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Trump Alone at the Top

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RCP has him up 1 point (+3 over LIAR) today compared to yesterday. Despite last night. And I can guarantee you he'll go after her with no mercy in the next 2 debates.

You're just like him making stuff up. I didn't realize you were a Hogboy.


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Trump trails Clinton by 2.4. Give it a few days to reflect the debate.

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According to who? I can't think of anyone I know that approves of Obama. That's " my experience" so that makes it right by CNN logic.



That's because you live in a right wing bubble, you should try getting out more.


How did you interpret his dig about not spending any money so far in his campaign? I took it as a guy who couldn't care less about whether or not he wins. He didn't prep for the debate, he didn't spend ad money (despite raising a butt load)... he's in this to make money, not spend it. She's in it to win because it's her turn and we no longer live in a democratic republic but rather a democratic oligarchy which is on the verge of becoming a fascist oligarchy in about 18 months.



He care's about winning, the problem is that he is soooooo tremendously thin-skinned, that he cannot let any issue no matter how destructive it may be to him go unanswered without telling the world how Great he is, believe me.


This IS Trump's game. It doesn't get upped.




Based on his strong debate performances thus far? His knowledge of the subjects? The hard work he put in preparing for the first one?


Trump is sure to go 0 for 3 in the debates with some chance to do better in the second debate where the format will be a little more circus. The question is how much it will cost him.



For a General election candidate, it is so easy to bait him. Just bring up all the dumbass things he has said about private citizens and he will feel compelled to show his narcissistic dumbassery.

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You're just like him making stuff up. I didn't realize you were a Hogboy.


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Trump trails Clinton by 2.4. Give it a few days to reflect the debate.


I was using this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/electionsand the change from Monday to Tuesday. LA Times/USC tracking has him up by another point today,

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Hillary Clinton may have been attempting a joke when she tried to save face during an ill-timed coughing attack by saying she’s allergic to Donald Trump, but it’s no joke that many in the political media have allergic reactions to nearly anything the man says or does. A good portion of Trump’s media coverage woes are his own doing. He is a self-aggrandizing, self-contradicting, cartoonish figure who has steadfastly avoided anything resembling a traditional or disciplined campaign. He communicates well with his sizable base, but not as well with other humans.

However, journalists in particular seem unable — thanks to bias, defensiveness, or other issues — to parse what he says or means. They seem unwilling and unable to even try to understand him or cover him with any impartiality.

I’m not exaggerating. No less than the New York Times ran a front-page article defending and justifying explicit media bias against Trump on August 8. The situation isn’t markedly better at many other publications.

Trump is spending a lot of time complaining about the media being biased against him, which is both true and a good indicator of how unfocused his campaign is. The media are always biased against Republican candidates and Trump supposedly knew how to handle this problem better than other Republican candidates.

A better candidate might stay on message for more than 12 minutes a day. But apart from Trump’s non-traditional campaign style, many reporters are not serving the public with their emotional reactions to Trump that eat up all their time and energy. Here are just a few of the many stories the media should cover well even if the candidate they can’t cover dispassionately brought them up.


Click on the link above for the four items.

Edited by grinreaper
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I was using this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/electionsand the change from Monday to Tuesday. LA Times/USC tracking has him up by another point today,

Still Trump-truthing I see. At that link, were you meaning to link to the 6 polls that show her up by 4-6% or the one that shows him in the lead?

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Still Trump-truthing I see. At that link, were you meaning to link to the 6 polls that show her up by 4-6% or the one that shows him in the lead?


As of Tuesday, when I posted about it, the LAT/USC poll had him ahead. Today they have 3 polls with him up by 4%+ and one with her leading by 1%.


And after saying Johnson is dim, are you still going to vote for him?

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As of Tuesday, when I posted about it, the LAT/USC poll had him ahead. Today they have 3 polls with him up by 4%+ and one with her leading by 1%.


And after saying Johnson is dim, are you still going to vote for him?


I'm going to keep after this because you're so amusing.


Here's the link to the RCP polls. One poll, one, shows Trump in the lead.


You live in the land of fairytales and unicorns--and your boy Trump. Make stuff up and maybe someday it will come true.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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I'm going to keep after this because you're so amusing.


Here's the link to the RCP polls. One poll, one, shows Trump in the lead.


You live in the land of fairytales and unicorns--and your boy Trump. Make stuff up and maybe someday it will come true.


Yes, I figured you for someone who was easily amused.

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What the hell are all the elite afraid of? Never seen anything like this. Historic. Amazing stuff. Are the elite are so terrified this guy won't play ball to fold the US into a global government? Hindering their plans to skim and steal on a planetary level?





Edited by Dante
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Politfact is false on Trump again

Headline: "Donald Trump's false claim that Clinton's energy plan will cost the economy $5 trillion."

Paragraph Four: "The claim is misleading as $5 trillion refers to the cost of implementation, not the cost to the economy. What’s more, the researcher who produced the figure told us the investment will actually help the economy."

Yes, and a Bentley Convertible won't cost me $300,000. That's just the cost of implementation.

But remember, Politfact is all about the headline and not about any facts. It's an unregistered Super PAC for Democrats.
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What the hell are all the elite afraid of? Never seen anything like this. Historic. Amazing stuff. Are the elite are so terrified this guy won't play ball to fold the US into a global government? Hindering their plans to skim and steal on a planetary level?







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What the hell are all the elite afraid of? Never seen anything like this. Historic. Amazing stuff. Are the elite are so terrified this guy won't play ball to fold the US into a global government? Hindering their plans to skim and steal on a planetary level?







Unless and until Trump acts like a presidential candidate and not some dope who needs to get in Twitter wars about a girl he insulted 20 years ago, he will never, ever, ever, ever come close to beating Hillary.






B word all you want about the media, but Trump is an undisciplined child against a machine that single-handedly played him like a yo yo by lining up the Machado thing with countless newspapers and magazines just before the debate, only to have it swallow his self-absorbed thin-skinned stupidity into an abyss the day after the debate.


A corrupt piece of schitt beats an egomaniacal baby all freaking day long.

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Unless and until Trump acts like a presidential candidate and not some dope who needs to get in Twitter wars about a girl he insulted 20 years ago, he will never, ever, ever, ever come close to beating Hillary.






B word all you want about the media, but Trump is an undisciplined child against a machine that single-handedly played him like a yo yo by lining up the Machado thing with countless newspapers and magazines just before the debate, only to have it swallow his self-absorbed thin-skinned stupidity into an abyss the day after the debate.


A corrupt piece of schitt beats an egomaniacal baby all freaking day long.

I can't argue with this. He has to get more disciplined. But even If he does do you think the media would care? They would still be coming after him. Point taken though.

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Statement about first debate Sep 30, 2016

Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall.







New Trump TV Ad Explains Why Clinton Isn't '50 Points Ahead' In The Polls (VIDEO)


TPM ^ | September 30, 2016






Leftist Mob Beats, Kicks, Pummels Trump Supporter for Wearing #MAGA Hat – Saved by Police (Video).


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He has to get more disciplined.

Over and over I hear this, but he never, ever, ever will be disciplined enough to win.




Because that's not his brand.


There will come a time when many like you will realize this and have to admit to yourself that you were conned. He will never be the candidate you hope for because if he had any discipline at all, he wouldn't be in the position he is in.


As was predicted months ago...the media gave him the mic, he used it unchallenged, and now the united, concerted effort to destroy him is, predictably, afoot. And he does not have the discipline needed to change course.

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