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Trump Threatens to Seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row of the Debate
  • 9/24/2016, 1:23:20 PM
    After Hillary Clinton's campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to seat Gennifer Flowers next to him. "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer (sic) Flowers right alongside of him!" the GOP nominee tweeted Saturday.


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I can't find anyone voting for Hiliary. When you ask a Hiliary supporter to justify their vote they turn the conversation about Trump.


A good chunk of Trump voters do the same with Hiliary, but they can usually come up with examples of why they support Trump. Granted their weak examples but at least their support isn't predicated on why the other person is worse

Even in ground zero for Hillary support, few people can nail down the reasons for voting for her other than "prevent Trump from becoming President."


This is what I've found when talking to the LIAR supporters at work. It's mostly centered around bad things Trump has said, not done like in LIAR's case.


Trump Threatens to Seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row of the Debate
  • 9/24/2016, 1:23:20 PM
    After Hillary Clinton's campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to seat Gennifer Flowers next to him. "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer (sic) Flowers right alongside of him!" the GOP nominee tweeted Saturday.


Too funny. I told my wife The Donald should threaten to seat Monica Lewinsky next to Mark Cuban.

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Even in ground zero for Hillary support, few people can nail down the reasons for voting for her other than "prevent Trump from becoming President."

Well, she does have a vagina and there's never been one in the Oval Orifice before apparently. So there is that.
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Trump Threatens to Seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row of the Debate
  • 9/24/2016, 1:23:20 PM
    After Hillary Clinton's campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to seat Gennifer Flowers next to him. "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer (sic) Flowers right alongside of him!" the GOP nominee tweeted Saturday.




Oh, PLEASE do, Donald.


I am all for hoisting the Clintons on their own petard.

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Oh, PLEASE do, Donald.


I am all for hoisting the Clintons on their own petard.


It's interesting to me that Hillary and her entire team simply weren't smart enough to think the whole Mark Cuban thing through.


Not even a little.

Edited by LABillzFan
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It's interesting to me that Hillary and her entire team simply weren't smart enough to think the whole Mark Cuban thing through.


Not even a little.

This also boggles me. Why in God's name do you create the opening, through which Jennifer (sic) Flowers can walk through? Or Monica Lewinsky? Or Sandy (Hillary told me to steal classified Bin Laden docs, hide them in my underwear and socks, and try to get away) Berger for that matter? Or, if you really want to troll: a guy in a death shroud with a sign that says "Representing the 50+ that have died around the Clintons" o,r "Representing the DNC guy who was the source of the emails, and/or the Bernie guy who served the DNC with FOIA papers". :lol:


One reason for why they keep doing stupid things like this: donor pressure. I imagine Cuban is a donor. So, idiot that Cuban is(never has a lottery winner gotten more praise for doing so little), he calls and says he wants to sit in the front row. Campaign staff now have a problem. Do they accede to the "prolific" idiot donor's demands? Or, do they tell him no?


Having to hash and rehash these kinds of things? Perhaps that is what prevents them from thinking things like this through.


I imagine George Clooney calls every day demanding that they do this, or that, and they have to respond. If you were being pestered every day by unmitigated morons, you might miss the obvious as well.

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Trump Threatens to Seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row of the Debate
  • 9/24/2016, 1:23:20 PM
    After Hillary Clinton's campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to seat Gennifer Flowers next to him. "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer (sic) Flowers right alongside of him!" the GOP nominee tweeted Saturday.



Something to consider:


Hillary has 100+ people working on her social media campaign.


Trump has 3. His son-in-law, a GM of one of his golf courses(and also his former caddie), and himself.


How much $ do you have to raise just to pay the 100+? And after all is said and done? Here are the numbers: Trump has almost 8 million more followers if you combine facebook, twitter, and instagram


That's just, a flat out whipping. Here's the article this data comes from: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-crashing-internet-with-30-million-followers-billions-of-views/article/2602541 Jesus, if I was a HilLIARy stockholder? I'd be looking to fire the board, never mind the officers.


Trump has built this platform in a year, Hillary has had a decade.


Those of you who love social media should be shocked by these numbers. Those of you who don't? Aren't shocked at all, are you? :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Something to consider:


Hillary has 100+ people working on her social media campaign.


Trump has 3. His son-in-law, a GM of one of his golf courses(and also his former caddie), and himself.


How much $ do you have to raise just to pay the 100+? And after all is said and done? Here are the numbers: Trump has almost 8 million more followers if you combine facebook, twitter, and instagram


That's just, a flat out whipping. Here's the article this data comes from: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-crashing-internet-with-30-million-followers-billions-of-views/article/2602541 Jesus, if I was a HilLIARy stockholder? I'd be looking to fire the board, never mind the officers.


Trump has built this platform in a year, Hillary has had a decade.


Those of you who love social media should be shocked by these numbers. Those of you who don't? Aren't shocked at all, are you? :lol:


I'm not shocked at all. Clinton runs her social media campaign like a government bureaucracy. Trump runs it like...social media.

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I'm not shocked at all. Clinton runs her social media campaign like a government bureaucracy. Trump runs it like...social media.

How has Facebook's actions wrt unfairness to the right...been any different than the IRS's actions? Who is imitating whom?


How has Twitter not acted, in every way, exactly like the Department of Education? Or vice versa?


That's sorta part of the joke here...it's getting very hard to tell the difference between facebook, and a government bureaucracy.


I have an idea for creating Splitter....which is essentially an integration to Twitter using its API, that wraps it, then supersedes its moderation, such that all Splitter users can see Twitter data and events, but also those generated by users on Splitter, who were banned by Twitter, as a way to massively troll...just about everybody. Logging into Splitter gets you both, but, just like with ignoring people here, Twitter-only people couldn't see what the Splitter people are saying about them, and therefore could be mocked incessantly...with no hope of repercussion. We could change our interfacing by the second, so Twitter would have to chose: either shut down their API completely(and lose much of their attempts at monetization), or redesign it(spare me, we would adapt), or, just have to take the pounding from Splitter.


I have a feeling we could own a majority of Twitter in 12-18 months by doing this. Then we'd just fire the "advisory council", the CEO, the mods, and anybody else I felt was a bad egg, and put Twitter back to the way it was supposed to be: free speech period, and leave the policing to the police. Somebody makes a death threat, the police want to know who: we tell them. We don't give them access to anything. Simple. Short of that, we don't know nothing, man.


But, I am too busy.

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How has Facebook's actions wrt unfairness to the right...been any different than the IRS's actions? Who is imitating whom?


How has Twitter not acted, in every way, exactly like the Department of Education? Or vice versa?


That's sorta part of the joke here...it's getting very hard to tell the difference between facebook, and a government bureaucracy.


I have an idea for creating Splitter....which is essentially an integration to Twitter using its API, that wraps it, then supersedes its moderation, such that all Splitter users can see Twitter data and events, but also those generated by users on Splitter, who were banned by Twitter, as a way to massively troll...just about everybody. Logging into Splitter gets you both, but, just like with ignoring people here, Twitter-only people couldn't see what the Splitter people are saying about them, and therefore could be mocked incessantly...with no hope of repercussion. We could change our interfacing by the second, so Twitter would have to chose: either shut down their API completely(and lose much of their attempts at monetization), or redesign it(spare me, we would adapt), or, just have to take the pounding from Splitter.


I have a feeling we could own a majority of Twitter in 12-18 months by doing this. Then we'd just fire the "advisory council", the CEO, the mods, and anybody else I felt was a bad egg, and put Twitter back to the way it was supposed to be: free speech period, and leave the policing to the police. Somebody makes a death threat, the police want to know who: we tell them. We don't give them access to anything. Simple. Short of that, we don't know nothing, man.


But, I am too busy.

Unless salesforce.com or Google buys Twitter first.



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How has Facebook's actions wrt unfairness to the right...been any different than the IRS's actions? Who is imitating whom?


How has Twitter not acted, in every way, exactly like the Department of Education? Or vice versa?


That's sorta part of the joke here...it's getting very hard to tell the difference between facebook, and a government bureaucracy.


I have an idea for creating Splitter....which is essentially an integration to Twitter using its API, that wraps it, then supersedes its moderation, such that all Splitter users can see Twitter data and events, but also those generated by users on Splitter, who were banned by Twitter, as a way to massively troll...just about everybody. Logging into Splitter gets you both, but, just like with ignoring people here, Twitter-only people couldn't see what the Splitter people are saying about them, and therefore could be mocked incessantly...with no hope of repercussion. We could change our interfacing by the second, so Twitter would have to chose: either shut down their API completely(and lose much of their attempts at monetization), or redesign it(spare me, we would adapt), or, just have to take the pounding from Splitter.


I have a feeling we could own a majority of Twitter in 12-18 months by doing this. Then we'd just fire the "advisory council", the CEO, the mods, and anybody else I felt was a bad egg, and put Twitter back to the way it was supposed to be: free speech period, and leave the policing to the police. Somebody makes a death threat, the police want to know who: we tell them. We don't give them access to anything. Simple. Short of that, we don't know nothing, man.


But, I am too busy.

You're going to create a site where people can mock twitter users, but twitter people can't see the mocks?


Doesn't that already exist on every single Internet forum, including this one?

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Trump Threatens to Seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row of the Debate
  • 9/24/2016, 1:23:20 PM
    After Hillary Clinton's campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to seat Gennifer Flowers next to him. "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer (sic) Flowers right alongside of him!" the GOP nominee tweeted Saturday.



Classic. Hillary is used to being the bully and she is now mixing it up with a pit bull. Finally a alpha male and not a mealy mouth douchebag going toe to tow with the elite establishment.

Edited by Dante
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Classic. Hillary is used to being the bully and she is now mixing it up with a pit bull. Finally a alpha male and not a mealy mouth douchebag going toe to tow with the elite establishment.


Yeah, this is all great. We've really just created Apprentice/Real Housewives for president.


No wonder Obama's approval ratings are at an all time high.

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