like you so i can get better at eliminating tpyos

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Let me guess, having Trump line up Willie's hit parade in the front row on national TV was all part of Clinton's plan to get the coronation?

Actually, he did that, and it gave the Hillary camp a perfect opportunity to roll out Trumps 1998 remarks about those very same women. If the whole argument was that Hillary is a terrible person for what she said, then if Trump said the same thing, she's kinda off the hook.
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Of course. I said he'd do better in debate #2 also. Much more circus in the town hall setting. In 9 days, he'll be back to having to use his brains.


He's got his lines of attack now. And the moderator will be Chris Wallace.

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I need to get my post count up to 33k like you so i can get better at eliminating tpyos


Or you could attempt to make a point -- any point -- with reasoning and thoughtfulness instead of just puking all over your computer and posting whatever nonsense gets typed while you're licking your keyboard.


You're a lazy contributor. You post stuff to get a reaction, whine when the cards don't fall your way, then post something else to get a reaction, then whine how you never got the answer you thought you should get.


And then when you have nowhere else to turn, you write something irrelevant and lazy like your quoted comment above.


Lazy. Really, really lazy.

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Trump always has lines of attack--a shiny object, in his case a mirror, distracts them from the lines.


Chris Wallace will skewer Trump.


Don't bet on it. After the kid gloves treatment for LIAR these past 2 debates, she'll get the majority of the tough questions.

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Don't bet on it. After the kid gloves treatment for LIAR these past 2 debates, she'll get the majority of the tough questions.



Wishful thinking Doc.


Trump is the story, the focus of questions will remain on him, not her.

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Wishful thinking Doc.


Trump is the story, the focus of questions will remain on him, not her.


Yes, Trump is the story. People will tune in to see him, not for the questions.


And you guys realize that Chris Wallace works for Fox News, right?

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While Wallace certainly doesn't have the Leftist bias that is required for every other media lightweight.................he does have the same huge ego.


So there is the chance that he will go after Hillary more than the others.


Goodness knows, in her condition, whether she can handle it.

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Lol. A software guy.


Ok software guy:


Why I'd Reagan win?


Why did Romney, Dole, and McCain all get trounced? How are Lazio and Kasich different from them?



I started a thread about this a while back. It explains what would happen in each scenario. It is playing our exactly as I posted but I'm sure you'll call it wrong anyway because....software guy.

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I started a thread about this a while back. It explains what would happen in each scenario. It is playing our exactly as I posted but I'm sure you'll call it wrong anyway because....software guy.



Yes, we get it, you hate data and what strategists who've defeated Repubs in general election year cycles have to say and you'd rather go with your gut, which is essentially is what Talk Radio thinks.

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Trump’s Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria
Regarding Donald Trump’s private sexual comments: We are living through a national hysteria.
To understand how and why, it is necessary to understand the indispensable role hysteria plays on the left. The Left is always in major crisis mode. And in nearly every case, the crisis is wildly exaggerated or simply false — in other words, hysteria
For example:
Few people deny that the earth is warming. To assert that is not hysteria. What is hysteria is the Left’s position that carbon emissions will destroy life on Earth.
No one denies that there are racist cops. What is hysteria is the Left’s claim that innocent blacks are routinely shot to death by racist cops.
The widespread protests against the name Washington “Redskins” were pure left-wing hysteria — ended only by the revelation through polling that the vast majority of American Indians couldn’t care less about the name.
The examples are endless: from the alleged epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in America and preschool molestation scares in the ’80s to the wildly exaggerated dangers of secondhand smoke and the baseless fears about electronic cigarettes.
We are regularly forced to endure a new left-wing-manufactured, media-supercharged hysteria.
The latest is the tsunami of horror in reaction to Donald Trump’s gross and juvenile comments made in private eleven years ago.
The tsunami of condemnation of his remarks is quintessential left-wing hysteria. That more than a few Republicans and conservatives have joined the hysteria is a testament to the power of mass media and hysteria to influence normally sensible people.
This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded. In fact, I did. In 2000, in a Wall Street Journal column, I defended Hillary Clinton against charges that she was an anti-Semite. That year, it was reported that Clinton had called Paul Fray, the manager of her husband’s failed 1974 congressional campaign, a “f***ing Jew bastard.”

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Yes, we get it, you hate data and what strategists who've defeated Repubs in general election year cycles have to say and you'd rather go with your gut, which is essentially is what Talk Radio thinks.



Translation: Everything I wrote has come to pass and you still think it would be a good idea to nominate a candidate who is exactly like the ones who were already defeated because someone made up some crap they wanted to believe and convinced you it was true. Brilliant.

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Translation: Everything I wrote has come to pass and you still think it would be a good idea to nominate a candidate who is exactly like the ones who were already defeated because someone made up some crap they wanted to believe and convinced you it was true. Brilliant.



Translation: I hate reasonable views based on data, I go with what Talk Radio says.

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Translation: I hate reasonable views based on data, I go with what Talk Radio says.



Dude, I don't listen to talk radio for anything other than laughs. I do however understand people. The "data" you cite is useless wrt to everyone in a hypothetical race against Clinton except for Trump....whose race isn't hypothetical.....and possibly Romney. You don't even understand why.

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