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Trump Alone at the Top

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Given a choice between Trump v Clinton, how many of those Republicans would choose not to vote at all? How many would vote 3rd party?


Lefties on the other hand will fall in line. They'll piss and moan about Wall Street, the Iraq War, and the Old Lady, but at the end of the day folks like JTSP will do what is expected of them. It's what lemmings do.

I think there might have already been a "tipping point" for the silent majority. Just check out the gun sales from the last 5 years, it’s like Al Gore’s hockey stick “global warming” line. They obviously aren’t all GOP voters. I think a lot of people won’t be telling pollers they’re voting for Trump, who will enthusiastically be voting for Trump. Also, have you noticed the difference in crowd size for Trump and the small gatherings for the other GOP candidates? When is the last time anyone saw a huge crowd for Hillary? It may be anecdotal, but for the deeply troubled times we are in I think it might be a neon sign that a Trump win is already baked in.
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I think there might have already been a "tipping point" for the silent majority. Just check out the gun sales from the last 5 years, it’s like Al Gore’s hockey stick “global warming” line. They obviously aren’t all GOP voters. I think a lot of people won’t be telling pollers they’re voting for Trump, who will enthusiastically be voting for Trump. Also, have you noticed the difference in crowd size for Trump and the small gatherings for the other GOP candidates? When is the last time anyone saw a huge crowd for Hillary? It may be anecdotal, but for the deeply troubled times we are in I think it might be a neon sign that a Trump win is already baked in.



Lots of middle and working class Democrats will be voting for Trump.


It would usually mean a landslide, but unfortunately one thing I didn't anticipate and factor in was that establishment Republicans will be voting for Hillary. So, the general election is up in the air. Also, the GOP still has many ways to deny Trump the nomination.

Regardless of whether Trump becomes president, the realignment of the American electorate will stick.


From the foreseeable future, it will be:


(A) Upper Middle Class And Above + Lower Class + Non-Whites Across All Classes




(B) Middle Class / Working Class Whites

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Lots of middle and working class Democrats will be voting for Trump.


It would usually mean a landslide, but unfortunately one thing I didn't anticipate and factor in was that establishment Republicans will be voting for Hillary. So, the general election is up in the air. Also, the GOP still has many ways to deny Trump the nomination.


When I see the term "establishment Republicans" I think of businessmen and politicians who's main goal is to have the cheapest labor possible. I don't think there are many middle and working class GOP voters who consider themselves as establishment. I think people in general are getting wise to the deep corruption of both parties.

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When I see the term "establishment Republicans" I think of businessmen and politicians who's main goal is to have the cheapest labor possible. I don't think there are many middle and working class GOP voters who consider themselves as establishment. I think people in general are getting wise to the deep corruption of both parties.


I agree. The establishment are basically upper middle and above professionals. I think the Dems are going to be shocked by how many people they previously considered to be enemies will be supporting Hillary.


National Review will end up endorsing Hillary. George Will and Krauthammer will endorse Hillary on air on Fox News.


That's the realignment.

Wall St Journal will endorse Hillary. That obviously will only surprise Democrats. Hillary is as whored out to Wall St as any Republican.

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Meet The Depressed showed a new poll by the Des Moines newspaper with Cruz jumping out front with 31% to the Donald's 21%.


You can tell by the results that the Des Moines poll is fraudulent. Isn't that paper kind of known for it's dishonesty? I think that the far left wants Cruz as the GOP candidate because they know his evangelist persona won't play at all in a general election. The only way Cruz wins is if the Hillary campaign implodes somehow.

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The fact that people who support Obama, Hill-dog, and Bernie Sanders hate him with such passion leads me to believe he may not be all bad. Of course, I also know if he was polling well as a Dem most of these same people would rationalize support for him.


That's obvious, given their support for Shrill.

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Pew came out with a poll showing the middle class eroding in America since 1970 and how hard the economic near collapse at the end of Bush's presidency has really hit middle class people hard and he connects it to Trumps rise. Food for thought



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When I see the term "establishment Republicans" I think of businessmen and politicians who's main goal is to have the cheapest labor possible. I don't think there are many middle and working class GOP voters who consider themselves as establishment. I think people in general are getting wise to the deep corruption of both parties.

and you think trump will help the working class? the only thing that will help unskilled, uneducated workers from now on is a higher minimum wage. because that's what they are going to be making. that''s inevitable if pure capitalism decides wages. trump aint gonna change that nor is he going to fight for a livable minimum wage. as i said earlier, the best hope for the working class is bernie but they unable to see that, at least on the right.

The fact that people who support Obama, Hill-dog, and Bernie Sanders hate him with such passion leads me to believe he may not be all bad. Of course, I also know if he was polling well as a Dem most of these same people would rationalize support for him.

i don't know a single dem that would support a candidate that advanced the idea of closing the borders to a particular religious group. not one.


I agree. The establishment are basically upper middle and above professionals. I think the Dems are going to be shocked by how many people they previously considered to be enemies will be supporting Hillary.


National Review will end up endorsing Hillary. George Will and Krauthammer will endorse Hillary on air on Fox News.


That's the realignment.

Wall St Journal will endorse Hillary. That obviously will only surprise Democrats. Hillary is as whored out to Wall St as any Republican.

you may well be correct. guess who wins in that scenario?

Edited by birdog1960
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i don't know a single dem that would support a candidate that advanced the idea of closing the borders to a particular religious group. not one.


Except for Christians, right?

Edited by Doc
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If Obama had said it I'm sure you guys would have found a way to put it in an understandable context.

he'd never say it despite what the extreme right propaganda machine implies. over 7 years and never an utterance remotely related. but trump, well you know…and he's gaining support. we were at a diner this am after church with a republican couple. and they were stunned and saddened by the response of so much of the populace to trump. i guess we spoke too loudly as several tables looked daggers at us. scary times indeed.

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turddog just doesn't know any Dems that haven't read the classics.


After Trump wins Iowa and New Hampshire, the exit polls will show plenty of working and middle class Dems voting for Trump.


It will actually spark a bit of panic and debate in the mainstream media. Are these Dems trying to rig the general by promoting the "easier candidate to beat" in Trump? Or are they legitimate crossover voters?

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