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Trump Alone at the Top

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I would like to see specific samples of this, but you can't lose your rights without due process, so whatever it is you're referring to, if we ARE taking away rights without due process, then I have a problem with that as well.


We just spent four years listening to phucktards say they were okay with Obama's executive actions because someone else did something like it. We don't need to be that phucktard just because we're pissed about the GOP.


TOTALLY AGREE...freedoms have costs and side effects - free speech leads to phucktards like Rachel Maddow and others...likewise the highest gun violence rate in the free world is simply the cost of freedom that we are willing to live with....

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Of course it's not a coincidence. Hill has less syllables.


I know Reagan was dumb and all, thus fewer syllables, but I think he was foreshadowing Hillary. Instead of Shining City on a Hill/plateau/mountain/peak/summit, if he weren't into Hillary he would have cut syllables in other places too, like:


Bright town on a peak




Mint burg on a crest




Oh no, my friend, RR was clearly endorsing Hillary all those years ago.

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Or what others refer to as due process.


Is it possible none of you guys in favor of this understand what due process is about? I mean, the left understands because they prefer you have NO rights at all.


But some of you (not you...everyone knows you're a leftist) better pay attention, because Trump's inner-liberal is coming out, and all you're doing is trying to justify it.


Be careful what you wish for...


In NY, under the NY SAFE Act, a licensing officer can order the removal of weapons and revocation of a license based on a doctor's report of mental illness. It's a convoluted process, with the doctor reporting to the mental hygiene department, who sends the info to the state criminal justice services, who sends it to the local licensing officers. But it's administrative, not judicial.


The SAFE Act also includes the wonderful clause that, if anyone says you're mentally ill, you can't have a license granted or renewed.

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In NY, under the NY SAFE Act, a licensing officer can order the removal of weapons and revocation of a license based on a doctor's report of mental illness. It's a convoluted process, with the doctor reporting to the mental hygiene department, who sends the info to the state criminal justice services, who sends it to the local licensing officers. But it's administrative, not judicial.


The SAFE Act also includes the wonderful clause that, if anyone says you're mentally ill, you can't have a license granted or renewed.


Sounds like a Cuomo plan to me.

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Or what others refer to as due process.

Is it possible none of you guys in favor of this understand what due process is about? I mean, the left understands because they prefer you have NO rights at all.

But some of you (not you...everyone knows you're a leftist) better pay attention, because Trump's inner-liberal is coming out, and all you're doing is trying to justify it.

Be careful what you wish for...

You're a leftist.


I can see both sides of the argument. If you're a suspected terrorist you can't fly. Where's the due process in that? We're continually told that the terrorists are coming after us. Be afraid, be very afraid. We don't want them to have "assault weapons".


At the same time, what about innocent until proven guilty? What does it take to get on "the list"? Wasn't Ted Kennedy on it at one time?


But really, more than anything, I think it is election year political posturing and pissing in the wind. They mention all the past shootings. Why didn't they do something then?


Omar was not on the list and passed a background check. San Bernardino guys legally bought theirs. What's the point exactly?

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Some more proof that Trump is playing you like a cheap fiddle.


Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, already owns a TV-production business, according to the publication. But as his bombastic campaign-trail sound bites continue to win him airtime, he may be working on an outside project: a possible "Trump News" cable empire, sources toldVanity Fair.


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If you're a suspected terrorist you can't fly. Where's the due process in that?


Okay...let's do this simply and try to pull you into a proper state of awareness: In America, what is the one big difference between flying on a plane and buying a gun?

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Trump campaign proceeding as expected. Lewandowski is out.


At the end of the Trump campaign and possible presidency, Trump's advisory circle will consist of a single person.


Hillary's will consist of a bunch of people, whose photos you can find in the dictionary next to the word CRONIES.

Edited by Observer
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At the end of the Trump campaign and possible presidency, Trump's advisory circle will consist of a single person.


Hillary's will consist of a bunch of people, whose photos you can find in the dictionary next to the word CRONIES FROM PRISON.

Fixed it for you.

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