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Trump Alone at the Top

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Do the other 80% know that Lincoln didn't free the slaves?


That was Lybob's interpretation, the poll question that I believe he was referring to was if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”

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No, but it makes their positions deplorable. And it's something that the GOP should somehow look to confront. It's straight up ignorance.

I really don't care what their positions are.


Believing and calling 30-50% of the people you're leading deplorable is a terrible leadership decision.


We're trying to elect a leader of the greatest country on earth, and our choices are a TV joke and someone that finds half of her minions deplorable.


And people are running around defending these candidates. There's no defense. A good leader doesn't believe that about her people or say that about them.

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What does Trump's wife have to do with this?


Sorry. I meant daughter. She's the one who pressed him on the maternity leave issue.

65% of Trump supporters think Obama is a secrete Muslim


55% of Trump supporters don't think Obama passed the "natural born Citizen," criteria to run for President


20% of Trump supporters think Lincoln was wrong to free the slaves


And 100% of Hillary Clinton thinks KKK grand pooobah Robert Byrd was the heart and soul of America.


You dumbass.



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A Basket Full of Favorable Polls for Trump
Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio, a gap that underscores the Democrat’s challenges in critical Rust Belt states after one of the roughest stretches of her campaign.
The Republican nominee leads Clinton 48 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in a two-way contest and 44 percent to 39 percent when third-party candidates are included.
The poll was conducted Friday through Monday, meaning the news cycle during the polling period included her “basket of deplorables” controversy and part of the poll covered the time period when her health problem was in the news.
Meanwhile, up in Maine, Trump has a really good shot at getting at least one of Maine’s electoral votes. He’s down three statewide according to a new Boston Globe poll, but remember that Maine gives an electoral vote to whoever wins each congressional district, and right now, Trump is up 10 in the Second Congressional District. If the Election Day results shake out this way, Clinton will win the state overall but get three electoral votes and Trump will get one.
What’s more, Texas looks reasonably safe, at least for now. The new Emerson poll puts Trump up by 6 points. (This is a state Romney won by 16 and McCain won by 12, so it’s still a mildly bad sign to see a GOP nominee with a single-digit lead.)

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Ah yes! Robert KKK Byrd. He was such a good mentor and friend to Hillary... taught her a lot about how to handle the blacks.


Hey, now, it's not like there are dozens of buildings and roads and bridges and courthouses named after that him because surely the left, which insists it abhors racists, would never stand for that, right?


Right? :unsure:

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That was Lybob's interpretation, the poll question that I believe he was referring to was if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”


So they disapprove of the executive order that was a proclamation of foreign policy that didn't free any slaves?

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I really don't care what their positions are.


Believing and calling 30-50% of the people you're leading deplorable is a terrible leadership decision.


We're trying to elect a leader of the greatest country on earth, and our choices are a TV joke and someone that finds half of her minions deplorable.


And people are running around defending these candidates. There's no defense. A good leader doesn't believe that about her people or say that about them.


Who's defending her? I'm certainly not. And by your own standard of a good leader, I take it that you are also completely against Donald Trump as well. Right? Right?????

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Who's defending her? I'm certainly not. And by your own standard of a good leader, I take it that you are also completely against Donald Trump as well. Right? Right?????

I wasn't saying you were defending her. But lybob sure seemed to come to her defense along with other supporters of her that want to show that she's right, those people are deplorable.


And yes, I'm against Trump. This election either has me sitting out or voting Johnson. But I don't really care for him either, so I'm not sure what I'll do. I know what I won't do and that's cast a vote for either of the two main !@#$s.

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65% of Trump supporters think Obama is a secrete Muslim


55% of Trump supporters don't think Obama passed the "natural born Citizen," criteria to run for President


20% of Trump supporters think Lincoln was wrong to free the slaves



85% of Hillary supporters believe leaving the seat up is sexist.

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"Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio, a gap that underscores the Democrat’s challenges in critical Rust Belt states after one of the roughest stretches of her campaign."


That's better than you think for Trump considering that Kasich has done absolutely zero campaigning on his behalf in that state.

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Coming up on the agenda.... "Urinals must be eliminated, and toilets will no longer have a raise-able seat, in any government buildings"


I mean it.


Great. Then I'll piss on the seat. See how the SJW pansies like that display of cis-male oppression.

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