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Trump Alone at the Top

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Exactly. The SoProgs did it seven years ago and look at how FUBAR'ed the world is these days.


Eight more years. Eight more years.

. the further irony is that many of the same voters would likely fare better financially under bernie's programs.


The irony is you thinking that blowing up the US economy is going to help the lower middle class.

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All Iranians were banned, even though all were not terrorists.


Trump proposes banning all Muslims, even though the majority are not terrorists.





Following bad analogies with inept predicates doesn't cure your argument's defects.


We have treaties with countries, not religions. Setting aside how absurd it would be to even begin trying to enforce such a stupid proposal, and setting aside how morally abhorrent it is and how it flies in the face of what we are as a country, immigration doesn't work in a way that Trump "proposes." I put that in quotes because it was one of Trumps many unsupportable ideas that flow from his ceaselessly blathering mouth with no care for practicality, the law, or diplomacy.


Trump has almost no chance of winning the nomination so it's not a concern on that front but that people here choose to defend such an abhorrent and dangerous person is frightening. I thought going into this cycle that Cruz and Clinton would be the two scariest people running...Congrats to Trump for proving me wrong.

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Read the second sentence last paragraph. Read it out loud to yourself at least three times.

read this conclusion that is under review for publication in a scholarly journal concentrating on statistics:


With proper statistical adjustment, non-representative polls can be used to generate accurate election forecasts, and often faster and at less expense than traditional survey methods. We demonstrate this approach by creating forecasts from a novel and highly non-representative survey dataset: a series of daily voter intention polls for the 2012 presidential election conducted on the Xbox gaming platform. After adjusting the Xbox responses via multilevel regression and poststratification, we obtain estimates in line with forecasts from leading poll analysts, which were based on aggregating hundreds of traditional polls conducted during the election cycle.
We conclude by arguing that non-representative polling shows promise not only for election forecasting, but also for measuring public opinion on a broad range of social, economic and cultural issues.

read it aloud. 4 times. presumably you missed it since it's in the middle of the linked article. then ignore it because scholarly work has no bearing on your ridiculous opinions.

Edited by birdog1960
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Trump's idea to ban Muslims is brilliant strategy. A bold move Cotton! It's a good possibility that ISIS or what's left of al-Qaeda will strike again in the United States prior to the election and he will cue up the Told You So dance.


I think he has an excellent shot at the Presidency. The media and the establishment GOP continue to greatly underestimate the palatable anger and frustration in this country.

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I think he has an excellent shot at the Presidency. The media and the establishment GOP continue to greatly underestimate the palatable anger and frustration in this country.


Nobody is underestimating the palatable anger and frustration in this country.


What's confounding the folks you mention is that the people who are supposedly angry and frustrated are turning to the least qualified man on the roster to lead them.


It's like starting Boobie ahead of Shady, because Boobie has a cooler name and does better behind the scenes videos on the Bills website. All hail the Boobie.

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like I said, wacko theory. but if i'm wrong on that, here's even more evidence that repugs are the party of sheeple

They're not as sophisticated as the party that nominated the ring a song kid and currently has the most corrupt nationally known figure in the party as it's front runner.

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I met with a young couple last night who were libertarians. We all agreed that Trump is appealing because he is very anti status quo, that we are fed up with the politicians we've been "stuck" with but that Trump is a absolute nut case and the whole thing is very confounding. We finally have someone who is not a career politician running for the highest office and he's probably the last person we'd vote for. Not that our vote in California means anything.

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Nobody is underestimating the palatable anger and frustration in this country.


What's confounding the folks you mention is that the people who are supposedly angry and frustrated are turning to the least qualified man on the roster to lead them.


It's like starting Boobie ahead of Shady, because Boobie has a cooler name and does better behind the scenes videos on the Bills website. All hail the Boobie.

We elected Obama twice as a country, so the electorate as a whole is capable of very bad decisions. You can counter that with twice for Bush too.

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read this conclusion that is under review for publication in a scholarly journal concentrating on statistics:


With proper statistical adjustment, non-representative polls can be used to generate accurate election forecasts, and often faster and at less expense than traditional survey methods. We demonstrate this approach by creating forecasts from a novel and highly non-representative survey dataset: a series of daily voter intention polls for the 2012 presidential election conducted on the Xbox gaming platform. After adjusting the Xbox responses via multilevel regression and poststratification, we obtain estimates in line with forecasts from leading poll analysts, which were based on aggregating hundreds of traditional polls conducted during the election cycle.
We conclude by arguing that non-representative polling shows promise not only for election forecasting, but also for measuring public opinion on a broad range of social, economic and cultural issues.

read it aloud. 4 times. presumably you missed it since it's in the middle of the linked article. then ignore it because scholarly work has no bearing on your ridiculous opinions.




"It’s all about the adjustment."

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Living in a socialist country which is now currenty ruled under an extreme liberal, political correct government here in Canada I am not afraid to admit I am a fan of this Donald Trump guy.


Sunny ways, sunny ways my comrade.

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"It’s all about the adjustment."

it's all about the fact that opt in polls can be as valuable as traditional pools. therefore, calling someone an idiot for citing such a poll is moronic, juvenile, brutish, ignorant and generally in bad taste. kinda like trump. no wonder your views are seriously considered by some here.

Edited by birdog1960
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it's all about the fact that opt in polls can be as valuable as traditional pools. therefore, calling someone an idiot for citing such a poll is moronic, juvenile, brutish, ignorant and generally in bad taste. kinda like trump. no wonder your views are seriously considered by some here.


Calling you an idiot for citing such a poll is entirely accurate when you have absolutely no insight into the adjustments that were made to it.


It used to be sad that I had to spoon-feed common sense to you. Now it's just par for the course.

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Trump is no more racist than mainstream Israeli policy

Israeli politicians are joining the global pushback against Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim racism. But guess what other country bans Muslim immigration?

[insert "It's not the same. Muslims hate Jews but not Americans" argument here]

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Trump is no more racist than mainstream Israeli policy

Israeli politicians are joining the global pushback against Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim racism. But guess what other country bans Muslim immigration?

[insert "It's not the same. Muslims hate Jews but not Americans" argument here]


It's not the same because Israel doesn't ban Muslim immigration.

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