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Trump Alone at the Top

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Yeah, this is all great. We've really just created Apprentice/Real Housewives for president.


No wonder Obama's approval ratings are at an all time high.


According to who? I can't think of anyone I know that approves of Obama. That's " my experience" so that makes it right by CNN logic.

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How did you interpret his dig about not spending any money so far in his campaign? I took it as a guy who couldn't care less about whether or not he wins. He didn't prep for the debate, he didn't spend ad money (despite raising a butt load)... he's in this to make money, not spend it. She's in it to win because it's her turn and we no longer live in a democratic republic but rather a democratic oligarchy which is on the verge of becoming a fascist oligarchy in about 18 months.

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How did you interpret his dig about not spending any money so far in his campaign? I took it as a guy who couldn't care less about whether or not he wins. He didn't prep for the debate, he didn't spend ad money (despite raising a butt load)... he's in this to make money, not spend it. She's in it to win because it's her turn and we no longer live in a democratic republic but rather a democratic oligarchy which is on the verge of becoming a fascist oligarchy in about 18 months.


I took it exactly the way he meant it: that he didn't have to waste a billion dollars to be tied with her.

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I took it exactly the way he meant it: that he didn't have to waste a billion dollars to be tied with her.


He can't tie her though, if the election is close he loses. If he wants to win he can't let her hang around... yet he has and did last night. He missed every opportunity to zing her after the first twenty minutes and he completely let her run the show. He also walked right into every trap she and Lester laid out for him -- I've yet to see any evidence that he truly cares about winning. Not spending the money he's raised is kind of a big part of that.

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He can't tie her though, if the election is close he loses. If he wants to win he can't let her hang around... yet he has and did last night. He missed every opportunity to zing her after the first twenty minutes and he completely let her run the show. He also walked right into every trap she and Lester laid out for him -- I've yet to see any evidence that he truly cares about winning. Not spending the money he's raised is kind of a big part of that.


Trump has spent a pittance compared to what she has and is tied in national polls and he's nipping at her heels when it comes to the electoral map. If not for that disastrous 2 weeks where he lost ground and NOT due to money he didn't spend, he'd be well ahead.


And yes he let her off. Again it was his first real debate and his goal for him, as Professor Jacobson said, was to ensure people that he's not Hitler. The thrashing will come in the next 2 debates, trust me, especially that last one with Chris Wallace, who will probably do his best Lester Holt imitation.

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Trump has spent a pittance compared to what she has and is tied in national polls and he's nipping at her heels when it comes to the electoral map. If not for that disastrous 2 weeks where he lost ground and NOT due to money he didn't spend, he'd be well ahead.


And yes he let her off. Again it was his first real debate and his goal for him, as Professor Jacobson said, was to ensure people that he's not Hitler. The thrashing will come in the next 2 debates, trust me, especially that last one with Chris Wallace, who will probably do his best Lester Holt imitation.


Frankly, Trump's success is due to his spending far less than usual. If he'd funded a typical campaign, he'd be getting a lot more exposure as the incoherent clown he really is.

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The thrashing will come in the next 2 debates, trust me, especially that last one with Chris Wallace, who will probably do his best Lester Holt imitation.


Based on his strong debate performances thus far? His knowledge of the subjects? The hard work he put in preparing for the first one?


Trump is sure to go 0 for 3 in the debates with some chance to do better in the second debate where the format will be a little more circus. The question is how much it will cost him.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Based on his strong debate performances thus far? His knowledge of the subjects? The hard work he put in preparing for the first one?


Trump is sure to go 0 for 3 in the debates with some chance to do better in the second debate where the format will be a little more circus. The question is how much it will cost him.


RCP has him up 1 point (+3 over LIAR) today compared to yesterday. Despite last night. And I can guarantee you he'll go after her with no mercy in the next 2 debates.

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RCP has him up 1 point (+3 over LIAR) today compared to yesterday. Despite last night. And I can guarantee you he'll go after her with no mercy in the next 2 debates.


How's he going to do that? More dick-measuring jokes? Hers is still bigger.

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How's he going to do that? More dick-measuring jokes? Hers is still bigger.


He's got a lot of stuff to go after her with and I have no doubt he, or at least his handlers, realized he missed a major opportunity. I'm betting to won't happen again.

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He's got a lot of stuff to go after her with and I have no doubt he, or at least his handlers, realized he missed a major opportunity. I'm betting to won't happen again.


He has yet to make a coherent point in this entire election. You think he's going to start now?

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Trump has spent a pittance compared to what she has and is tied in national polls and he's nipping at her heels when it comes to the electoral map. If not for that disastrous 2 weeks where he lost ground and NOT due to money he didn't spend, he'd be well ahead.


And yes he let her off. Again it was his first real debate and his goal for him, as Professor Jacobson said, was to ensure people that he's not Hitler. The thrashing will come in the next 2 debates, trust me, especially that last one with Chris Wallace, who will probably do his best Lester Holt imitation.


You're right, I don't dispute that everything you said here is true. He's spent virtually none of his war chest and is still in a dead heat (if you believe the polls which I don't but for the sake of this conversation I'll concede that point). That to me says way more about HRC than it speaks to Trump's true motivations in this campaign. I just don't think he cares about winning as much as he cares about profiting from the exposure the campaign has brought and will buy him once it's over. But I'm more cynical than most about what's really going on with this election, I grant you. We'll find out how serious he is in a week and change.




Frankly, Trump's success is due to his spending far less than usual. If he'd funded a typical campaign, he'd be getting a lot more exposure as the incoherent clown he really is.


This is true as well.


Unrelated to that... there was this article from Jeremy Scahill (bias alert -- it contains lots of trigger words) on one of Trump's guests at the first debate:


"Flynn’s presence in Trump’s corner means that a very sophisticated, accomplished assassin could end up in a position of tremendous authority. At a minimum, Trump’s childish awe he exhibits around military figures—especially Flynn—will make it very easy for the black ops crowd to ram through their agenda. Combined with the Christian supremacy and bigotry within Camp Trump, the embrace of the JSOC and CIA paramilitary worldview would resurrect some of the most horrendous aspects of the Bush-Cheney program and combine them with the worst of the Obama administration’s policies. Perhaps Trump would call this bipartisanship."



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You're right, I don't dispute that everything you said here is true. He's spent virtually none of his war chest and is still in a dead heat (if you believe the polls which I don't but for the sake of this conversation I'll concede that point). That to me says way more about HRC than it speaks to Trump's true motivations in this campaign. I just don't think he cares about winning as much as he cares about profiting from the exposure the campaign has brought and will buy him once it's over. But I'm more cynical than most about what's really going on with this election, I grant you. We'll find out how serious he is in a week and change.


Trump doesn't strike me as a guy who likes to lose at anything. And winning the election would help sell more product than losing would.

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